Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1620

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INDEX. cxxxvii Lea¢her—Continued. Paso- 1 Legislative, Executive, and Judimhl Ex- Vascduty on, shoes ._ . 68 ’ penm—~Cominued. made of hrdes and skins entitled to ’ appropriation for Executive Office 482, 1184 _ ircc QHYTY --------------—-·—-... 68 l or ‘ivil Senice Commission 483, 1185 skins for morocco, tanned but unfinished. 68 for Department of snug ______________ 483, 1186 80%% -·-----------·----..--------.. gg advancement of commercial, etc., in- 186 BP 1 ...··..-... terests ,, 484, 1 _ varnislied .--... : ... 68 for Treasury Department . . . . 485, 1187 on free} lrst, grease and orls for stufling or collecting internal revenue ... . 494, 1196 ressing ... 76 corporation tax returns ,..,...,,, 494, 1197 Leavenworth, Kam. Independent Treasury ,,__,_..,,, _ 494, 1197 approp(§·iati01iIfor’expenses, Volunteer $0154 1 _ mints and assay uptliees, ,...,,,, 497, 1199 iers’ ome . 7 410 government in e Territories ..,._ 500, 1202 for penitentiary, construction 747; 1423 for War Department 501, 1203 for penitentiary, maintenance ... 751, 1427 public buildings and grounds .. 504, 1207 deiciency approprietion for Volunteer Sol- tate, War, and Navy Department diers’ lgome 211, 220, 1301 Building .. . 505, 1207 for penitentiary, maintenance . . 215 for Navy Delpartment 506, 1208 terms of court at .. 1112 for Interior epartment . 511, 1213 Leaves, · surveyors-general . 517, 1219 duty on, artificial, millinery omaments 66 for Post·O1iiee Department .. 518, 1221 gorge .. use tgt pasta! service appropriations re- 522 .,.. . s 'ct ... on ire§s1i3t,dc;·ude, drugs, not specially pro- 75 ger Dp)partmuept of Juptiegé .. 532, 1224 ‘ r, ,,,,__,. . .. . . or epar en o mmerce an Leaus ofvrgbgmci, Labor . . 524, 1226 internal revenue storekeepers, etc., allowed 592 ;or gglpcnaos . gg, umul five ... . ... OY H1 GS 011118 .~ . .···.. , ‘

 mailaclerks and repair shops em- for Court of Customs Appeals . 530, 1234

ployggg allnweii t,hir1;y(%ays’ ... E 1336 ;or gom1pe5elQourt . 550 regular ualem0ees0D1stn` `cto or ouro7a1ms . . ,‘ Cegllrllnbia allgwell thirty days' .. 967 pay of switchboard operators, existant police, firemen, and school ollimals ex— memengers, etc., rated .. 530,1235 · ce wd _________ _ ____ _ _,_,,,__,,.. . 967 permanently incapacitated persons not to Leaveagf Apbsmwe, Government Printing Ojiee, be paid . . . . 531, 1235 appio riation for .. 767, 1445 supplies to be contracted for by Secretary allowance to employees on annual of the Treasury 531 salary , . .. 767 general supply committee created; des- P deficiency appropriation for- ------..---- 807 izmsuon, dimes. ctc ..---·-- , - · -_ ...- oi’·1 part of agpropriationffor hohdays, 1911, 1448 contracgs for tgieplrone, electnc light, 531 ' bl . L ... an power _ rvrce ,.. . . Lebemonmgmenavaua 8 or Leipsic River, Del., ’ ‘ " ‘ ' th rized appropriation for im rovement of· condiconstruction of public building au o 683 pp thong P · 638 Leu Legg,. `iriitirj `'```'`````````````````` preliminary- Er£1{¤hié»1rE.$.§`i»i,` to be m.Q.r.». use appropriation for canal between Lake Lcmln .·tg•jm·y, Idaho, _ _ Vllinnibigoshish and . . .. 049 approprumons for fulfilling treaty with _ Leechu Indians furnmr? of . . ., 215 on free list ... 70 Lrmhi .Vntiunul !·`orr.•t, duhn, Lecturers Alien Professimaal, I appropriation for maintenance-, vlc., ot. 427, 1249 y, l t, ll vable 10. . 264 ttm m, _ L,(;?l}}Z`,.;,h;;ti?; exc sion us aptii; I f ds 288 on list, juice .. . . ; payment tn, rom 'mne nge a un . o .. Z .. ..,. “ Legare, Honorable George S., peel. not Fpresen ed. on . . ..r... .8 deficiency appropmttion fof C011l€St€d· L¢’m0'{ E911- l’¥·· _ _ } I Fo election expenses, House of Repre· 806 Leprelrrlunaiy $xa?1nation of, to .w— mm e... · ‘ .. . . . mon ru , 1 . .. Legauongenmmvw `'----- " • I preliminary examination of, to be made. .. 673 1 r ‘ ti { 1 k t. .. . . 338, 1029 ; Lemon Grass, _ __ apglr0£1r;:rp(;·[;t:1;(to(l{.?g. . .-.. 338, 1029 i 011 free hst, oil ..r... e 1 for repairs to premises ...---——-- - -·-· 34:% IQ? ‘ Lemon PMI, as deficiency a pro ristion fof clef}? iii ----·- Hf · duty on; .-··.---·--~·- {ti —»—---~-—·---·~- _S purchase of Euilrlings for, authorized .. 917 on free list, not preserx . etc . .., . Legislative, Executive, of td Judwwl E-FP¢¤$¢$. _ L*’”'°”“d*· H spproperiatioo ior1cg¤¤l=¤¢ivo oivcnscs- - ig. {pg Lfjiniggson --·~----------- - ---·-·------··~--. 01’ HMB ···---------·-..--------·-· 1 I , for Capitol Police - - — ---·--- ¢ -----·- 4?3»11]'§ , duty o¤ ----------~-----··--------·---·-·- iii for Congresional Directory .. 473, 1115 , Lenses, l bbl 00 for House of Represcntauvcs ---. 4/3,11io , duty on, sz an or pi q -~-·--—-·. Sl "during the semon" to mean 117 days- 418 , photographic mg pwsccuon -.-·---. - "during thesemion "tornean 210days- 1180 _ Lcpcrs. etc,. gland cj Guam, _ _ 0 for Library of Concress . .. 478, 1131 1 appropmmon for caropf ..~ ul ·. 1-67 for Botanic Garde?] --.--·--- 482.1184 I-<·pr¤w Iioopilclg Hwos. l_ mu ` uses ____,,,, , ,_,___ 432, 1184 Q ap yropriution or mar-ntenauce ·. . . , · ig; . 482. 1184 l dclicicncy appropneuon for ¤¤¤¤¤c· ms fxVicg.P[ggide¤[___________________ 4S2‘]]8.}' ¤gu(·g_______________ ____,_,____ __ ,,