Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1641

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clviii INDEX. Motor Whicles, Army, _ 1*886- Mules, P“g°· suspensipdns for temporaszj h1re,detc., of, by Mdm 03 ··.- i) ----·-·-·-~······-·---- - - · 35 1909, 1 1 1911, - u , eor e ., _ · Slug;]-ds; ______ _ _,___ ’ _ fill ,,_____, iz, 1051 deiiciencygppropriation for B€l’V1C€¤ ..---. 1315 Motor Vehicles, D. C., Mungo, Woolen, appropriation for tags, etc 975 duty 011. _ .···---·----- - ···~· 53 license tax on ______________,,,,,______,., 379 Municipal Archttectls Office, D. C., Motorcycles, appropriation for salaries; duties, etc . . . . 378, 971 duty on, and parts 25 gr moto! tfllck ...··---·----- _- - -_- - 971 Mott, M. L., Municipal Buildirig, D. C. (see District payment to, from funds of Creek Nation for 282 M gucildingiu . C,). ' tto . unicipa orpor ions, Mottville?€Mnu?? as 3 mey excepted from voluntary bankruptcy . 839 dam authorized across Saint Joseph River involuntary bankruptcy ... 839 near ,,,,,__,_,..,,,,,.,,,, 904 on free list, works of art, etc., for perma- Mmmdgnille, W VL, nent exhibition by .. . .. 81 appropriation for public building 1377 101: presentation to . 81 acquiring site and iigiecting public building 688 Municipal Qourti D. C., _ 404 995 t, a t oriz ,,,. appropna ion or salaries ... Mount Ceirrnelj Ill., Err rent; contingnt expenses 404; 995 bridge authorize;] across Wabash River at. 300 Municipal mcse, D. C., 10 1001 { act. re ed 30 appropriation or expenses 4 Mouritnggert, Mg, Municipal Regulations, D. C'. _ i appropriation for breakwater to Porcupine issue by commissroners authorized ... 1299 Island from; contracts ... 630, 933 sales; proceeds . . . 1299 preliminary examination of Northeast Har- Munjeet, Pbko; to bilrtighade ... . .,., 671 Ilondgee list . . ...,,,..,..,,., 77 Mount ant, ., _ ur _, _ approlpgation for Indian school 275, 1064 pumshment for mailing, etc., matter in- Mmmt `mkr National Park cit . ... - ... 1339 appropriation for wagon road into 725 Murderkill Eiga, Del., Err Aprotection, etc .. . 745, 1421 appropriation for improvement of .. 638, 937 Mount inai, N. K, _ Mprel1mmary examination of, to be made,. . 953 preliminary examination of harbor, to be urfrecaboro, Tenn., made . 674 appropriation for public building 1377 Mount Vernon, Ill., _ _ _ limit of cost increased, public building. . 679 appropriation for public building . . - . 1377 Murahtic Acid, acquiring site atrild eréeplting public build- Mon fgeegst. . .jJ ..,,,,,,,.__,,___ _ _______ 71 ing at, au onz . 685 urp y, rthur . Mmm Vernon. Ind-, _ _ _ payment to, from funds of Creek Nation, appropnatiopeigr publépi bugludniing 1377 M h icgserpgces as attorney. ...,..,..,.. 282 acquiring si or pu c High , au- urp ya _ ., thouzed . 689 appropriation for public building _,______ 1377 Mount Vernon, N. K,_ _ _ limit of cost increased, public building. . - 677 construction of public building at, author- Mushroom Spawn, M lined- . - 1} . _ 68 2 Mdulty on . . .,,.,,.,,__,__________ 37 aunt emon, a. us rooms, no monpyéoior ieformuatobrg, rind, {District Mduty on, prepared, etc .,,._,_,,________ _ _ 36 0 um na u or new unc M miguélldiggz ten miles of ... 1002 duty on, indbegolcs or sheets, not specially mm _ ft r0v1 r, ,,,________ _ _________ 64 appropritatxon fdr purchase, manufactuzges;7 1341 on oeducational institutions, e . . . Z ._ ... , e .; 1 ,_____ _ ___________ _ ______ 74 for ammunition for - . 1 .. 597, 1341 in raised characters for the blind ... 74 M Egegulsimumtgxibggch for practice 597, 1342 M pnpped more than twenty years .,,,,,,_ 73 ou ermce c , rmy, uaica mtruments . appropriation for instruction expenses. 244, 1037 duty on, or parts thereof . 70 M _ le;ye;1 of absence to instructors ,,,.., 244 caseslfor .. . ,,,,,,...,_,._______,___ · 70 owning ic urea, ta stxingsf ____,_,.,,,,,,,,.,_ duty Elms for ____ _ , _ _ , __,,,_ 70 for, , , ____,_ , ,.__.,__,_,,,,_ _ Mowprositive for. , 70 Muskime list d , on . cru . . ~ .. duty on; adniittgdtyfree from country not Muskegon, Mich.,fe 77 nnpomng u ____ _ _____________ _ _ _ 7] f - nm pm Nu, n. C., appmpriZi.iiIi-.?i..`i1ii?iifii]i..?i.ii”6ts on Mnapig of llrgessmore Place changed to .. 1347 Muskcts, ° ug arg, ron, dut on, ___________________,________,__ 2 duty on - ... 22 ·Musl··ingum River, Ohio, 7 Mujlera, deficiency appropriation for repair of · dusgkon, cotton .,... - ...,,.. 46 levee, No. 10 ,. , ,,_,..._, 789 —·-- - ---·--·--·-·---------·-..~-·- 59 Muskogee Nutwn (see Creek Indians), Mggi, _ tc d md tc 18 Muskogee, 0kla.,f u on , e ., ecora , e ... a propriation or bli build` ... . 3 7 cglnnafetc., not decorated .. 18 Ifpederal jail trnnsigunedcm; coiilditions . 1792 Mule Shoes, _ limit of cost increased, public building. . - 697 duty ou, wrought iron or steel . ... 28 terms of court at . . ,...,,.,,,..., 1122