Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1706

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INDEX. ccxxiii Rendered Oils, PSSB- Reservoirs etc Page duty 011, not specmlly provided for 12 c00pera.ti011,with water users under recla- Rm”“·"» , mation projects for to impouud wa- R °“ fr? 1*5** ··---------—- - —·---------··- · . . 79 ter fo1;irrigation--.; ,._,_,______ 926 Zwé _¢’¤-, _ _ _ _ grants to gmlroads on trust allotments to 6 CIGPCY appropmatxon for public bmld. Indmns; Payment; ________________ 349 1118 —·----···----·---.. . 207 ` ° ‘ ‘ ‘ · - RMRM4, D. c., ‘“”°“§.?31§’é‘i¤‘gi{§24?"Z$E%§;S .1i‘$a:,€2§b’,’3T. 956

 to condemn lands for extend- 887 Resaident Cammivgimwrs,

S ··-----·-···----—--- . ..---». t' .,______ Rmappropmmm for memes, Gm .. 888 “”%Z»$°£§1§c}.22s.°T .‘i‘T"f‘?‘?‘T“?‘}‘?T‘ $$3; {E2 » .. f¤1kh‘..L ... 478 1 Spprvxxnatncn for Department ot Agricul- io; §;gi0¤g·;_ ________________________ Algg um ·-—-··---·--·---·. . 437, 1261 tenure of present, from Philip ine Islands, 919 for Department of State . ... 485, 1187 afper March 4, 1913, to be fgur yes,rs.. 467, 910 for Tgeasury Department . . . . 493, 1195 statnoqery allowance, clerk hire, and hunkfor War Department 504,1206 mg privilege of Members accorded for Navy. Delgartmem; .,,, _ ____, . , , _ 511, 1213 Phihpping _,_________ _ __________ 467, 910 for Intenor elgutment; restriction. - 516, 1218 punishment for practicing in Court of im ;0st·OEce etP;.r(:meut; _,,,,. . . . . 522, 1224 Claims ,..,,,,..,., 1136 or epartmeut 0 ustico ... 524 1225 'n for Igepartment of Commerce and La- I 2 011 bee <;rudc gum, not specially pm 0r . ... 529 1 32 vi or .,. .., 75 for_C0urt oi Custqing Appeals .,.,___ ’ 1234 Resins, Gum, dciicmncy agproprmnou or (jouxt of Gus. 21 Rduty on . ...,_,_,_,.,.,,,____,__ 13 toms ppeals .,.,.,..._,,,,_,_ _ 4 esorcin, Rent of Court Rooms, etc., 011 list ... . ...,.. , ..,,,.,, 74 spgrogriation for ,,.,_,,,.. 750, 1427 Restramt of Trade, Cmnbimziam in, Rzpmr hope, D. C., Postal Sermu, purchase; of structural steel armor etc., for appropriation for rent, power, light, etc. 356,1328 slups of the Navy not to ybe made employees allowed 30 days annual leave. . 1336 _ _ _£rqm .. : . .: 1289 Repcrurof the Supreme Court, ]unsd1ct1qn oi dmmct courts under laws appointment. ... . 1152 _ 1093 uties to publisl; decisions. ...,,, Rdml Dea a m Iélcaf Tobacco, H1 snla.ry· extra vo umcs etc .,. . .. . pergons regards as -.. Rzpovrtwig ir: Congress mgnstry and 8CCO\lD¢8_ £ .. 111 appropriation for House of ilcprescnta- sa es of natural leaf, m e hand, by, free tives ·.---.-...·..-.-... 477, 1180 cfm ... . 111 for Senate- ,,,,,.,_.,..,,_,,,.. 473, 1175 except to manufacturers .. . 111 deficiencylzfpmpriation for extra services statement to be made to revenue officers. . 111 0fHc' reporters, House of Repre- pena1ty for false, etc .. 111 genmzivee ,,,,,_ . ,._.,_,_,.. 805, 1317 Retzred Juglggs, _ for Senate ___________________,... . , 804, 1314 apprgnrmtnon for salanes . . 529, 1233 Reports, Congresaiemal, provisions for salary of 1161 reserved txt; of, dglscémtinued ... . . 868 R%or:a, Gas, 19 ·' tiet , u y on . ._ ..

l?{1.tioh ii, to   members, re- on {rec list, platinum, for chemncal uses-.. 78

pwlgd _____ _ _____________ , ,,,____ 183 Rwmuc-Cgutgr Service, Representatives in Congress, spproprmtxon fqr expenses . ... 711, $88 appropriatiou for compensation. ... 473, 1175 or seal fiqhcrms, etc., Alaska. ._ .. TH, 1389 Eu- mi] _____________ _ _____, , , _ , _ 473, 1176 for gnforcgng anchorage ]·ggu]g[mng’ New for clerk §irc . . 478, 1180 York and Qlucagg ... 712, 1389 distribution of documents, reportp,_ etc., of Kqnncbec Rwpr, c._ 712, 1389 Sixticth Congress to retmug, re- 183 f, S§;1l:.§a;·y)s§{1v§{&M;fhI;0% ... led ... . ... or ry 0 0 *c, ., e ... ~ ublicgea to contributions for elections for ccnqngcut expenses .. »12; 1389 P OH _______ _ _______________ _ _______ 322 fm- repmrs to cutters 712, 1389 punishment for practicing in Court of 1136 foggy r§ve;u%;:;;:er:££&. - . 712 Claims. ... . ..- - ····~-. lz 00 1 ·» r ·r __ “¤P***“,,_,§§};*;,,({°’,,,:;’;,°°°,,};,°;,“;i,,§‘°.;; *315;*3 c0fEil.;§,‘%i$‘;;,z;;t;r;,m;.;;.;,‘.>;e.;"a»;a;2;{1;;1; *2 quant . . .. 1446 is nd, Wash., balance to be covered Reprodumpg pzm of surveys, d H _ ¤¤ ----—~·---- _— - - - { —-—--·——-·---·- $2 appro nation for, , ___, , ,,_, _ _ _ _ , , ..,, _ Q Cl6])Cy 8.ppl'0pl'1$t]0]1 ()]' QXPQRSES, , , _ _ , Reamu `Epplmnce8’ Minus}, 77 b 1 f Hiccrs and men in ::f&0§;50’ 1326 on free list . - ---..---·--·----- um 0 ° . ‘ R N _ 185 D_ CW cemeteries ________________________ 1389 ezgffxlgézrned $,0 Diémrict Commissioners as a Fort Trumbull, Conn., tmnpferred to .. 906 property ygrd _,,,.,.,____,, . ..,, _ _ , 383 concurrent use of wharf w;t}_EArmy boats , 9(YI Rescrvatiané D. C'., officers Qelgailed on iuvestiganons may ad- _ uppropriaiion for cam and impwvemeut mmrster whs --.·..- - ·------·---- 899 of ______________ _ ____________ _ _ _ 725, 1402 officers, egxgloyees, etc., may be trans- Resmed Sets of Congresmbnal Documents and port _0n pransports .. 1051 Repmu, penalty fog dxscnmmating by theaters, etc ., discontinuei ____________ _ ______ _ _______ 363 agmnst wearers of umform of 963