Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1566

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INDEX. lxxxm Evanston, Wyo., P¤:¤· Executive Ojicc (see also Executive Mansion, P•s¤- terms of court at . . ... 1130 D. C.), Evansville Ind., appropriation for Secretary of the Presiterms oi, court at . . 1110 dent, executive clerk, clerks, etc. 482, 1184 Everett, _ _ _ payment of force. 1185 appropriation for gubhc btulding .. 1371 temporary de of employees from Evergreen $udlmgs _ execuuve departments allowed-- 482, 1185 on free 11st, not specially provided for . 79 for contingent expenses. . 482, 1185 Evergreen Shrubs and Ifines, _ for printing and binding for . 769, 1447 duty on stocks, cuttings, and seed1mgs... 37 deficiency appropriation for additions to Evers, George Fw building _,,_, , ,,,_,__,,_ , , . , ,,,,,, 119 deiicien? zgpmpdation for services .. -1318 part of Patent Office printing allotment, Evidence, n Stare: Coarts, _ 1911 made available for ... 1448 ' exclusion of pleadmgs, discoveries, etc.,aa, Executive Office, D. C., in cnmmal proceedings, etc., re- appropriation for Commissioners, secre- _ Ipealed .. . .. 352 tary, clerks, etc . ,- ... 374, 966 Emp , , J., _ _ for divimonsinofiice .. 374,966 bndge authorized across Delaware River, for care of District Building ,,,,,.,,,., 375, 967 Lower Mskciield, Ps., to ... 959 Exeter River, N. H., ` Emi _ , Thomas J., and others _ gp ropriation for improvement of .. 933 brigge authorized across Tu? Fork, Big E i§uwns° (see also Expositionsk, _Sandy River atW1u;fie d, Ky .. 230 articles for Merchant: and ufacturers Eumining Surgeomjior Pensums, Exchange, admitted in bond free oi appropnation for fees, etc ... . . . 843, 1085 duty . ,... 1357

 Qprings Mo. _ _ _ duty on future withdrawals  1358

appropriation for £T1i)11Q building  : . ._.. . 1371 Ezpeditzr;/2 Antitrust and Interstate Commerce acquiring site an_ erecting public building — asu, at, authorized . 686 provisions for; amignment of judges ... 854 Excise Board, D. C'., Explosions in Mina, appr<?riation for salaries ... 376,968 appropriation for investigating causes of, Emdse ax, Spegwl, _ etc- . , 1418 levied on net mcomes ofcorpcnhons .. 112 Extplosiu Artwles, Eureacencu ·i isposal of, not aiected by Tariff Act . 101 dutzeznilgtruy .. _ 13 Egploaivc Substances, _ on ’ , crude vegetable, not specially uty on minmg, artillery, etc 66 provided for. ... . .. 75 Export Bounty, ,Ex¢6‘lL£’Ii1)0DéQGTl7H£7i¢8, etc.,_ _ _ _ countervailing duty on imports from appropriation for expert mgmry mtu busi- couutryfpaying, on the same ... 85 ness methods, etc. 0 . . . 703, 1363 minimum tari on imports from countries for care etc., of grounds _ . 7 26, 1403 no . . ... 82 census information to bejurmshed by 10 proc mation announcing, to be issued. . 82 details not allowed to Civil Service Com- Export Cattle, mission from .. _ . . ... 483, 1185 appropriation for enforcing humane treatofficers detailed to investigate frauds, may ment of . . .. . 420, 1239 administer oaths ,... . ... 898 Export Duties, Philippine Islands, proceedings in Court of Claims in matters articles subject to .. . . 173 transmitted by , 1137 Export Duty, or_Proh-ibition, suppliesfor, tobeadvertised and contracted minimum tariff on imports from countries for by Secretary of the Treasury 531 not imposing, on shipments to general supply committee, functions, United I tates .. . 82 etc ..,.,... . .. 531 proclamation announcing, to be issued 82 temporary details allowed to W hite House Ezforl Mani/`ests, from . . ... 482, 1185 eficiency appropriation for refund of Executive Expenses, stamps on . . . . . 219, 809 appropriations for . 482, 1184 time extended for presenting claims for ' Executive Mansion, D. C'. (see also Executive stamps on . . 120, 779, 1291 Office). Ewtion, Alaska- Yukon-Pacific, appropriation for improvement and care of eticiency appropriation for additional grounds south of, etc .. . . 725, 1403 electrics equipment . . . . 130 for maintenance, etc., of gouuds . 725, 1403 Exposition, Panama Canal (see Panamafor changing roads, groun of .. 726 Pacific Intemational Exposition). for removal of stable; care of horses, etc. 1403 Expositimls, _ _ _ _ for care, repair, etc . 7 26, 1404 appropriation for participating in Internafor fuel ... . . 727, 1404 tional Art and istory, at Rome, for greenhouses , . . ._ .. 727, 1404 Italy.: . . .. 345 for travel expenses of President .. 727, 1404 for participatiniain International Infor lighting . . 727, 1404 dustry and bor, at Turin, Italy. . 345 deficiency appro riation for additions to deficiency appropriation for participation Omcg buildping ___... . .. . 119 in International Agricultural, Bue- {0; (pooling expenses of President .. 119 nos Aires ., 203 property in, to be in cust0d§rgf employee for participation in International Fine to be designated by sident; ap- Arts, Buenos Aires 203 pmvg.1 of bond ,,,.. . 773 for participation in Fine and Applied ammgl inventory req_uired, contents 774 _ Arts, Santiago ... . .. 203 approval; deposit in Office of Public Express Companies, guildings and Grounds ... 774 held to be common carriers . .. 545