Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1658

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Oregon City Oreg. Page. O R - M ‘

  • PPY°Ii:')lc“;l;°¤ {0T {lf {glial} Mid sgéglmigigtioriibr improvement of 661Pi;lB9

aroun 1 ete a s . 664 Osh osh Wis -an-U ’ l0! Cvllstructiou of new on __________ _ _ _ _ 564 ’ " 00¤¢l‘ibution by State. .,,,,,,,______ 664 OW of com at ```'` '°°'°‘ 1129 Oregon Cmmty, Mo. duty on braid ,1 oc ____________ transferred iron: eastern to western indi- for baskets .S. .iiii’.i _,____________ j j jj g Or fla! district, southern division ... 370 hatshlgipnem, spd hoods ____j__________ 65 egon ‘ l Dumb; man tures o ...,,_,___,_____ _ ______ 34 , allditiolgal judge allowed for ____________ _ _ _ 1037 O87Yl»'llil;l, l_ t rms 0 court _,____________ _ ____________ _ 1122 011 e 18 .._, . ...,,__ _ ,______ _ ________ 76 Oregon National Forest, Oreg., 08*0890, - Orsppmgiiatilongor maintenance, ete., of. 428, 12,50 Oggprnoprllptrou forwrovement ofharbor. 635, 935 W"'! .°'"*9 » **9- ° . '"”°'”Y‘“ “'?'·* preliminary examination of, to be made. . 674 all °l°· Umtéd Sam bY» '“b· Oregon Trgmk Railway, _ _ ml _ to Court of Claims . . . , . 580 IDSY bridge Columbia River and Celilo - lunsdlctwni Gtc ·----..·. . . 580 Canal, Como, Oreg _______ _ ________ 230 att0mey’s fees, etc. ; limit . 581 right of watyd across lands of Celilo Canal Emu'? (glands to Fmmdlin fo¤¤€1'l‘6¤61’V¤- grm to .,... 230 all --...- - .. 859 Om consent of Indians; price; use of proceeds admission of imported, in bonded smelting fil? benefit of - . . 859 warehouses without paying duty 89 0¢¢awa, Kara-. _ _ _ _ dqty on, autgmouy; domrmimmou of ____ 29 constru2t1ou of public building authonzed 681 .,,_,,_,________ _ __________________ 21 a .. . . mn iieroue 21 OM`, Alaska, . lead; denomination ..,____,.,,,,,,_ 30 punishment for killing ... 327 mngswn-bearing .. 1 .. . .. 31 OM Island, Aloska, ninc, containing ten per cent and more . . 31 made *2- SPGCIRI G°Y°mm€¤t reservatiaa -··· 327 an {gg; lint, ooyium _______________________ 74 Otmppfmhmgt for illegal landing on, etc. . . 327 ... . ... 74 i 6-, ggbgllff _______________________________ 74 light and fog station authorized on. , 534 c°pPg]_·_ ____ _ _ _______ _ _________ _ _______ 74 Ottoman Elnpifz OCC Turkey). gmggy _________ _______ ________ __________ 75 Ottumwa, Iowa, j gold ____________ _ ______________________ 78 zppropxkiation for public building . . 706, 1379 mangm ____________________________ 77 rms o court at ... . ... 1112 nickel. S`? 78 Oaaahira County, Ark-, " Silver ____________________ _ _____________ 78 ma bridge Ouachxta River, at Camden- 178, 1013 Sulphur ___________________ _ ____________ 79 Ouaciita Rwcr, Ark. and La., tin; future duty provisions ,. so appropriation for improvement of; Locks zinc, containing less than ten per cent. . . 31 and D¤l¤=¤ NPS- 2. 4, 6, Wd 8; €0¤— Organized Militia (see Militia, Organized). ¤’¤•°*¤_¤l1th°¤¤°d ; ···- · -··--··-- 650. 945 9,.;,,,;,,; Rugs for removing obstructions between Canduty on ____ ’ ___________________ _ __________ 55 den an Arkadelphia 650, 945 (),-9,;,,,,,,,,, surveys, etc., for Locks and Dams Nos. on free list, on _________________ _ __________ 77 3 and 7 ... 650 0,;,,,,,70, Flaw bridge authorized across, Camden, Ark. 178,1013 » appropriation for public building .. 1378 Ouifki N90!/_I"¤'¤¢ E¤'¤h'•¢'*”, acquiring site for public building at, au- °·Pgl‘QPl‘¤m0¤ lll? · ·_ - ·_ ·-···········-~- 000, l268 thorized ____________________ _ ______ 689 de ciency appropriation for. . . 221, 792, 30%, 1322 grkam and Emmet, OL for naval apprentices .. 22l on frée list ______________ _ _______________ _ 72 for lundsmenn ... . ... 815 omnnmmz otjenn of An, 0aa¢oaaai Mina-, , , , on free list produced more than 100 years appropriation for dpublic building. . . I .. 1379 begmig importation _________________ 82 acquiring site an erecting public budding Ornamenlgi) Ow bmah ?¢horiZed ~--- - --·--··------~-· 686 I ... - 64 ”“' ° !/· . . duggigg, ggfwgezguggeg, ctc _______________ 18 appropriation, for public bunlding . 706, 1379 china, em., not decorated -- - 18 mms of °°‘“`t ar - -····—·· . ············ "· · · 1113 cotton sax etc_________________ _____ __ 50 O·wner0fImp0r¢zdMerchandw¢,· D _ millinéry and military, silver etc .. 67 declaration to be made by, with invoice of silk _ _ _ _ _ _______________ ’ __________ 60 goods actuallv purchased . . 94 nnsei wiiefein . so aol aemally p¤r¤l¤ased— ----—--—·----·- 95 O y.-ooion _______ _ ______,,,,_____.. ... 54 Ox Smhorgsbment or false ---- - ----·----—---- 95 OT£”;;;:’1;,,%, ___________ _ __________,.,. 72 O wrouglmirorl or steel -----·-~—---- 28 t ., ¤ 8:g;>r0Ii>%atig:i0r ntiic bnnainn .. 1378 dag oa, -—--~--—·--—------·--·—----—--· *2 acquiring site ami) erecting public building Oxfor , MW-, - €d_ ____ ; _________ _ _____ 685 terms of court at . . . . 1116 at, authoriz Oxford N C O’giqv€i£zati0riYfund account closed .. 1062 ·c011sttuctioi1 of public building, authorized balance covered intq tllé T1’€¥;Sl11'}’1-_- - é 1002 I Oysm 0;;}- · ···········‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 682 · ica · , -, gBH€mi,o%}¥?1ilT1?Rt_ ii‘??s.Il?. il .. 863 appropriation for improvement of . - 650, 944