Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1407

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 285. 19fl. 1383 th'I‘itus:1ill‘e; Pennsylvania, post office: For additional for site, five “*°¤*m¤·*’°· ousan lkm. ` Topeka, Kanssstpost office and courthouse: For the enlargement, mm Km extension, remodeling, and improving the public building in the city of Topeka, Kansas, now used for a post office, courthouse, and for ‘ phther puirploslfs., mcluding heating, p umbing, lighting, one hundred ousan o am. , Traverse City Michigan, post office and customhouse: For com-V "¤*¤¤¤¢°“Y·“‘°*’· mencement of the enlargement,_extens1pn, remodeling, or improvement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. Tucsgn, Arizonaiipostfipffice End coxértl plusez For acquisition of '¤`¤¢=¤¤n.¤**— site un er resent imit, teen thousand dollars. · d ’5upel0, glississippi, post office: For site for building, ten thousand '*`¤P•=1¤.1¤¤¤- o ars. ht;-`1‘1win Fallls, Idalilohplqst office: For acquisition of site under present Twin ¥¤11¤· Id•·‘¤°- ' `t tenthousand dollars. · • Uriion, South Carolina, post office: For site and continuation of Union. s. G- building under Iiresent limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ Union City, enncssee, post office: For site and continuation of Union ci¢y.'1`¢¤¤· building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. Urbalna, Illinoisilggst office: Fplr site sing ppmmencement of build- Urbana, H1- ° un er present `t, sixteen thousand dollars. llrbana, Ohio ost office: For ac uisition of site under resent Unnusomo. n o dollars. limit fiftee th iisllmd d ll q P lmgtica, Nlpw glgrékhpost of(l;ic§:HFor acquisition of site under present Uma, N. Y. ’ 't one un 'ousan oars. · gvalde, Texialsgu post offitple: Foihsiiteuand commencement of building Uvalde, ruun er resent t, one thousand dollars. Va1lfa)eighty, Nortlh Dakoésai plpst office: For acquisition of site under V¤¤¤v <¤*¥·N·”*‘*· esent 't,t nthousand dollars. prVancouver, €Vashinglton, post office: For acqluisition of site under V¤¤<=<>¤v¤*-“'“**· present limit, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Vicksburg, Mississi pi, post office and courthouse: For the com- v1e¤t¤m.Mi¤¤· mencement of the enlargement, extension, remodeli1§, or improvement of building under present limit, forty thousand_ ollars. Victoria, Texas, ost office and courthouse: For site and comple- Vi¤wr1•.T°*· tion of buildin und,er present limit, eighty thousand dollars. _ _ Wabash, Indiana, post office: Fénzisite and completion of building W•¤••¤· l¤“· d t li `t sixty thousan dollars. _ ?§l?zfhIf>biS§1ebra¥dl(§aé plpst office: For acquisition of site under present *"¤¤>¤. N°*"· ' 't, t dollars. Waligiigtorizuhllgrtlg Dakota, post official; For §t§ land commence W¤¤ve~<>¤·N·”°*· t ild' er r ent imit, ten thousand dollars. _ mtllllalla Vll/’all1siigV\f’Izishinlgttf>Sn, post office and courthouse: For site and W¤1~ W•*'·· “’•°‘* continuation of building under present limit, fifty thousand dollars. co Wallingford, Connecticut, post office: For site and completion of W*m¤8‘°‘°· “" building under present limit, eighty thousand_ dollars. wu Mu Waltham, Massachusetts, post office: For site and commencement ¤¤•¤· · of building under present limit, twenty-three thousand dollars. _ Warrenton, Virginia, post office: or acquisition of site under W¤¤‘¤¤*°“· “· t lim°t, t * l e thousand dollars. _ _ ?r$T8¢i1shinglon,\l$3isTtrict of Columbia, Bureau of Engravingand Print- g’;¤¤:¤;s;¢ggk”q§; d ing: For site and completion of building under present limit, one mil- rr-ami., Bureau. lion two hundred ancf)fifty-three thousand six hundred and mnety- fi d ll d t t . v"l%`hei)S:Icl·eil:!;i,ryS1¢il)tli::I}l`;eas11ry is authorized, his discretion, to 1’¤¤¤¤.ew··f¤*’“°**¤~ procure from a specially quahfied engineer or engineers the plans and specifications for and the complete engmeenng services necessary in connection with the su;;:arv1s` ion of the construction and mstallation of vaults for the new uilding for the Bureau of Engraving and O