Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1389

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1365 liélliiivlripc, Ntelpraskahpéisflofficez For acquisition of site under present ·*“*¤¤°°· N°"‘· , een thousand dollars. , Alliance, Ohio, post office: For site and completion of building *m°“°°·°“*°· under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. ‘ ° Alpena, Michigan, post offrce: For a site and continuation of the ·*’P°'”· ‘“°"· erection of building under present limit, thirty-five thousand dollars. Amarillo, Texas, post oiilice and courthouse: For site and com- Am°"m°’T°x' mencement of buildingunder present limit, forty thousand dollars. Amsterdam, New ork, post office: For completion of building A¤¤*°¤‘°¤¤*·N-Y- under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Ann Arbor, Michigan, post officez For acquisition of additional ‘*““’*'°°‘·m°"· land under present limit, seven thousand dollars. Anniston, Alabama, post office: For continuation of wall and for "““*“*°“·‘*"“ gtlfler purposes under present limit, three thousarid two hundred 0 ars. ‘ Anoka, Minnesota, post office: For acquisition of site rmder pres- A¤°k•· “*¤¤· ent limit, five thousand dollars. · Antigo, Wisconsin, post ofdce: For acquisition of site under pres- ·*¤*‘¢°·“"’· ent limit, ten thousand dollars. ` Appleton, Wisconsin, post office: For completion of building under ·*PP‘°'°“·“""* present limit, ten thousand dollars, together with the unexpended alance of the apprqpriation made for site, which unexpended balance is reappro mate and made available for completion of building. mm HL Ardmore, Oklahoma, post office and courthouse :_ For site and com- °”°‘ 0 (rpqpcement of building under present limit, th11‘ty-five thousand 0 ars. . ` Argenta, Arkansas, (post office: For acquisition of site under pres- Ars¤¤~¤.Arkent limit, ten thousan dollars. _ _ · ,Arkadelphja, Arkansas, (post office: For acquisition of site under A¤‘k¤d¤¤1>¤i¤·Mkpresent limit, five thousan dollars. Arkansas City, Kansas, post office: For site and commencement of K:u;k¤¤¤·= Citrbuilding under present linnt, fifteen thousand dollars. · Asbury Park, New Jersey, post office: For site and completion of Mbmv P•*¥·N··'· building under present limit, thirty-three thousand dollars. Ashland, Kentucky, post office: For acquisition of site under pres- A¤h*¤¤d·KY· ent limit, eight thousand dollars. _ _ _ ‘ Ashland, Ohio, post office: For acquisition of site under present M¤*··¤d·°***•>· limit, fifteen thousand dollars. _ _ Ashtabula, Ohio, post office: For completion of building under A¤h¢nb¤l•.0¤|0. present limit, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ Athol, Massachusetts, post office: For site and cont1nuation.of M\w¤.M¤¤- building under present limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. Atlanta, Texas, ost office: For acquisition of site under present ·'*"**”'“-"°"· limit, five thousaml) dollars. Auburn, New York, post office and courthouse:_F`or commence- ·*“"“”*·N·Y· ment of enlargement, extension, remodeling or improvement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. Augusta, Georgia, post office and courthouse: The Secretary of j§;§g;';逓g,¤w“m the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered to exchange and therized. conve the new Federal building site in the city of Augusta, Georgia, boundled by Walker, Ford, and Telfair Streets and the alley on the west, for the site belonging to said city of Augusta bounded by_Walker, Ford, Telfair, and Jackson Streets, and to lpay to said city such amount in addition, not exceeding sixteen thousand dollars, as he _ mav deem equitable: Provided, That the exchangeabove authorized {,"’u°rgjg;g Oipmm shall be contingent u on the agreement of said pity of Augusta to ggrggpgn by ciw ¤ porches; the presentgiederal bmlélgigtgnrghetsite tpigeorg at their ‘ air mar et va ue to ascertame e cre ary o e reasury; which sale of the, present post office `éte and buildinglto said city is hereby authorized to be made upon such terms as the Secretary of SST·l~0°—-ver. 36, rrr 1-ll-—-S8 -