Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1720

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INDEX. ccxxxvii Secretary of the Navy—C0ntiuued. Page- S yy. ‘ . · to report <ii¤trib¤¤i<>¤ Of d¤ti¤*<§.B¤rc¤u of excyggaggnge mgrggglme `corpom- Page E%uipment to other burtius 614 tion tax subject to approval of . 116 to send ongress complete schedule of all stationery for internal-Revenue Servioé

 and allowances t;01 éfhccrs and be purchased under direction of  1195

en xsted men of the }\avy ... 606, 1266 to designsgtc officials to control contingent to tmngfgr wharf, gtcq Edu, Hggk, Wg,gh_’ _ 9Xpgnggg_ _________________________ 776 to Revenue— Service 712 to direct refund of excess customs duties. . 103 Secretary of éitate, _ to establish regulations for free entry pureapprggzmtgpu for Agggtantg, clerks etc, , 483, 1186 bred ammals ,...,_,______,,,______ 72 increase .,... 1186 to iz f tri f b1` b `ld` ' for reymca of von Steuben statue to be gmnSa(;1t; Clsuzllmgailj tocci$ fmtggi . prgggntgd (,0 German Emperor ,,,, , 886 um ________ , ___,,_______,_,,,,____ 448 deficwncy appropriation for salary ... 1290 to issue notiiication of countries not afmay purchase sites, erect buildings, ctc., fcctcd with contagious cattle disigr embassies, legations, an cousu— eases ________________________ _ ____ 87 ws ----·-- · --·-·----.-... 917 tomakeanul tf i d { · member of board on new building for De- of cnmtlgamsrgggfgeg. fi . R . ja? 103 _ purtment . 698 to make regulations for entry of serial ubrephca of statue of Gen. von Steuben au- licatwns, ctc., on one declaratiogp. . 92 thorized for presentation to Germany to obtain plans, etc., for mechanical and under direction of Joint Committee electrical equipment of new Enon tihe Library ._ . : . 605 graving and ting Bureau buildtn ¤.sceI1;?:lndgosf§;9 by cmzens m Samoan 592 . to . . ..._ ... _ 121 .. prescn re§u1a ons r mspecuon to invite Aséociation of Navigation Con- etcz, of ecisious of general api grasses to meet in United States 667 prmscxs. .. 101 tonegutiate with Great Britain for improv- rules for lading and unladiug vomcls, ing Saint Croix River, Me .. 631 ctc., at night; perm1tti11g prelimi- $0 sclest, etc., employees for far eastern 119 to tgnmes, ctc gg}; , ivigim; ____,____,________,,_,,__,, prov1 c 0 new rpvcuuo cu rs ... Secretary of the President of the United States, to reopen, ctc.! clmm of Oregon for exappropriation for, assistants, clerks, etc. . . 482 pauses unsung volunteers, etc ... 777 B or cxectxgigc clerk, clerks, etc . 1184 S’e¤·e¢ary nj gent _ t _ t d acrctaryo mate appropnq OD or .A$lBt8I1,8BB18¢8D an 8 sppropn`,x;3;n1{;>r aagistaant, clerks, ctc.. 468, 1170 f clucf ggark; evtgil. . . .j . 5*21, 1203 ecrelary o easury or m amgon q . _. aprrosréstion for,Assi$ta11ts, clerks, ctc. 485, 1187 Fort Mott and Fmns Ponxt Nauomxl or ivisions in Officc of . ... 486, 1187 C€lD9U€1'Y·--;·_ -····--···-- l z · - - -,-I 350 chief clerk may be designated to sign oiii- for expenses of raasxng wreck of Manne cial papers, etc., or .,,,,, : ..,. 1187 from Habana. Harbor, etc ... 353 authorized to accept franchise from exty of authonzcq be dehvgr obgolege ordnance to New York, or pneumatic-tube pcrv- United Spamsh War \ etcrans.; 1457 ‘°° °“"“"“‘*’°“°° “’ “""”““°”' 120 °’°°%‘,%%?“‘é‘F$£§§5 *%**1 ° °' P’°“""’“° M to ·.-__--__•_______________ ____ _ ’ ...1..-;.. to isgugasdditional bonds at 3 per cent gmut obsolom ordngncc to Georgm .. 875 for completion of Panama Canal, etc. 117 purchqsp Cranston s Howl to add to 0 temporary certificates of indebtedness. 117 M xhmry Acad0r2¥ . .’.’ .. Y 3..3 • authorized to transfer to reclamaqou fund transfer transport ngnlls to Imvy amounts for completing projects 835 _ Doimjtment .. ._ 256 maximum amount $20,000,000 . S35 dunes rv stung po construcuon of dams certificates of indebtedness to bg issued by, ncxpss uawgublo wagers _. . W. ii]. 593 for advances to replamatnon fund. . . 835 mexqcnul to Abnxham Lmcoln, m m· - 8 "““°“"‘{2§3°b””k°”' }‘°°““°° my "" "" 464 m§§§§?"’¤%¤L1;11e"¢;.;1j1,;;¤"aa;l;;t· 89 V Y; ¤PP€¤ ·····-· - --·-----—· ` regulatlions fm-. to be prescribed by . 465 _ house bzgttlc 6§1% . . . H - - -: . . . 899 designated on board of trustees to control, hazing 1‘€gl1}¤t10¤S, il tary C8 Pm}, to Q gtcq ml savings deposimries . . . 814 _ be “PF*`°V°‘¥ bY -·····~-·-···· · ····· 333 0f bourgogn offirgz building for bureaus, 699 mg §t°mP;%(;;;1€_‘?°X€c*;dbh 3-4 { __ 'n Was ington _ --.. , , ~ ¤ .. boar:] io éxpprovc Inns, etc., for VK ash- B¤¢1¤¢¤, vi Cu? ··-· ;· - ---··—- ington post-offyce building- 698 J ua.11 Tprroella y 00112), 0 u :1 . - to mi rvlse (-oust]-ug[i0u_ ______ _ _..,, 698 two Chmesc Sub](§tS§ - · -6 ····· ;h· ·&· · 1456 of boargg on buildings for Departments of may egchanga lan sv gg l ave 1 1 a- 236 State, Justice, and Commerce and 698 may isgivgzlkcilmeteqih hi]; L b .. . ..··-- . .¤ . ` duties agtc?1;·:orporation suregr bone? trans- 241 ;)1i;lSH€Dl{;§11:§ar;$ 0lZ;\1:11?;S élgigsiiglfg {erred from Attorney enera to _ ¤ _ , . . . 0 under Insecticide Act ____________ _ _____ 331 muh Spam, and m xhe Phnhppmes- 8~4 may dele ate assistant Secretaries or a may loanjgnts, etc., to Appa1aIcg111an viix- Qlggi tg sign W3.11‘3DtS ..- · ----·- 231 goggon C0mPaDy’ OX` €’ 883 , ·· , _ Q _____ __ ____ ,__,,,,..-... may trggrifer BmT{?I{£i7.?f(i·.’ 326 Confvdémte Veteran? reunion, Mobile, 876 Pgngm 6 "1` b ds not receivable for --——~···— z --·- . ·············· §,m2§,$ bag;-note cs.-cumou .. 1013 Elks ¤=¤¤¤<>¤» ¤¤¤<>¤· MM -·---—·-—-—- 886