Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1442

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1418 SIXTY-FIRST ooivennss. sm. 111. caress. 1911. lars; four messengers, at four hundred and eightyl dollars each; in all, thirty-five thousand three hundred and forty dollars; _ Et§°*°¤“°° “¤i¤°*¤°°· Scientific assistants of the Geological Survey: For two geologists, ` at four thousand dollars each; For one geologist, three thousand dollars; For one geologist, two thousand seven hundred dollars; For two paleontologists, at two thousand dollars each; For one chemist, three thousand dollars; For one geographer, two thousand seven hundred dollars; For one geographer, two thousand five hundred dollars; For two topographers, at tvgolphousand dollars each; in all, twenty- nine thousand nine hundred dollars; E*P°“°°”· General expenses of the Geological Survey: For every ezgienditure requisite for ainlgl incidentlto the authorgzeg work og gui eglogicaé Survey, inclu g persona services in the istrict o o um ia an in the field to be expended under the regulations from time to time prescribed the &cretary of the Interior, and under the following eads, name y: Sk¤1¢d1¤b¤r¤¤·¤*°· For ay of skilled laborers and various tem ora employees, t ntylthousand dollars P ry P y we ; w'1”qr¤s¤u>¤i¤ ¤¤*· For topographic surveys in various portions of the United States, y°` three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately available; G¤<>1¤si<= ¤¤¤·=Y¤- For geologic surveys in the various portions of the United States, yd thriiee hiilndred phoulsapld dogllars, to ble imniediately available; ¤¤¢¤i¤¤¤¤¤dP¤ · or c emica an ysic researc es re ating to the eolo of the · ml h°°` United States, inclugingbresearches with a view of detgexmiiiiyng geological gonditignp Savers le to the presence of deposits of potash salts, forty thousand dollars; Illustrations. _ For the preparation of the illustrations of the Geological Survey, eighteen thousand two hundred and e hty dollars; mxumimwuecea For the preparation of the report dg the mineral resources of the · United States, seventy-five thousand dollars; wml- supply. Ifor gauging the streams_ and determining the water supply of the United States, and for the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells and the preparation of reports u on the best methods pif lptihzing the water resources, one hundred) and fifty thousand o ars; sean, em. lfor the purchase of necessary books for the library, including directones and professional and scientific periodicals needed for statistical pugposes, two thousand dollars; _ usps. b or eniggmgng and prmting the geologic maps, one hundred and ten . thousand dollars; N¤¤¤¤¤1f¤r¤¤¤¤r- For continuation of the topogra hic surv f th bli l ds W"` that have been or may hereafter ble designallgill (sis mgildgal lloriegts, seventy-five thousand dollars, to be immediately available; In all, for the United States Geological Survey, one million two hundred and five thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. B"“"‘“ °‘““'°°* BUREAU or Mnvns. G¤¤°¤***¤P¤¤¤°¤· For the general expenses of the Bureau of Mines, including the ay Am W of the girecgpr and vtélie pecessary assistants, clerks, and other emplby— ·P·· - eesm eo ceat as1ington,District fCl b` , d` th iild and lfo5feypryBother expepgjie reguisérte {log an(dli1I%id;nl,nto1tlie gengral wor__ e ureauol esin lasmt , `ftfCl b`, and in the field, to be expended under the iliiectignndf lllie S(e<llrId1ta?y — _ of the Interior, fifty-four thousand dollars; u‘;§‘g§;§§:;‘g ”"°° For the investigation as to the causes of mine explosions, methods of mining, ggpecially in relation to the safety of miners, the appliances best adapt to prevent accidents, the possible improvement of con-