Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1451

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 285. 1911. 1427 eight hundred and fifty, Revised Statutes of the United States, to be available if necessary for the like fees in the District of Columbia, one million dollars. . For rent of rooms for the United States courts and judicial officers, R°“°?‘°°“'"°°"‘“· seventy thousand dollars. - _ • For pay of bailiffs and criers, not exceeding three bailiifs and one B°‘"”°· °‘°· crier in each court, excel)? in the southern district of New York and the northern district of inoisz Provided, That all persons emplo ed §Q‘{',{‘,?`{°‘];,,,,,,,,,,,,c,,_ under section seven hundred and fifteen of the Revised Statutes sliiall R·S··¤°°·"15·P-136- be deemed to be in actual attendance when they attend upon the order of the courts: Promkled further, That no such person shall be ·¤· employed during vacation; of reasonable expenses actually incurred Pe . ‘ for travel and maintenance of circuit and district judges of the United States and the judges of the district courts of the United States in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, consequent upon their attending court or transactin other official business at any lace other than their official lpgace ogresidence, not to exceed ten doll)ars per da , said expenses to paid by the marshal of the district in which said? court is eld or oihcial business transacted upon the judge’s written certificate; of meals and lodgings for jurors in United States cases, and J"'? °“’°“’“" of bailiffs in attendance upon the same, when ordered by the court; _ _ and of compifrnsation for jury commissioners, five dollars per day, not Ju"' °°""'"”‘°“°”` exceeding thee days for any one term of court, two hundred and iiftiy thousand dollars. or payment of such miscellaneous e nses as may be authorized ,,,l,§§,°"‘“°°“’ "' by the Attorne General for the Unite§pStates courts and their oflicers, four liundied and fifty thousand dollars: Provided That in so far as; it may be deemed necessary by the Attorney General, this apyglopligiation shall be available for such expenses in the District o as a. To enable the Joint Committee on the Library to procure for the F£§‘§_°’°m°"“""“° court room of the Supreme Court of the United States a marble bust, with pedestal, of the late Chief Justice Melville Weston Fuller, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ To enable the Joint Committee on the Librar to procure for the _,,,’§{]§§§§‘,{{,,§f' °“'°' robing room of the Supreme Court of the United States an oil portrait of tge late lflhief Justice Melville Weston Fuller, one thousand five hun red dollars. For supplies, including exchange of t pewriting and adding mn- S“°"““ chines for the United States courts and judicial officers, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, thirty-five thousand dollars. For support of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing Q,-§}1°p°”° M mm"` and medical aid, and transportation to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States, and including support of prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, as well be ore as after conviction, and continuing insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent; or expenses of shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their homes in the United States; for the expense of care and medical treatment of guards employed by the United States who may be injured by prisoners while sai guards are endeavoring to prevent escapes or suppressing mutiny; for expenses incurred in identifying and pursuing escaped prisoners, and for rewards for their recapture. and not exceeding ten thousand dollars for repairs, betterments, and improvements of ['nited States jails,.including sidewalks, five hundred and ten thousand dollars. IM nh K K For the spplport of the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, pmlii'LY§`.q—,' im ausas, as o ows: _ For subsistence, including supplies for prisoners, warden, deputy S“l”"t°“°°‘ warden, and physician, tobacco for prisoners, kitchen and dining