Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1732

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ccxhx State C'¢mrts—Continued. Page. | · removal of causes to Federal courts from, Stgozspzrgftildnngvitln for preservation of navi- Page porovrsrons in Judiciary Code relating gable waters . . 961 --·- _ --~·-·-----··-·--.···--- 1094 credi ' N precedence m Supreme Court of writs of t iil>i·r;?;gns;(iy1i§8‘1migi;,i€5:iip?r(l:i)gutsti0f, _ error in crrmmal cases from .. 1160 in Army maneuvers etc. pa ng 123 wrrts of error allowed from decision of, credit to Treasurer of aniountloirpublic against vghdlty of treaty or statute, mgugyg with_______ ____ _ _ 776 _ etc ... _. ._ .. 1156 details oi Army officers as instructors etc. rn favor of validity of State laws, etc., as of Organized Militia at request oi · not yppugnant, 130 Cqngtitutiogy g(,c_ _ _ 1156 ggvgmgpg of _____________ _ __________ 1045 against right, etc., claimed under Con- . jurisdiction of United States courts, exclustrtutron, etc . . 1156 sive of State, in controversies of a State Department (see Department of State). civil nature in which, are parties. . . 1161 Slate Homgsjor Dwalgled Volunteer Soldiers, except between a State and its citizens. 1161 appropriation for ard to ... 736, 1413 on freegist, works of art, etc., for permanent deduction for amounts collected from exhibition by . 81 _ mmates . _. ,: ,,,,,,, _ ,,,... . . . 736, 1413 for presentation to ..,.. 81 8 deiirgrncy appropnatron for and to 211, 1301 Orgamzed Militia of, toparticipate in Army tote 1 qwest l _ _ maneuvers, etc., expenses, etc . 329 onfreehst, ooks, etc., for, lrmrt .. 74 States, Advnwmon of New (see Arizona and philosophical apparatus, etc., for . 78 New Mexico). State Rmlroad Cargzmisximns, etc., Statesboro, Ga., complaints against carriers by, to be in- appropriation for public building ...r.. 1382 vestrgated by Interstate Commerce acquiring site for public building at, au- Cornmrssron ... 551 thor-ized ,,___,,____________________ 639 State Statgzta, Statewille N. 0., restriction on issue of injunction by United terms oi court at .. 1120 ` States court based on alleged un- Stationery, Postal Sermkz, _ constitutionality of . 557, 1162 appropriation for ... . .. 365,1338 hearings before three jing-E ... 557, 1162 Surtwnery, Treasury Degartment, one to be Supreme justice or for the bureaus and offices combined in one circuit judge 557, 1162 appropRrr;rt.ion .,. 1194 notice to State officials .. . -557, 1162 for Internal- venue Service to be under temporary restraining order; precedence - direction of Secretary .. - 1195 to hearings . - 557, 1162 Statistics Bureau, Department of Agnhulture, direct appeals to Supreme Court. 557, 1162 appropriation for salaries .. 436, 1260 Slate Surveys, or general expenses . 436, 1260 appro riation for furnishing points to- . 756,1433 for administrative expenses. 436, 1260 State, Vgar, and Navy Department Building, for field and State agent.s’ expenses,- 436,1260 D. C'., for investigating cost of production of appropriation for clerks, engineers, watch- _ farm products-: 436 men, etc _,,,.___,__,,,__, , ., 505, 1207 deficiency appropnauon for ... 1324 for fuel, lights, repairs, etc 505, 1207 Statulica Bureau, Department of Commerce and for rewiring electric circr its, etc . 505 Lgzbor, · _ forservice and repairs, Mills Building. 505, 1207 approprmuon for cluef oi, clerks, etc... 526, 1228 for laborer, State Department annex. 505, 1207 or experts, etc . 526, 1228 for ice plant .. : ... : . 737 Statuary, _ deficiency appropriation for contingent ou free lrst, not for sale, for models or eduexpenses  : . 788 catronsllvpurposes .. 79 Statement of Approprmtnbm, _ Statues (see also onuments), appropriation for preparing ':!66, 1443 appropriation for replica of Von Steuben, to for lst sees., 61st Cong., to be included in be presented to German Emperor". 886 2d sess . . .. 127 for unveiling, etc., John Paul Jones . 1404 Staten Island L1k]htho* Depot, N. YT, dutgr on, clrrns., etc., decorated, etc .,. 18 appropriation for completing power plant.- 1430 c ina, etc., not decorated, etc .. :. . . 18 grr repairs, etc., of wharves .. 1431 General von Steuben, reglrca authorized construction authorized of power plant 1080 for presentation to errnany 605 Staten Island Sound, N. K and N. J., Statues, etc., D. C., _ appropriation for improvement of channel location, etc., of, rn streets, parlcs, etc.,_ to Kill von Kull to Raritan Bay; con- be submitted to Commission of Fine tract; ,,..,., . ._,,,_. , . _ ,,,,,,,, 636 Arts .,.. , ..,,,.,.,._,,,,,.. 371 States, . Statuettes; _ appropriation for agricultural experiment dutgo on, china, etc., decorated, etc ..- 18 stations in .., .. f . . :37, 1261 Sl tctergnai Etcgenot decorated, etc .. 18 ' roriaion or reun o, au a a , d86cwi·la?sin;pwil>lriirtegm .. 809 gppropriation for editing, etc .. 483, 1186 allotment for militia., available for expenses Statutes at Lqrge, Index to, _ _ of joint maneuvers in 1908 .. 329 appropriation for continuing preparation arid lends, temporary withdrawals from on- _ of ..----- Z -·------»----·------ _- ;- - - 481 try, pen ing applications by, under scope, etc., subyect to approval of Judiciary Carey Act _____ _ ____ ; ____ _ , _,,,_,___ 237 Cgmmrttggg of both Houses of Conoortifiod copies of population ood ogriooi- gross -----·-----·------·---~~-·--·-- 481 tural census returns may be fur- I Stove Bo ts, nighgd to ,.,._ , ,,_,,,.,,,,.. . ,., 10 duty on rough hewn, etc ,_,,... , ,... . Ki