Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1546

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INDEX. lxiii UIQSIOWPI Adminiyyatobn-Continued. _ Pago. Ouatmna Adm·inislrat€mu—C0ntinued. rags, mvoxces; addmomzl duty, not subject to goods withdrawn from warehoxme to pay glmwbgck 1 ... 96 duty in force at that time . 101 forfcnture, iff stinprmsed, Z3 per cant in 96 pcrishgbleedand explosive articles not excess 0 oc v ue .. a act . . 101 gnplicatiou J 96 in seizurq proceedings burden of proof on m1mmum assemmcut of duty ... 96 clmmant . . .,,.,.,.,,_,,.,.,,,,_,. 101 statement of cost nigroductnon by man- probable cause to be ahowu 102 ufactlgrcr, if gg s consigned ... 96 fees and oaths abolished .. 102 by C0 ;);', i by person other than 96 except herein progided .. . . lté manu rar .. exportation entnes, eclarations .. 1 authentication by consular officer 97 — lpeualties for violations . . .. 102 forfeiturgegf goods fraudulently, etc., on- 9 ag owance in lieu of fees . ... 102 te . 7 s ortagc or nonimportation 0 it ctc. punishment for false entries, etc .. 97 from decay . 102 appmiscrs, etc., to ascertain actual market regulations for allowance . . . 102 valuohand wjholezlgl prices in c0un· 97 proof, sltf., . . .. try w ence 1mpo .. damage owunce or 1 aunt.: . to ascslrtain cosiof p1·¢§uction if market 97 abaudonmgt mmxmum v ueuotomim o ... goodswi outmaret ue . actual market value or wholesale {rice of examination of pankxm .. . 102 goods not sold in open mar et de- 9 dglivery of ab?11f;1\;>1n gangs ai. Hi. 102 glared .,,___,,,,..,,,., 8 con cmnatiou 0 `t, atc., y t 0 · argl raisers i merchandise nine to , cisls ... 102 gen bgggpoiuing _,..,. , 98 examination, etc. by customs o&cials- . 102 qualiiiimugvns; tenure; salary ... gg refund of gignsdof ¢1ntt;§:i)]¢;:•$i)§£fi6u;.fo}. - enera ers ...-.-.-· P¤¤¤¤¤ 61111 ·- gppmh Iifom decision; oi collectors to be correction of clerical ermxp . 108 referred to _____,,___,,,,,,...,. 98 annual statement of sums refunded . 103 » designation of gmgidant gg custnngs officers n9the»§rs<>t::\ly liable 103 di" ’t,0 bqgpjg, ,,,,,,__,__,,, wena pea1m1g e en

;I;;1:;fb0;;d;_ ,__,,,,,,,,__,_ , ,_., 99 punishment {Er bribery, ew., of customs

rules or modm, uw., w be established 99 _ cffcere ..- , .. _ --- 1 03 duties og pygidgnt ______,__,,_______,. 99 cvxdence of fmud, etc., puma fame of unm member to sit on appeals from his dc- 4 lawful |Dt€I1t · · -..·...······------ 103 cisgom ____ _ ______ , ___,___,___, , , _ 99 bqrdeu of ];r~00f 011; _ 103 rehegrings authorized . ; 99 pumahmeut or sq cmng, eu:. unlawful appraisers to revise reports of asmstant ap~ _ fees by 0Hic1a|q . - ... Z e - Z - 103 pmigers ..,,,__,... gg 6v¤d¢?¢€1<i;;V¤f:31¥¢;p|;¤n% em, prima facie 104 t 1-; t u to _________________,, o uu m eu . ... spggsggmentzgzgtegoris where there is no 99 b burdgn oggroqi gg ;accpsed . . . in ... ‘ _______________________ , _ _ 1u nm orexgn coun nes . apwaggrmpgmmt, by collector, , . gg regu} of iizctions of Revised Statutes . y Empower, etc I .. ormer HWS ----.····. _ ..-.---  ; - · dccnsxon of general appraiser final: .. 99 not toa cgi: presgnt nghta an A x mes. 104 gppeglg to Bogyd og Glimexjal Appransers. . . ucwdqf gl:11§1Si·l0¤ ··-···---------·-·- · authority 0 oar ; earmgs pen m . . ...,.. fi l' f d ` . .. 100 abandoned propert. _. 105 decggnagog cogceggpgs to duties, ctc., final 100 Court of Customga A_p§g¤.{s created; composu- “PP°““-“"°"°“ ‘° B‘"“" °‘ G°"°”" An M smaca»m?:$:(:J¤`;?:¤132§)¤?${QA§`éxkbiiéxiéé {$2 d€t€}')I;la;’1s;i;;?61l.6{ 100 Customs A ppcala, Céurt of (see Cmirt of Gusappeal to (‘0urt of Customs Appc· . 100 toms Appeals). genera.1 appraisers authonzed to udmm- 100 Cwtmnpgmtgu for salaries and expmqes `-ter fmt S ..--...-.--.·---- appro 3 _ » - _ , examinznivns by general appraisers, cu¤» conducting . . -_ ..-.-..·.-.-. #47,1424 toms officers, err . . 100 for fees, etc., of vntngsses before Board preservation of testimony-_ _ _. __,,_,_ , _ 100 of Genqral Apprcmsers ...,_,,,.. 1424 penalty for failure to gwe mformatwn, 100 CuXg1§1;c1(;?£$¢;1¢¥_1l2?ué;zic1§.;,J0S€ph Ba Har tc " ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , 7 'V _ _ pun;;hyncnt féor false swearing, etc .. é ;>r<;;tt?ferred from Peusaxzois. dm- S9? deciggfneinltgfrzgneral kirk; 1 Mobile, Ala., made subport 1 ¤erv¤<1» ew ·---·--·-- - -»-~---·---- 101 l of cing --------·-----·- - ----·---- 086 to be reported to Secretary of the Treas- i Montana and daho, Eastport made subport my and board at N ew Y<>rk;samp1e¤ 101 · <>f_entry . , ...---.. 467 publication of abstracts, etc 101 { Pearl Rxver, Mus., Scranton, made sub- 11 ad valurem dunes assessed on qctupl mgr- a p0rt qi entry. . . ._ . _ 'ket value at wholesale prxce lh prm— estgbhshed m Oregon, Astona ..,.. . .. 519 eipal markets of country whence wl Q (130<;tslBa3* ..,...,.. ° fwd -------··»·— - --------·---- <> en - - -------·-----·--·---------- marlggpgalue etc., to include coverings, g Yaqumn --.4.·· . ..~-»---·· gig _cb=¤rg€¤. etc -.-------·------·- _ ---·-· 1 01 1 S qmcgri- I --··----- B5-~&};)-jéék; · addmonal duty on ummual covenggs. .. 101 l amt o nt, ., name e ng _99 "v¤1¤¤." "¤¢¤¤¤1 mnrket wine, and ; ¤<>nv;11¤ - -··-·~ _ ·»--- - ·——·----·----· => - "wh0lesale price," construed . . 101 1 Customs Dunes (see Tanff of 1909».