Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1602

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INDEX. cxnx Internal Rc’v¢mu—Cont1nuod. pgs. International Committee on Ekctnbal Unit:. P•l•· P¤Y of ¤*·0¥€k¤9P€fS. g¤11g€!'B, and aww appropriation for expenses of delegates. 528,1232 _ k€€P€¥·g3\§§1'B, l11€l`€850d .. 928 Interventional Committee on Weigltuund Heu- _ pumahmonta for ivulgnng returns of cor- wg, ' P°¤’·¤°¤ WX ··-· - --··-·------- - - · - U6 appropriation for ex use of amber. . stamps on foreign bills of exchange, time I Confemngze of Amlsican 8tat;?8,1231 extended for claims for refund- Fourth, · 3 mg ---—····----····—--·· · - -- 120. 779 1291 doiicionc appropriation for expenses I atationory for, scrvicotobe purchased under ’ mgmsgfuggqn •g _________________ ?_ 203 direction of Secretary of the Troas· for transporting delegates, ctc, to ... 775 WY ---···-·--···-----··· · ----··--· 1195 use of Army transport to convoy delegates, stprekoepcra, piaugors, and atorekooper- etc., to, authorized; expenses .. 877 giatggersalowod cumulative laavo of 592 Intamtional Conference on Letten of Ena nce .,,..,...,,, , __________ dump, Internal Iifevgmw, Commmwngr o_/Q _ appropriation for participation in . 1364 appropriation for, deputies, chemists, Internatwnal Conference on Maritime Lau, _ clerks, etc t 491,1193 doiicioncy appropriation for expenses of duties under cogporauon-tax provisions- . - 115 representation at ... H8 Internal Revenue aus, _ International Congress o[ Refnyeralion, articles for ogcport, made in bonded manu- invited to meet. in United Staten; no oxfactnring warehouses exempted from pango ,,,,_,__,,_ , ___________,_____ 333 paymp. ... Z I . 89 Intematwrwl Caniqrm on Alcolnohkm, drawback alowed for, paid on domestic appropriation or expenses of dolqntaa, alcohol in preparations exported. . . 90 ew ,,_,______,_,,___ , _____________ my loaf tobacco, unstemmod and unmanuiac- International Cmugnn on Hygiene and _ tured, in the hand, not subject to tax 110 Demography, ( on Clgifi an t,t,es ... 110 appropriation for expenses, atc . 841, 1034 on manufact tobacco and snuff ... 109 invitation to Staten to participate in Fifstamps to be provided for new rating oi, on month 873 _¢ng=u¤ and cigarettes ... 110 to be held in United Station in 1911 or Ingrgational Agnbultural I 191%% - .. .. 874 o cioncy a propriatiou or partacipation ntu-nnt•0M' magnus on Soda nnsronu _ll1, at guenos Aims ... . . 203 invited to moot. in United Susan ,, , , 1034 Intanutwysal Association for Labour Leyisla- International Ezchemgu, tum; _ appropriation for expenses . . .. 718, 1395 appropriation for contribution . 526, 1227 or prin and binding for, 768, 1447 Inurnatumal Auociation of Navigation Con- Intcmationul ` of Art and History, grams, Permanent, Rome, mly, appropriation for expenses of proposed appropriation for partici ting in . 345 meeting, etc . . 667 Internatnorwl Expoattirrn o));`in¢ Arts, invitation extended to moot in United * deficiency apipropriation for participation States .. . . 667 , in, at uenoa Aires ...,. 203 International Boundary Commission, Mexican I International Exposition of Industry and Witter, { Labor, Turin, Italy, appropriation for continuing work of. . . 342, 1032 Q appropriation for participating in. . 345 International Boundary, Paumnuguotltly Buy, l International Erpoaolitm, 'mumxa·I'artfr, appropriation for expeni•0e,arl»iuati•»in•»f.. 344 f foreign nations may be invited by Pruioxponaes ol marking, to be paid lromarbi· ’ dont 1opnrti¢·tput•~iu ,,,, q .,,___ , ,, 1454 tration appropriation ... 775 _ conQitt•»tis£n~¤·t•¢lent ... . . . . NM International Bureau for [Motivation of <‘u¢· . Internanonal ‘rodrti¢· Anoriatitm for the toms Tariffs, Meagttrenirnt of the Earth, appropriation for annual contrilmtion. . 341. 1031 ? appropriation for gavuwnt. ot quota 342, 1032 Interventional Bureau for Rrprearing African , or exp¢·nea• of cleeaton ..; 756 Slare Trade, { International Induw-in1I'm;yrry Barratt. appropriation forannnal contribution tn- 342. 1032 appropriation for share of expenses . 515, 1217 International Bureau of American Republics. § Intrrnahonat Institute of Agriculture. appropriation for expenses 342,1032 _ appropriation for payment of quota and de 'ciency appropriation for maintenance _ member . . . 343,1032 of new iiuifiling 203 deficiency up ropriation for quota 774 Intzmational Bureau of Permanent Court of ; Inlernationnt t jg:-e of Public Health, Arbitration, appropriation for annual quota 344, 1034 appropriation for annual contribution., 342,1032 _ International Parliamentary [`nionr{?»· Pm· Intarnatiomtl Bureau of Weights and Measures. moting International A itmtion. appropriation for annual contribution. . 341, 1031 anjau of, _ deficiencya propriation for contribution to 203 , appropriation for contribution to ,. 345 International xatalogue of Scizntijic Literature, Q Intenmtwnai Prwon Commission, appropriation for expenses, preparation } appropriation for annual subscription, etc. 342 of .. , .,. 718, 1395 ! Internahotnal Rmhray Congress. for printing and binding 768, 1447 appropriation for payment of quota ... 343 International (`ommercial Directory _ K Int¢mational_Reei (`ross Corgferitnrr. Nrntlt. appropriation for printing anci binding; { appropriation for expenses or meeting ..,,, 1034 sale .- . 769 » Inta·nationexl$ovtitary Bureau. International (`ommission for R¢a·iaio·n of appropriation for annual share of nminte Classtlficatioti of Discosexw and Cousu mince . . 343,1033 of Death, International Seiamoiogical ,4am·—iation, commissioners to be appointed to 1 i deticiency appropriation for expenses., 344,1290