Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1529

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xlvi INDEX. Clam:/imlinn Division, Post Office Depari- Pin Clerk; an]? Janilotzjo Commituea, llnuue ey F’l¢¤· g_ ypgeam wes, _ appmpmion for superintendent, speviulio 1202 ( lz;;>k[»m$m§·»n fcgérk .§'};l;tc474, In 7 ub, etc .. .; . . 5., , - ,' s a gunna . , . , _ for ptgcdiom special sfents . 521 aparopriauon for ... . .. 409, 114 I Clamlication, eww of Pub u: Lands, Cla at lfrmwlalca, • _ tompolgy witbgirzwah of public lands no 847 gpgrqpnauon for..:.i_. .f.} ... .346, 0I,-... ,,. 8(j]6l\(fyl}pp!‘0ph81U ()‘,,.,,,_,,_,_,, ,,. Chanfcafnbn of Qimiaucand Qaqua of Daéh, Clerk; at and Legatwna, 338 1029 Mcrmm or e- a ro non or . . , .vi•i·ng, OM mum dggcimy appropriation for . . . 774 commiminuem to be appointed to . 1 Clerks, lluamgera, etc., Army, Claui/icution, etc., Intcrstale Commerce, appmpriapiou for, at hcadquartcqn, eu-. 246, 1040 just and reasonable, to begllctcrminod by 551 - mab dugm War Department forbnddan. 247, 1041 c ` u n 'nt .. to ommuua,

:1T;(;·0:1)t.i§g:1I;e .. 551 appmpajiation for, House of Representsnew, may be exagninod by commiaion  552 txyes, annual  474, 1177

gugpengiqm unnl decision ... 552 somwn ... . ... 475, 1178 through joint, umass established by com- Clerks no Qengtora, mmsiou on um of cargiqrs 552 apgrqprutnon for": . ._ . 472, 1174 filed by carriers with commmmn, to be c cnency agpmpnauon for .. 1315 pmeervedoras public mcords .. . . . 555 Clerks, Umlqi tfteohgzuru, 750 1428 u Ri a, cg. ap mpriatum or T . , a ti:11 for improvement of . 663 dogcieucy approggmon for fsu ... . . . 224, CIa S., a Senator, _ , 799, 812, 8l4, 1311, l324, I327 daficicgfcy appropriation for pay to wndow 1314 aufor Ccmmcgrco 890

.  ovmncoosa acct ll0 cor

Clay Center, Kam., _ for natumligatinn p•1.r;g:e• only . 830 •ppg_opri•ti4: ix public building . 1389 p•ymc;n;0gor pwmber 27, 830 Clay mmty, r . to uno . . any bridgg Cunicut River . Z .. 195 appoiutméxt for Comximco Coun; nhrgao time extended for bridging Black Rwer, at ctc. . . Z . . . : , 1147 Bcnmetts Ferry 588 deputy, :3:* cnrcunt court of appeals authzgrga 1132 Clap, IZ ... . duty 011,, china. or kaoliu 18 appointment, duties, etc ... . 895; 1132 ugwrougbt, not specially provided for. . . 18 one to be aptgointod for each district .. 1087 wmuilz, not specially provided for . 18 deputies au orizod; appointment, duties, on {me , common blue, for cruciblcs 74 etc ,_,,,,.,,,_ , ,,_,,,, 1087 ClayGfoS-Almcmdé gba-pot 74 festtictiou on appointing, as receiver or a, tc., master , ,,., 1105 sppnipriation for investigating structural Cleveland Nal·i0·na1For¢st, Cal., C ojilb .. 765, 1232 Cappmpdagggza for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1248 U 1 'P 7 appropriation for impmyomcut of channel a.pprop;·iati0u for improvement of harggmugh Boca Cenga Bay to Tsmp?44 941 f b<:·ii..i);£li .. 653, 728 y ... _ . or u c t ... 704 Erelimiugr-y gmngugatgytn }n be made of ’ 954 for gutgmvement ,111:: harbor entmnce,9 405 W , , 9 -.. . 728, 72 , 1 appropriation for maintenance etc., of. 426 1248 dei 'e t' f bli b 'ld- CkarwaLerRi1•rr,]fi7ln., ’ 1 °‘ 205 appropriation forconatmctiugbridgcacmus, terms of coun gg, ,_____________ _ ________ 112] on Old Red lake Agency Road . 276 ClifStom, Ckalocatggzn mndgiod .. . 1065 mon free list, I;mmanul¤ctnmd . 79 vn omas ., { inch River, a. a d T ., detie{en}<-y appropriation for pay to widow 1314 * a:ppmp1;iati;>:d {’m;(;;‘g‘wment of 652 0 . uma ex an ‘ 330 Cleburne, _Te;·., _ _ _ ‘ Clinton River, .a1;?Z.,n gms Clzgprypzmzngg fgr $\|bllC bunlding . 1369 Pggfiopriatinn for improvement of: .. 666, 947 , Anme nn]., J . (' , duficicnvy appropriation for credit in ac- duty Ivlglzhina, eu-., decorated, em 18 count; . 778, 778, 1300 not decorated, etc . 18 Clerk [Hrs, Mzmhars, Delegates, and Rcnklent I Clark Dials, · Urrnmi.;»40n¢ra, ! on free list, white glass enamel for . 76 appropriation for .. 478, 1180 _ Clark, Mmmnmua, ucmre cl? tlghfsesident Commissioners from grty on . . .., . . . 31 t c i ippinem 910 C .ka, Clerk oflhg fimma cy Representatives, duty on, not specially provided {ur 31 a propnatxon for, clerks, ctc . . . 473, 1176 Cloth, dgticiency appropriatiou for compiling duty on, cotton . ,. ;. 42 ccntestevg election cases . 805 determination of _____________________ 46 statement of expenses in elections of Mem- mmm, emu and gil]; ____ _ _____________ 46 bers to be filed with, by political cotton, figured, em ____________________ 47 committees .. · . . . 823 comm, meycerized em__ _______________ 47 by other persons 824 cotton not ‘ 1{ `dgd { ____ _ _ 48 Clerk of the Supreme Court, cottorfoilclsggf . ... 46 appomuuent . 1152 cotton table damagk ,______,,_ _ ________ 48 bond; deputies; fees, etc,. ... . ... 1152 cotton tracing . . ,.,.,...,,.,,,.,. , . . 46