Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1336

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1312 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 240. 1911. S°PP“°* For su plies for the United States courts and éudicial officers, to be ex ended) under the direction of the Attorney eneral, for the fiscal . P year nineteen hundred and six, Efty-four cents; D°P°'”¤°¤*°‘·*€¤· DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE culture. ° F°’°g‘ S*="*°°~ General expenses, Forest Service: To su ply a deficienc in the Gm mexpenm appropriation "General expenses, Forest Service/’ includihg each and every_ object authorized by law and specified in the appro riation of four million hundred and seventy-two thousand nine liiundred dollars under this title in the "Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven," applroved lllay twenty-sixth, nineteen _ hundred and ten, nine hundred thousand dollars. ` {,';*;g{}§;gg{g};,°m_ Enforcement of the insecticide Act: To enable the Secretary of mi u m. Agriculture during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven to ” ’°‘ carry into effect the provisions of the Act of April twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An Act for preventing the manufacpurg, sale, o1;;;·ansp(§>rt;»,ltion_of achultgrated cg- npssbiganded (lgaris grgeps, ea arsena ,an o ermsecici es an a o ungici es, an or re lating traHic_therein and for th r ," th 't f Wgaushington and elsewhere, including cliieigilizlalloaflliimaraltilus, ghgiiiicalls and supplies, repairs to apparatus, rent, glas, electric current, official traveling expenses, telegraph and telep one service, exprem and frexigt charges, and all other expenses, employing such assistants, cler , and other persons as may be considered necessary for the purposes named, thirty-five thousand dollars. {ogg; i¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤1 For the payment of all necessalgi expenses involved in the interment wggpiznznnor burnin, of the bodies of men who were _ ed while in the employment of the · Department of Agriculture fighting fires on the national forests prior to ecember first, mneteen hundred and ten, and for the relief of their dependent relativeg also for the hospital services and medical attend- . 1 e un re an 3?i¥?n§*iifL‘i§n“di‘§»nn"ii?£‘*inE*n‘ii “"ii"°il°’i“iii‘€“ i° °°“Ei"`ii’ “"“““b‘° therefrom to be made by the Secretary of thdV'l3‘rii;isii1Iiy nilpoldaiilxlgildtg ommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and to be su ported by evidence satisfactory to both of them, fifteen thousand doll)ars. nnaebniniii ism:tinsimziniiiiisnzi 2*;:,%%* rricc *0* *2 - . . . . . , oymen y reason o mjuries sustained while fightm fir th t' - Smrid fm? l;)uudl_c(}]aud any dofimses on e na ional forests, five thou miniiiimmem mi o reim urse the owners for the value of horses d h ' hom ?n‘}2°n?i°i?i2"L’Q°‘€£h§}°i*’°“‘i ?"°dZ’n" ?°"°‘n““°"* °“Pl§y““0i;i‘§gli§§ _ a 10na ores t forty-two dollars and ninety cents:. WO Ousmld Seven hundred im mggggglegggggvm- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. g§¤:;g¤§;Q`}y;,*g;:; · nunmu or IMMIGRATION nm NATURALIZATION. gggincrieu ¤¤~ Expenses of regul t-' O ' f : F

 n nn., institutions, for nin i?ni1’3Znéi€‘i‘E`n‘§ii§3§‘nnn2`n2*3i°n£“§§“§,‘i2.‘%, §‘;?§

VOL 3,, _·.,,,,_ thnrtneth, nineteen hundred and nine, under the provisions of section twenty of the Act of February twentieth, nineteen hundred and sevend(Th1rt)if—fourth Statutes, page nine hundred and four) which provides: " hat any alien who sh ll t th l ' violation of law, and such as becoffic iiliililic clia.i?gIe1st6f(i·o1§1tad:Susi>le existing prior to landing, shall, upon the warrant of the Sec tary f Commerce and Labor, be taken into custody and de rteldc to the country whence he came at any time within three yearslgter the date