Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1503

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xx INDEX. Barrel Hoops, ‘ page. Batteries for Ships of the Navy, _ _ - Page. B dutg on iron or steel, punched, etc ... 22 appropriatio; for new sights and modifyuggl 1271 arre , moun .• ... _ . I . , duty on, containing citrus fruits. . ... 33 for lining and hooping 8-mch Mark V double, for sporting breech-loading shot- guns .. 2 ... 611 guns and rifles ____________________ _ _ 27 for firc-(:011121*01 IDSITIIIIDBIIIS . t . 611, 1271 empty, of wood ...,,.,...,. 33 for fitting, etc., breech mechanisms 1271 on free list, American, returned from B for gzplacirég alpd modemizing guns 1271 abroad ... 72 attery oint, as . _ Barren River, appropriation for light and fog-signal stabridge authorized across, at Bowling Green, _ _ tion. . ._; .. . . . ._ . _ 1 431 Ky}?. . .. 852 limit of cost mpreased, light and fog-signal 537 Barrin ton, . ., station a .. maygbridge Palmers or Warren River .. 300 Battle Agougtggn Sanitarium, Hot Springs, Bars, . ., duty on axle, of iron or steel, not otherwise appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Solprovided ior ... B du-§Ts’ Hon;ei .. . 735, 1412 iron ,_,,,,,,,..,._,,... att t atioruz orest, o ., rolled or hammered, not specially pro- apgopdation for maintenance, etc., of. 425, 1247 vided for .. 22 Batt hips, First Class, iron or steel, cold rolled, etc ... 25 construction of two, authorized; cost.. 628, 1287 lead ... . ... 30 contracts to have eightphour restric—8 12 nickel 31 tion . . .. 62 , 88 steel, and tapered or beveled. . 23 under provisions of pct of 1884; deon free list, copper, unmanuiactured, not pgsit accepted in 11eu of indemnity 1 specially provided for - 7; _ d nd: . p atzinum , 7 omestic materia , etc., require . tin . . .. 80 only one to a bidder; one at a navy Barton, Captain John K., Navy, Retired, _ _ yard . 628 appointment as rear-admira , retired, an- limit of cost for, to be built in navy yards thorized ... 352 _ increased ., 1288 Bartow, Fla., Baumle, or Beaurite, appropriation for public building .. 1366 duty 011, crude ... . ... 18 acquiring site for public building at, au- l`6l1I1€d ... . 12 thorized __________ , _,_,_.,.,_,,_.., 689 Bay Olly, Mich., Bmjyta, terms of court at .. . ...,,,. 1115 Bduty on sulphate of ,.,,,,,,...,,.,.,. 15 Bay City, _T¢€a:., f bl b ld · aryteg, appropria ion or u ic ui in ...,.. 1366 duty tip ... . .. acqmrplg site] forppublic buildiiig at, an- 2 eart _,,.,.,..,,,.,,,,,_., orize .. . ..,,___,,_______ 69 sulphate of, artificial. . ... 15 Buy Ridge_Channel, New York Harbor, _ Basic Shzy, apperopriation for improvement of .. 728, 1405 on free list, for manure, ground or un- l Bay {ver, N. C., _ uground 76 r appgropriation for improvement of .. . . . 641 Basin, yo., Bog; um or Bay Water, appropriation for public building .. 1366 uty on . . 40 acquirirgg sig; for public building at, all- Bayonne, N. J.,f t oriz .. _ . 693 appropriation or public buildi __,_______ 1366 Baskets, acquiring site forppublic bui1d?1g at, auduty on leather. . . . 68 B Bthorized _ ... 6 90 wood, etc., porc . .. 34 ayou aratarrta, La,, Bass Brook, Minn., _ post lantern lights authorized in .. 534 may bridge Mississippi River . 190 Bayou Bartholomew, La_,_ Bass Harbor Bar, Me., appropriation for improvement of .. . . . 647 Bprelirjnary examination of, to be made- . 671 bridge authorized across, in Drew County, assw , Ark ... . 179 duty on, sawed boards, etc . 33 time extended for bridging, at Morrell, Bastrop Bayou, Tex., Ark. .,,,_...,.. , .,... 187 appro riation for improvement of ...,... 650, 944 Portland, Ark ____________ _ ____________ 190 Batesevilx, Ark., Wilmot, Ark ..,..,.,.. 190 terms of court at ... . ... . .. 1107 Y Bayou Chastaing, La., Bath, Me., i preliminary examination to be made of. . . 955 appropriation for enforcing anchorage regu- i Bayou Corney, La., lations in Kennebec River at . 712, 1389 E appropriation for improvement of . 647 for public building . 1366 Bayou D’Arbonne, La., limit of cost increased, public building 678 appro riation for improvement of ..,.,.. . . 647 terms of court at .. 1114 Bayou, (gosggiglg, Law Bathing Beach, D. C., preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 671 appropriaagon for expenses; additional Bayou Lafourche, La., _ --·-~---·-------·----·-. 389, 980 appropriation for im rovemoyig of _________ 647 Battsta, §:lchor, o[ Cuba, _ preliminary examinzilion to be made of ,... 955 admitted, to Military Academy for lDSi.!'l1C· post lantern lights authorized in __________ 534 Rtion; ignditions, etc .. . 1458 Bayou Manchac, La., Bcfvn 0*19% -, appropriation for im rovemen f. 647 made subport of entry New Orleans district 335 Bayllrlii ilacon, La., P t 0 WYKE of ¢¤\¤‘li at ··········· . . . 1113 appropriation for improvement of ...,.,,,, 647