Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/152

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128 ‘SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1909. mlglzrslueof Represent- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- rmaen w. cuss- To pay the widow of Francis W. Cushman, late a Representative ”'$”§‘yaw;aw, from the State of Washington, seven thousand five hunre dollars. SP°“°g 8 or For purchase of an automobile, including driving, maintenance Mmm M1 f and care of the same, for use of the Speaker, six thousand dollars. ’ §e°,{,,”gg_D· B*°"¤· To pay Herbert D. Brown for services rendered in connection with inqufry resppctilingjratesi rg premium {pr blpnds of officers and em oyees 0 the mte tates, our un re o_ ars. wg·}°;§”E;°;)e$,2,*?,,‘y*m'; 'Fo continue during the first session of the Sixgydirst Congress the in gavy Department, employment of the clerk of the Committee on xpenditures in the ‘§,;,,,,?°“"“°'”° '“ N avg Department and the clerk of the Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Commerce and Labor who served in such capacity during the second session of the Sixtieth Congress; in all, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars, or so much thereof · asIr_nay be necessar·y;.f 1 F;ki*¤8¤•¤¤ or equi ment 0 0 ding room in House Ofhce Buildin , to con- 1z¤inan%i°°°° me tinue availlslble during the Escal year nineteen hundredgand ten, four thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. e£·=¤¤*¤ of b¤¤¤· Fol:e1'0§10V8.l of bploks and matlpenal froml tfhg annex folding room, ` num re sevent street nort ast, an m the Capito to the Houst:eOi}i§ce t§o riontinulri 8.V&llgb l1I£1lI1g thei fiscal year nine n un an n, thousand e undre dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. · _,,§;'j¤g‘g_¥‘“ "“"”¤ For the followintg employees for the month of July, nineteen hundred and mne, an_ until the acgournment of the present session of p.g.,, Congress: Fortye-six pages, mclu two riding pages, four telephone pages, lpress ga ry page, and ten 1-pages for duty at the entrances to the ha of the House, at two dollars and fifty cents r day each; gf:°“”“°° ’“°°"°“‘ fourteen messengers m the Post-Office, at the rate ofpgne hundred tmraelephone cpm- dollars per month each; and for three telephone operators at the ‘ rate of seventy-five dollars per month each; in all, six thousand four hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessa . F°"“”g ”P°°°"°”· _For folding speeches, to continue available during the fiscal vear Om m nineteen hundred and ten two thousand dollars. ` md _{€¤0;§B¤;,g;f,°{g To reimburse the official reporters of debates and the stenographers wiingugrtlgccgi to committees for_m0neys_actually expended for clerical assistance, gurl; frggrga clencaliserlxpcesl 015 gcripunt ofhthe first session of the rx y- ongress, ve un re dollars eac , and to John J. Cameron two hundred and forty dollars; in all, five thousand two hundred and forty dollars. """‘“’°“‘· U““°“ JUDGMENT UNITED STATES COURT States court. . ·'·“°“"Y H“"P°'· For the pa ment of 'ud t d d b th ' circuit court For the souiiihlzmgfllisiiflricillcril lilgw `X}brk,9ui1]clb1iG1(i1a?iclJd€; of the United States circuit court of appeals for the second circuit, against Edward Jordan, collector of mternal revenue, first district, New York, and in favor of J. Henry Harper, trustee under deed of trust executed by Mary S. Hoe, thirty-three thousand five hundred and eight dollars and sixty-one cents, as per certificate of settlement numbered sixty-seven hundred and fourteen of the Auditor for the

ll`i1§;sur·y Department, dated March thrrtrcth, mneteen hundred and