Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1543

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lx INDEX. Crescent City, CaZ_, P¤S¤- Grimm and Misdemmnorsj-Continued. _ P¤8¢· preliminary examination, to be made of punishment for receiving fee for securing . harbor ,,_,.,,.__,,,,,, 955 census appointment, etc  : . _ . . 8 Crescent Lake, Fla., census officia giving unauthorized inpost lantem lights authorized in .. 534 formation from retruns ... _ . . 8 Cresol, swearing falsely, making false certifion free list .. . ,.,, 74 cates, etc .,..., , ,, , 8 Creston, Iowa, enumerator making false statement as to terms of court at. ... 1111 inquiries ... - - ._ .. _ .-.-----·· 8 Cwkrs, etc., United States Courts, officers, etc., of factories, mines, guarappropriation for pay ... _ .. 7 50,1427 ries, etcz, refusing, or giving lse, appointment authorized for district courts. 1088 rnformatron to census giglurnes . 9 C'r·imes, false labels., etc., on 1mpo articles. . 86 appropriation for punishing violations of false declarations accompanying invoices 95 jntomalqovonue laws ,,,,__,. 713, 1390 entering imports with fa se invoices, etc. 97 details from, for enforcing laws relating false statements, etc., in customs cases- - 101 ` to Treastuy Department 713, 1390 bribery of customs officials, etc .. 103 for expenses, suppressing counterfeiting, accepting bnbes, etc., by customs oiIi— etc __,__,_______,,. 715, 1392 cials ... 103 for detection and prosecution of .. 748, 1424 illegally packing, etc., cigars 109 protection of the President ... - 748 1424 attaching lottery tickets, indecent picdeficiency appropriation for prosecution tures, etc., to packages of tobacco. . . 110 of ,,,.__,..,,,.. 213, 1311 divulging information obtained in assessconsent of Congress to agreement of States · ing corporation tax . 116 determining jurisdiction of, com- officrals of corporations making false, etc., mitted on Lake Michigan .. 882 _ Income returns . 117 Grinws and Misjdemzanors, aliens for prostitution or impenalty for neglect of duty, etc., by census mo purposes ... , . 264 oflicial .. . .. 8 keeping, etc., aliens for prostitution, etc. 264 refusing, etc., to answer census inquiries- 8 deported alien attempting to return . 265 hotel, etc., proprietors refusing to assist issuing warehouse receipts, D. C., for . census official in collecting statis- _ goods not received . ; .,. 309 tics .. • 9 issuing warehouse receipts, D. C., couunauthorized use of census frank for mail taining false statements ,,,,__,______ 309 matter .. . . _ . 10 issuing duplicate warehouse receipts, importing goods, etc., in foreign ships; _ _ _D. C., notsomarked ,______________ 309 exceptmns . 87 xssuing warehouse receipts, D, G., of _ refusing to answer, etc., in customs cases. 100 warehouseman’s goods not stating false declarations of domestic exports. . , 102 that fact ,., , ,,. 310 corporations failing to make income · delivering goods without obtaini nereturns .. _ . 1 17 gotia. le warehouse receipt, Dll%. . . 310 corporations making false, etc., income negotiating warehouse receipts, D. C., for returns ... I ... 117 mortgaged goods ,,.. . ,.,.,. 310 violating requirements of railroad safety unauthonzed killing of fur-bearing aniapp iances law . .. 299 mals, Alaska .. 327 hauling defective cars, except for repairs. 299 unlawful landing, etc., on Pribilof Iscommon carriers failing to make monthly lands, Alaska ,.. . . ,. ,.,. 327 . reports of railway accidents 351 unauthorized killin of fur seals on Pribiviolatrng regulations for height, etc., of lof Islands or adjacent waters ... 327 bui dings, D. G. . . 454` killing female or yo seals, Alaska 328 violating motor-boat regulations. ... 463 an seal in watersuiig nt to Pribilof giving or receiving interstate passes, islands, or on beachéeg? etc .. 328 franks, etc 547 manufacture of adults,-Med 0, mi,. noncompliance with regulations for inter- branded insecticides, etc . . . 331 state commerce schedules, etc .. 548 introducing, shipping, or delivering failiggl to give, or rmsstating, rates for adulterated or mrsbranded insecti- _ 'pments, by carriers ...,., , , _ , 548 cides, etc ..,,..,.,,.,.,.,. 331 violating interstate-commerce rcguls- violating in`unctions under regulations _t1011S- .. , Z . 549 for heiglit, etc., of buildings, D. C. . 455 carriers, etc., disclosing infomation of unlawful discriminations in rates etc. shipments . T ._ .. 553 by carriers ...,.. . ..., I 549 common mmers failing to comply with giving lower rates b carrier for transporrates, etc., ordered by Interstate tation by false billing classiiicatron Commerce Commission _.., , _______ 554 etc ___..,__,,,,,,,,_ ___,.,,,_,_, 549 dumping refuse in Lake Michigan, near shipper attempting to obtain less than _ Clircagv -. _ .--...--.. _ . . . 593 I regular rates by false billing, etc ..-- 549 violating regulations for constructing, I by false claims for allowances; damotcv dams ____________ _ _______ _ _ _ _ 595 I ,___,_______,_,________,,___ , , 550 ocean vessels leaving Port; without. wir9· I byaigibery, _____,_,_________,_,_,_,, 550 _ less telegraph equipment ...·... . 630 . nmauthorized use of "Re<l C`ross" or violations of safe locomotive engine I "Geneva Cro5s," em ____ _ _,____,,. 604 _ l;<>il<=r¤ awt -------- · ----------·· _ 916 I vi<>l¤ti¤g requiremeutr for publicity ¤f dismmminating by theaters, ctc: against I contributions to elections of Repre- I Yogrgrso United States uniforms., , 964 I ggntntives, ,_,,__ , ________ , ____,_,, 824 lighting companies, D. C., refusing to I furnishing transportation, tickets, etc., maintain amps, etc ,.. . . 1011 l to females for immoral purposes . 825