Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1492

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INDEX. _ 1X Appropriatian.s—§}0ntinued. _ P¤8•- Appropnhtians-Continued. Page. or condenmation expenses, extension of for commission to assess damages to prop- M1}\i·*¤'¥ Road We D. C .·· 242 erty of William Frye White, change extension 0 Princeton Place NW., D.C. 325 molgpmde, Union Station . . 582 extension of Nineteenth Street NW., for b , etc., of two Chippewa Indians D·_C ---··~-- · ·---·-- L -··---··-.-- 373 dy·inginWashingt0n .. . . .. 582 extension of Massachusetts AvenueNW., for Held guns, etc., returned by Massachuw”‘·°"ria;"R0..d ‘‘‘‘‘‘ is ‘o ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 222 7 °°“" ‘‘‘‘· ust ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ to ‘‘‘· V. sg; °°3 ex usiono no . - or ex uses esta ` sa ' extension of Thirteenth Street NW., ggpository busingg. ... . . . 818 D·_ G ---··-...·.-.- . ..-... 925 for assistants to clerks of courts in naturaliextension of Van Buren Street NW., zation cases, September 27, 1906, to D._ C . 1078 June 30, 1907 _ _____,__,__________ 830 extension of Seventeenth Street NE., for credit to reclamation fund. .. 835 D - O ---·--.-.··.---- . ·--..·.- _ - 1347 for expenses of certisiicates of indebtedness opemng road on banks of Anacostia for advances to reclamation fund,. . 835 _ River, D. G 354 for probation officers D. G ... 865 widening First Street NE., D. C ... 466 for paying overtimeclaimsof letter carriers. 865 widening Park Road NW., D. C- . . 888 for expenses, joint Congressional commitfor expenses of Thirteenth Census 1 tee investipting disposal of public for expenses imuing new Panama bonds. . 117 lands .,..,.,,.,..,,,... 871 for House of Representatives, lst session, for removing ice gorges in Ohio River . 873 61st Congress ... . .. . ... 182 for accrued interest to Winnebago for purchasing school sections Cheyenne In ians, Nebr. and Wis 873 River and Standing Rock Reserve- for special election in Hawaii on question tions, S. Dak. and N. Dak., in- oi prohibition .,..,..,.,_,_,,_, 878 creased ... . ... Z .. 196 for protecting lands from overflow of Colofor expense of ap§aising, etc., lands of mdo River ..,,,,,,.,,,___,___, 883 Cheyenne iver and Standing for commission to investigate employers Roc Reservations, S. Dal:. an liability and worknmifs compensa- N. Dak .. 196 tion ...,. . ..,,,___, 884 for folding speeches and pamphlets, for replica of Von Steuben statue to be pre- Senate . . ... 243 sented to German Emhpemr . 886 br memorial monument, Fort Recovery, for expenses, etc., Lincoln emorial Com- Ohio . .. . 8 11 mission ...,. . , , 898 _ for expenses ofA1as?a1n seal iisheriesitc. k 328 gr heirs of Julian G. Bakear- .f .. 918 fora isemento , peyo rex nses,ca ‘ reie tosuerers Plggrah Edward gPu!i; grade, gram faminem ..,,_ _ ,,,_ 919 Union Station, D. C. .. 336 for cooperation with States to protect for credit in accounts of assistant treas- watersheds from forest Gres . 961 urer, Boston, Mass ... 348 for survey, acquirement, etc., of lands at for ex uses, towusites, allotments to headwaters of navigable streams; dlfildren, etc., Yakima Reserve- annual . 961 tion, Wash ... 349 for expenses of National Forest Reservation for road from Hm-risonville, N. J., to Fort Commission ... 963 Mott, and Finns Point national for memorial and aid to centennial celecemetery. ... 350 bration of Perry’s victory on Lake for raising wreck of "Maine" from Habana Erie, at Put-in- lay Island . 1081 Harbor, etc ... . ... 353 for appmisoment of damages, etc., property for expenses, dis ing Siletz Indian Res- of John B, Lord, change of gmde ervation, gig., reserved lands. . . . 368 Union Station, D. C ... 1345 for per capita Sac and Fox Indians, Rich- property of Margaretha Wejdeman, etc., ardson County, Nebr .. . .. 368 eliminating guide crossings, D. C 1347 for drainage assessment Sac and Fox lands. 368 for refunding canceled entry notice fees to for drainage assessments Omaha Indian registers of land offices .. 1351 lands, Richardson County, Ncbr. . . 369 for reestablishxng, etc., boundary line befor ex uses, Commission of Fine Arts. . - 371 tween Texas and New Mexico- . 1455 for sclieool sections to South Dakota, in for expenses commission on second-class Pine Ridge Reservation .. 443 _ uml matter _ 1459 for ex uses appraising, etc., unallotted indefinite, for expenses of issuing, etc., liignds, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. certificates of indebtedness ...__.,.. 192 Dak ,..., , ,.,. . .,...,.,., 443 permanent indefinite, for refunding excess for school sections to South Dakota, in customs charges ... 103 Rosebud Indian Reservation .. 451 pemianeut, for (paying on order of judge for ex uses appraising, etc., unallotted unclaune money in registry of the lfnds Rosebud Indian Reservation, court depomted in the Treasury . 1084 S_ Dal; _______,_,__ , ,,__,,,,,,,,,. 451 permanent indefinite, repealed, for refor school sections to North Dakota, in Fort fiuing and parting bullion .. 1292 Bcrthold Indian reservations .. 458 pcnmment, repealed, shipping commisfor appraising, etc., unsurveyed lands Fort sionem 7 73 Boytnoid Reservation, N. Dak . 458 Steamboat-Inspection Service ... 773 for expenses of election and convention in statement of, Ist sess., 61st Cong., to be in- New Mexico- .. . . 568 eluded m 2d sess .. 127 for expenses of election and convention in unexpeuded balances of, for essential river Arizona . 578 andharborworks, not bobecoveredin 182