Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1526

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INDEX. xliu Chmootoagu¢_Bay, 'Ifa., P¤G¢- Choctaw Coal Lands, Okla., P¤S¤· approprmuon for inland waterway to Dela- additional area added to lease of Savanna _ ware Bay fiom . 639 Coal Company . 832 Chmn: Blu, relinquishment of old, and gut of new cluty on . _ - 15 lands under lease of nison mi Uhmeac Eqwclqawn, _ Com y .. 832 inipegroprlstion for enfogcmp lawn ... 764, 1442 Choctaw Indli):-1lJ (aaa also Five Civilised cieucy appmprmtnon or enforcing . 224, Tribes), ____ _ _ 812,1324 appro riatzion for tribal schools ... 282 Pu·;5d1(;tmn of dmmct courts in cases under, 1094 or treaties with ,.,. . , . 282, 1070 Plugin, _ amounts pai for allotments to Chickasaw appropnahpn for prevenuon of epi- tnoodmen to be deducted from award ' demxc ______ , __,_,,,_,,,, . - ..,_ _ 717, 1394 to ,, . ,__,,,.,...,,,,,,... , . . . , 281 Chap, _ ~ contracts with for tribal duty on, brands, laces, etc . 64 affairs sulajoct to appmval 0 Some hats, bonnets, and hoods . .. 64 tary of Interior 1070 manufactures of, not specially provided limitsuonon, for legal services; approval io; .. . . 69 of President uirod .. — 1070 Chipola Rgvq, Fla., funds &l’.lSi11g·h0ll1§B8 of lands, etc., oi, approprumou for improvement of upper may be deposited in banks . 1070 wd lower ..-.-. 941 approval of Secretary of Interior; use oi

examination of, to be made. . 670 interest ..,.,,.,,__,,__,,,___ _ _ 1970

C pcwa Indmns, Mwhegem Choctaw Natém, - cgxms of Saginaw, Swan éreek, and Black dohciency appropriation for Court of RIVBI bands, referred to Court of Claims judgment in casa of . 807 _ Claims 829 Ohocmwhatdwc Bay, Fla., advancement on docket 829 _ reliminary examination of, to be made. . 670 allowance for a.ttorneys’ fees 829 Clgzdawhazclwc Natimal Forest, Fla., Chippewa Minnesota, appro riation {or maintenance etc., of.., 426 appropriation for advance mterest; repay- Chodawliatchce Rwer, Fla. and Alu., - uncut . 276 appropriation for improvement of . 646, 942 for cnvihmtion, etc., of, {mm tribal budge authorized across, between Pensafunds  : .. 276, 1085 _ cols and River Junction, Fla ... 233 for annual cdobnhon, White Earth time extended foxgdnmacross, Dale County, baud of ... 2 276, 1065 Ala ... . ...,... l .., 905 for burial, etc., o£_ two tribal members Uloolcra, _’ — · dying in Washington, D. C: 582 appropriation for . prevention of epifor expenses of members of White Egrth demic ..,.. . 717, 1394 , band sent to Washington, payable Choptank River, Md., from tribal funds 1065 appro nation for improvement of ... 639, 937 pine lands, disposal of unsold timber .. 862 Chosen gee also Korea), advertising provisions, etc., modiiied-. 862 appropriation for interpreters at consulates homcstsm entries of lands unsold after in . ..., 1035 reoffering . Z ... 862 ; for marshals, consular courm .. . . 1035 payment or timber in_ addition to for expenses of American prisoners .. 1036 price for land ... 862 for wages of Iprison keeper .. 1036 estimating amount . . 862 Chowan, River, . C., National Forest excluded . 862 Iprelimiumy examination to be made of 954 payment from tribal funds to Tay-cum-er C rorrnuu of nm, ge-shig alias William G. Johnson 330 on free list ... 74 village site for Winnibigoshish band re- Chrome or Chromium Metal, served in Minnesota . . . 863 duty on .. 30 Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior, Wis., Chrmrw, Yellow, Green, and all Chromium appropriation for support, etc., of .. 287, 1076 Colors, deiiciencyyxpmpdation for support . . 1323, 1327 duty_ on. ._ ... , 15 Chippewa m of the Milmksippr., Minne- Chrmmc Acad, mm, duty_ on z . 12 appropriations for schools _ . 276, 1065 Chromw Oge, Chippewa Indwkzm, Turtle Mmmtmn Band, on free hst .. . 74 N. pak., Chrcmmnetera, gpPr¤prmt;1•;m for support, etc., of ,. 279, 1068 duty On, and parts thereof ..., 31 Clnrwuhua Nutzb-nal Forest, Ariz. and N. Mex., Chucawalla Development Company, appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. 426,1248 may dam C0loi·ado_ River at Piyiamid _Can- Chwlm Company, _ _ l yon, Ariz.; intake at B k Po1nt-. 909 deficiency gpproprumon for ... . . . . 1293 protecuqn of Indian rights, etc . 909 Chlande of Izmuz, Chuguch Natgmml Forest, Alaska, duty on ... . .. 12 gpprofynation for maintenance, etc., of. . 426, 1248 Chlorofarm, Cwero, ll., _ duty on, ,,..,... . 13 appropriation for public building .. 1369 - Chéorophyll, 13 _ acqui1·?xg sigiifor public building at, au· 689 ut on .,_. , , - . . ... . . 0l'lZ ... Choccziu, Chkr, dutilzzn . . 39 duty on ., 36 Chow Eayou, Tag., _ { Cigar Bands, gppmprmtion for mxpmvement of . . - 600, 944 ¤ uty on, lithogmphically printed . 62