Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1391

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1367 Beverly, Massachusetts, post office: For completion of building B°"°"Y·"'•=¤~ under pgesent limit, fourteen thousand dollars. Big apids, Michigan, post office: For site and commencement of Bl! R¤i>i¤¤· Michbuilding under present limit, fourteen thousand dollars. _ Big tone Gap, _V1rginia, (post office and courthouse: For site and B" S“’“° G“p· v“‘ Eopppletron of urlding un er present limit, eighty-five thousand 0 ars. Billings, Montana, post office: For site and continuation of build- B““¤¤¤· M¤¤*=· inggunder present limit, twenty thousand dollars. - irming am, Alabama, post office: For acquisition of site under B*"¤*¤8¤¤¤¤· ·‘·*¤· present limit, two hundred thousand dollars. 4 Bismarck, North Dakota, post office and courthouse: For site and B*°m°*°*- N- D·*· continuation of building under present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. Blackwell, Oklahoma, post office: For site and commencement of Bl¤¤¤W¤¤» 0k1·· - building under present limit, ten thousand dollars. Bloomington, Indiana, post office: For site and continuation of B'°°¤¤i¤8*¤¤· i¤•*· building under yiresent limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. " Blue Island, llinois, post office: For site and commencement of Bl“° ‘¤l¤¤d·m· building under present limit, sixteen thousand dollars. . Bonham, Texas, post office: For a site and continuation of the B°°"°'¤1'*`°¤· erection of building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. . Boston, Massachusetts, appraisers} stores: For site and continua- Qgigggeffseiom sign of building under present limit, two hundred and fifty thousand o ars. Boston, Massachusetts, customhouse: For continuation of the en- c““‘°”***°“°°· la ement, extension, remodeling, or 'improvement of the building urider resent limit, five hundred thousand dollars. Bowlfing Green, Kentucky, post office and courthouse: For site and °°°'"““G'°°“*K" piopppletion of building under present limit, twenty-five thousand . o ars. Boyne City, Michigan, (post office: For acquisition of site under B°Y“° C“Y·M‘°*‘· present limit, ten thousan dollars. Bozeman, Montana, ost office: For site and commencement of B°’°”‘¤¤-M°¤’· building under present liymit, fifteen thousand dollars. Braddock; Pennsylvania, post office: For site and continuation of "“""‘°°"· *’°· building under present limit, eighty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. Bradford, Pennsylvania, post office: For completion of building *"“‘“*""· "*‘· under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. _ • Brattleboro, Vermont, ost office and courthouse: For site and con- “"""°"°‘°· ‘ ‘~ tinuation of building undgr present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. _ Brazil, Indiana, post office: For site and completion of building ”"“”"·l""· under resent limit, twelve thousand dollars. _ _ Brigllam City, Utah, post office: F or site and commencement of ”“¥"“‘“C">`·U‘“"· building under present limit, seven thousand dollars. _ _ _ Bristol, Connecticut, post office: For site and continuation of build- B“"°‘·°°““· in under present limit, fifty-four thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ Iiiristol, Pennsylvania, post office: For site and continuation of ’},:;Y&‘“· building under resent limit, forty thousand dollars: Promdgd, That crrangé ts site arrthe Secretary of the T reasury be, and he is hereby, autlrorized and ‘“§‘§,i°§,g8_ em owered, in his discretion, in lieu of erecting the said post office buillling upon the site at the south corner of Pond and l\l_ulber·ry Streets, to exchange said site for (a) a suitable site in the vicinity of the railroad station about to be established in the neighborhood of Prospect Street, Beaver Dam Road and Jefferson Avenue in the said borou h of Bristol on the new alignment in said borough of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, and (b) the payment by the P*“`m°"“"°"“°”‘ owner or owners of such new site to said Secretary o such amount in cash as may equal the fair difference in value, if any, between such sites. In the event of such exchange, the Secretary of the Treasury