Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1372

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1348 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 251-253. 1911. - __ ‘ h Secre f Wa to sell to the Nahant "“§"»6#ii“‘ ..,‘.§“§,’§;,2§.§.;,t,’§.*‘..§.£%€,.?,§.’;”$ gags @3 mid sm coast defense [Publ1¢,N0»491.] military reserva cna a an asswch · · ,,1,, ‘ _Rq>resen.tat2}ves0 the United Ngbgpt unitary BGM tedby qw Senate 0/ndHrmUlxfThat the Secret£y of Wlar, States of Ameriea in 0 ress assem , _ RkSl$levblk;il&1]i(B¢gSl*¤· for andvon behalf of th?{lnited States, is hereby authorized to grant Mm md Lynn Sum and convey by deed to the N ahant and Lynn Street Railway Company, Runway company. a, corporation duly organized under the laws of _ §helCpmm<fnwe%I;h M h tts tri of land sixteen feet wi e ying a ong e _ gbrthbilgcab? wdsiieiily [Sides of the military reservation at Nahargti ‘ Massachusetts and abutting upon Flash Road and upon Castle Ro as far south ai the southerly line of Range Itoad prolonged; sa1d_land to be, by the said street railway company, 0I't1tS spccesscégs and ass¥l;1;% ·. d th l' t fra tree raiwayz rov were %i.’E’.Z“it°'§tZ1f2Zt,2“e %.,°fi1Z{"E0§’ttiS“pu.p0,s, it shall W.-t to the mgms °* “Y "°' United States: Provided further, That there shall be reserved to the °°"°d` United States rights of way acrom said strip of land at the northeasterly and northwesterly corners of the reservation, and at Rarggcil ltogdi A¤¤°°¤* ‘°"°P“"· Sec. 2. That the deed requiredby the foregoing section o 0 shall not be delivered to the said Nahant_and Lynn Street 1 way Company until said company shall have tpmd to the United States, for the said strip of land, the sum of three ousand five hundred dollars. Approved, March 4, 1911. . cggp, ,- d A t titled "A11A t 'd' f the retiremlgggglilu ment of eiieiqtgigii r§€dicA;.lcto'b;i)c:iI$ecii tl1zAi11i%;" approved iz u1i,§l`i1vei1ut§»—s(<;1cond, mne- [r¤mse,se.4·aa5 teen hun red an ten. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House §fRq0resentati·ves of the United Amy-, D . t States of America in Congress assemble , That the Act approved une ’ mill? M m°,;;d` twenty-second, ninetgen hundred :3n(d&lten,Hentitle;l ;g&nAAct pioligding

  • ""‘·"" " for the retirement officertain me i officers o e rmy, ,an

ed. ‘ the same is hereby amended as follows: _ W¤¤¤¤ •¤’*¤k°¤ °“‘· Strike out the wbrds "in the War of the Rebellion," following the words "enlisted man," in said Act, so that the Act as amended will read: _ "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ltepresentatirzes of the United cosjglm R°*°""° States of America in forziriais assembled,] 'ghalt any oflécer of the Medi z c ical Reserve Corps w 0 s a ave reac e the age o seven y years Jig? sa use and whose total active service in the Arm of the United States, Regi x ei. a. p 6 . Y , Agceifgggmemy ular or Volunteer, as such officer, and as contract or acting assistant M surgeon, and as an enlisted man, shall equal forty years, may thereupon, in the discretion of the President, be (placed upon the retired list of the Army with the rank, pay, an allowances of a first lieutenant.” - Approved, March 4, 1911. Murph 4. 1911- CHAP. 253.-An Act To authorize construction of the Broadway Bridge acr0S8 ["·1°’7"·] 1 the Willamette River at Portland, Oregon. [Public, No. 493. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 t/ie United ‘,Y§'}‘§’§‘§t§$,¥*i,§';§g,__ States of America in Congress assembled?. That the city of {ortland, in mw l>¤d¢¤ ¤¤ B*°¤d· the count of Multnomah, State of Ore on, is hereby full authorized wav y g y " and empowered to construct and buil a bridge to be known as the Broadway Bridge, with appropriate approaches and terminals with a clearancehof not less t}han sixtygive feet above h§h—water markland not less t an ninety-t ree and t irteen one·hundr ths feet above owwater mark, city datum, across the Willamette, a navi ble river, in said city, substantially as follows, to wit: From Broadixay Street at