Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1431

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crr. 285. 1911. 1407 SURVEY OF NORTHERN AND NoR'r11wEs’rERN LAKES: For survey of §,‘”"°Y °$°m northern and northwestern lakes, including all necess expenses for iiiim M W preparing, correcting, extending printing, and issuingugharts and buletins, and of investigating lake fevels, with a view to their re lation, to be immediately availa le, one hundred and twenty-five gibusand dollars: Provided, That thesurvey of said northern and northwestern §;°¤,'§,':{,m lakes be extended so as_to include the lakes and other natural navi— ` gjablelswaters embraced in the navigation system of the°"New York ana . Cxrrronnrs Dnnnrs Comussrorwz For defr·aymg' `the e nses of the °‘“‘°'¤’• ”°"'i• commission in carrying on the work authorized by -th§PXct of Con- miwlégiiiiwgress approved March first, eighteen hundred and mnety-three, fifteen thousand dollars. * Hannon or NEW Yonx: For prevention of obstructive and injuri- §§},',,§§_’,,‘Q" “°“’°’· ous deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City: For pay of inspectors, depluty ins ectors, office force, and expenses """°°"°”· of office, ten thousand two undredp and sixty dollars; For pay of crews and maintenance of atrol fleet, six steam tugs, °*¢*¤· ¢*¢· and one launch, seventy-five thousand dollars; In all, eighty-five thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. I1~:·r·E1rNA·r1oNAL Wxrnawars Commission: For continuing the work _}g:¤¤¤¤¤¤,;*,;f,¤¤¤· of investigation and report by the International Waterways Commis- vox. sa, p. ma ` sion, authorized by section four of the river and harbor Act approved - June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, twenty thousand d)ollars. Wnaox or BA'I'.l'LESHIP MAINE: For additional amount for the ,‘{gg',$;,,¤gg"*{,¥jg*;; raising or the removal of the wreck of the battleship Maine from the from ¤•¤•¤¤ harbor. harbor of Habana, in accordance with the provisions of the Act ‘"'"’ ""‘°°3’ M gpproyed May ninth, nineteen hundred and ten, three hundred and ty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. mmnroar. nnraarmnnr. m:§,°f*°*' ”°P***· Artificial limbs: For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or *""“°‘“ ““"’°·°’°· commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, three hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Appliances for disabled soldiers: For furnishing surgical ap(pliances ,,,§f"`¥*°°‘°PP“‘“°°•· to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the Unite States, and not entitled to artificial lim s or trusses for the same disabilities, two thousand dollars. 'l`russes for disabled soldiers: For trusses for persons entitled T""'°‘ thereto under section eleven hundred and seventy-six, Revised R{,;';’°‘“§é "‘m‘ Statutes of the United States, and the Act of Congress amendatory ’p' ` thereof approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, five thousand dollars. Repairs to Arm Medical Museum Building: For general repairs to ¥{@§,",§“,f,Y,§“,,;g_ the Army Medical, Museum Buildinxg, at the corner of Seventh and B Streets southwest, in the city of lr ashington, District of Columbia, including the re airing and repainting of the roof, the cleaning, sizing, and painting of) the interior walls and ceilings above the basement and of the stairway hall leading to the basement, the whitewashing of the walls and ceilin s in the basement, and toward the renovation and re air of the todet rooms and plumbing, to be immediately availablle, ten thousand dollars. __ Support and medical treatment of destitute patients: For the sup- ,,,{'°“°°“°° H°°*’*‘ port and medical treatment of medical and surgical patients who are D¢¤¢i¤1¢¤P¤¤¢¤¢¤· destitute, in the city of Washington, under a contract to be made . with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon General of the Army, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum shall be aid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half) from the Treasury of the United States.