Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1484

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INDEX. A. P¤c¤- Abstracts of Decisions of General A pra•wer° s, Page- , _ weekly publication oi, directed? .. 101 ‘ A. B. Wolmn," Steamer, Academies, etc., change of name authorized ... 234 on free list, books, etc., for; limit . 74

 etc., Property Chim, hilosophical apparatus, etc., for  78

]ur1sd1ction oi Court of Claims to hear and Acaxrnies, Scientific and Lderary, determine . 1139 on free listhpublications issued by. ... 73 return of proceeds to owner . 1140 Awulertw on ailways(.we also Railway Accistatutes 0 lrmitations removed . 1140 dents), Abandoned Merchandise, _ appropriation for securing, etc., reports on. 720 from sunken vessels, in American waters, Accounting and Cost of Work, Navy, may be brought in, free of duty 88 direct and indirect charges to be included. . 1267 4 rights of underwriters to, etc., not affected to be shown in money accounts; reports by repeal provisions of Tariff Act. . . 105 to Cpyress ., , ,, 1267 underwriter recognized as consignee of, Accounting a Coat of Work Officea, imported .. 91 appropriation for establishing at navy yards Abandoned Military Reservations, and stations .._. 607 Appropriation for surveying, etc 741, 1417 Accounting Officers of the Treasury, e ciency appropriation for sale, etc .. 1326 deficiency appropriation for paying claims, Abandoned Wge or Child, D. C'., certifies by 219, 808, 1320 moneys pai by order of juvenile court for directed to allow from militia allotment to support to be covered into the Treas- States, etc., expggises of maneuvers ury; disbursements . . .,. 403 with Army in 1 . 329 Abandonment of Imported Pmlshable Articles, readjustment of stoppaées, etc., from pay- permitted it over 10 per cent of invoice mentstoArmyo cers for exercise of damaged . . 102 higher command between April 26, not liable to duty . e 1 02 1898, and March 18, 1907 ... . . . . 1039 Abbeville, S. C., to reopen accounts of volunteer officers of appropriation for public building . 1364 the Navy, war with Spain .. 1266 ` Abell: Park C., etal., Accounts and Records, Treasury Department, may bridge Mattawoman Creek at Indian appropriation for investigations, etc., to Head, Md .. 1086 secure better administrative meth- Aberdeen, Miss., · ods of ... 493, 1195 terms of court at . J 1116 deficiency appropriation for investigation, Aberdeen, S. Dah., etc., to secure better administraterms of court at .. 1124 tion of 204 Aberdeen, Wash., Acetic Acid, appropriation for public building .. 1364 duty on .. . ... 12 acquiring site for public building at, au- anhydrid ... 12 thorized . .. 692 Acids, Abilene, Kam., duty on acetic ... 12 construction of public building author- anhydrid . 12 ized at 681 boracic 12 Abilene, Ter., chromic ... 12 terms of court at .. 1126 citric . . 12 Abingdon, Va., gallic .. . .. 12 terms of court at .. . ... 1128 actrc. . ., .,. . .. 12 Abita River, La., not ipecrally provided for .. 12 rgliminury examination of, to be made. . . 671 oil o vitriol . . .. 12 Agbrtion, oxalic ...,. . ..,. 12 importation of drugs, etc., for causing un- pyroligneous .. 12 lawful, prohibited ...,. . 86 ricinolelc .. . . . . 14 entry forbidden; seizure, etc 86 salicglicx . 12 punishment for aiding, by officials .. 86 sulp 0-ncinoleic ... 14 procedure for seizure, etc 86 sulphuric . 12 Abrasives, tannic . 12 duty on iron or steel grit, shot, and sand tartaric ... 12 for ,,,. 24 on free list, amidosalicylic . . .,. T4 Abra.g~ivc.s, Arlghmal, arsenic, or arsenious 71 duty on cru e ... 66 benzoic 71 Absaroka Natwbnal Forest, Mont., carbolic .. . . 71 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 425,1247 iluoric ... . . 71 Abseron Creek, N. J., hydrochloric .. 71 reliminary examination of, to be made. . . 673 iron or steel drums for shipping, returned Agirecon Inlet, N. J., I from abroad 72 roliminary examination of, to be made- -. 673 Q metanilic . 74 Aliirin the, · rnuriatic . .. 71 duty on ... . ------ 40 l mtric . . 71 88740%-von 36. PT 1-11--94 i