Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1673

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cxc IN DEX. Philippine Ta1*£_§`0f1909—-Continued. Philippine Tarif of 1909—C0ntinued. DUTIABLE ARTICLES-CODt1D\1Bd. DUTIABLE AB'1'ICLES—COIlt1]1\19d. [Heavy-laced tigures indicate paragraph.] Pago. [Heavymwod iigures indicate paragraph.] Pagerice, until May 1, 1910 . 215, 160 sheets, wrought-iron or steel 29, 141 after May 1, 1910 ... 215, 160 zinc .. . ... . 52, 144 discretionary authority over 215, 160 shellfish, in bulk . . . . . 214, 160 rivets, iron or steel ... . -- 37, 142 in cans, etc . 212, 160 rods, wrought-iron or steel ... 28, 141 shells, polished, cbc,- .; 281, 166 Roneos, and parts ... - . 185, 157 shingles, wood. .. . 155, 154 roofing felt or textiles . 283, 166 shoe laces, comm . 112, 150 glass 18, 139 hemp, etc . 130, 152 pa. r . . 147, 153 polishes, etc . 65, 145 mot. Kiev . - ... 265, 165 shoes 177, 156 mge, cotton 94, 147 shocks, wood .. 158, 154 cmp, etc ... 118, 150 sidearms, not Erearms ... 42, 142 yam. hemp, etc . 118, 150 silk, Boss and twisted . 144, 153 roots, dyeing and tanning ... 64, 145 mw ...,...,,,,,... • ., 1 42, 153 rubberoid . J ... 288, 166 spun ..____,_..,,.,. 148, 153 rum . 258, 164 textiles, in the 'piece . 145, 153 rushes, crude, and manufactures ... 167, 155 manufactures . : ... 146, 153 · rye .. 216, 161 _ waste ... 142, 153 i10ur._ ... . ·. 216, 161 mlver, articles, other than jewelry ... 24, 140 sacchmme . _ ... 240, 162 jewelry ...,.,...,.,., 24, 140 sacks, cotton thread for sewing ... 94, 147 plated wares ...,__,_,.,..,,,,,,_,,_,__, 25, 140 saddle gms, comm ... 118, 150 ‘ mlta 6: ..,,_,____..,,, , _,_,,_,,,,_ 76, 146 rib ns or bands for .. 114, 150 ¤ilvergmit.h¤’ mm ____,,,_____________ $4, 140 hemp, etc ... 181, 152 sirupq ..,...,,.,,,______,,,,,_,_______ 238, 162 ribbons Ot bands fo1' ... . . . 132, 152 skins (gu hides and gldng), Slddlefy ..··-···~--.·--·-~-·-··-·---·- 178, 156 slippers ... 177, 156 11¤¤1W¤·¤v -·-···---·-·--·-·-··-··------ -40, 142_ slot machines, automatic ... 188, 157 ¤f1¤>11 ~.·.·· ·· ···-·----········-·----- 251, 163 soaps and soap powders ,. 84, 146 uml thread, cotton ... L. . 94, 147 sod; gg]; ,,,__,,________________________ 70, 145 sake . 262, 164 sodium, mmm or ..,,...,,,,__.,,,,_ 72, 145 stronger ..-...-.. 268, 164 oxide and hydroxide or ,..,,_,,,_.,____ 70, 145 salt, common ... . ... 72, 145 soups, canned or pgtfgd ________________ 309, 150 for swing www ..·--·---------·-~-- 204. 159 tablets, concenmwd, em ... 210, 160 ¤¤i¢¤. m9¤1;¤m¢ ----·---·-----·---~-~---- 72. 145 spectacles . 20, 139 °38¤¤¤¢ ·—----—··~·····-·-·--—·-·····- 78» 146 vpices, other . 262, 163 am als ..· 177, 156 spirits, alcoholic ...·..---- 258. 164 sandpaper., . . 147, 153 turpguting ___________________________ gl, 145 gmtgry gyggclgg, ggythanwgg, gic,, ,.., . 11, 138 gpongggy natural _____,,,,.,__,,,,. , . . , 282, 166 lead, muc, etc ... . . . . 52, 144 springs, railway car, iron or mae] 81, 141 Satsuma ware . . . 11. 138 squares, clay, and cement ... 9, 138 sauces, table . 268, 164 stallions . . ... 168, 156 sausage casmgn . . . . 208, 159 stamp pads ... 186, 157 qmggeg, dry, cured, or smoked. .. 204, 159 staples, iron or awe] . 88, 142 wher ~·---·--—··--·--------------·· 207. 160 web. i¤d¤¤¢ri¤1 -·..-----·-··---------· 87. 147 n gwdust ,,,,_,,,..,...,..,. 167, 154 mgugging ,,___,______,, , ,_,,___,__,,_,, 11, 138 acpising ... I 22, 140 mveg, wood ...,,. 168, 154 gqentgiic applumqgg md gppgmm; _,_, 800, 163 gfggm boilgm __________________________ 19] 153 sclmom.: .. ; 42, 142 steel (see iron or steel). , Bcmzgamn 0* mel -·~---·-----------···· 2 ig. ig stems, crude drugs ·. 55, 144 988 --··--··-··~·--·~---·-·--·····- , sticks for umb seeds. aromatic, and of morbid growth. Stockholm .121, _ ¢¤¤1¢ ---·~--·--·-·------···---- - 55. 144 stockings or wcks, cotton ---·.- 105, 149 gdgble _____,___,_________,,,... 224, 161 hgmp_ etc ____________,________ 125, 152 fm- aqimal food _______,_____________ 225, 151 ww] ______________ _ __________ °```` 189, 153 0l93g¤10us 53, 144 stones, fine .. . .., - · 1, 137 QFIIPNQIOUS smug, unmgunfgd ______ _ _ _ 13, 138 other ____________ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ ~ · · _ 2, 137 Se¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤ -·------·--·... - ..---···---— · 3- 139 z swneware ---.--. I . I I I . 811:138 V]?98 ware-: - , 138 straw. crude, and manufactures ... Z. ggwxng mgchumg, and Pu·(g_ __,___, , , . 187, 157 l fm- animals ______ _ _________________ · _ .;gg’ thfimd- ¢¢>¤0¤ ·--··~···--·--·——-·····- 93- 147 { 118*% b¤¤11€¤¤. Bw ..··----... 296: 167 slmftgng ... 191, 158 · suawboard, plain, not printed. - ,, 148 153 shavmzs, wood ... 157. 154 manufactures . 148, 153 Shawl 8112138 ----- - ----..-...---·--·--— 285J 166 Printed. liilwgruphed, etc . . . . 149, 154 gheamu ._____,_,_,____ _ _________,...,,,.. 4 2, 142 manufactures _____________ _ 149, 154 ghegthing {B11 gr mmm ______________, 283, 166 wm; {61;, etc ______________ f_ ff Q ° g33° 166 paper . _ . 147, 153 ntructuml iron or steel pieces .,,., ; . , , 32; 142 dwew. elummum ...·-···-··- 50- 143 nubstmces, not specified, crude . . - . 808, 168 cazrer ..., . . 40, 143 advanced but not manuhmued , su, 168 I · ... . ... · 68, 1-14 manufactured into articles .. $08, 168 nickel .. . . G0, 143 sugar .. 887 162 un. _ •••••••••• ’ ...,... . . , amt canes . ... . $85, 108