Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1749

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cclxvi INDEX. iymnml D g ¢—(`} tin d, P¤€¤· Treasury Department—G0ntipued. _ P“g°· dcficienc§*p;'>];nr'g?>dat,ig?1 fontlgntemal reve— time extended for preseuting claxms forfremm .. 219, 225, 780, 809, 1291, 1321, 1326 fqnd qi documentary stamp vu or- 1291 for transporting functional silver coin. . 225, 777 engn bnllng of exchange; .. 320, 779, 835 for employeeq on emergency currgngy- - . 775 transfeg of cred1t to reclamatxon fun .. 835 for Bookkeeping and Warrants DIVEIQH. 776 mammum amqunt $20,000,0QO .----·· - - for credit to Treasurer, deposits with transfer of salancs, Secretary s office, to States ______________ _ _____________ 776 Comptroller of the Currency 1290 for stationery . ------ - .---- 776 Treasury Warrants, for W. L. Swayze. . . . -- 776 S re of the Treasury may delegate for John P. Nawmth .-· 776 gc uzgreistanm or 2. clerk to sign ...- 231 {Si "t.i‘..€’.i§,f)‘§§§§"l°.,"]§’;0E“.E§’{.f’“' ’°“’““°‘ “Z3? "*¢·M» M CMPWM OQ W M Mau for loss on reccmage of silver dollars . 777 de6c1€E;>;;g§nr(;g$?;)E _ gl; _ _ _ _ _____ 775 for Crane and C°mP%¤Y ··········· · ···· 777 printing ordered for Department Of State for refund of excess mterest on bank de- 778 of Scum Document N0_357 ________ 1454 posits _ . TT t for rgfund of mternabrevenue taxes, re- gglgincmial mcipmcit 7 with Cuba not 158119 of drafts . 778 H md b T A t 83 for credit in Army officers’ accounts 778 3 °° Y °j” C ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for John pcm-jug ____________________ _ _ 779 Treaty and Trade Relatums, etc., for w_ s_ sqm; __________,_,__..,._,_.. 779 appropriatioumfior _<£1icers and exp<->¤s;=>§4 H86 mr Allan,L. Briggs . 779 cvnnec WI ----·-------—·-- » for Hg (}_ Cole ____________ _ _________ 779 employment in divisions of State Dc-

01- Joulgsn. M. Ta lor  ;. 779 jp=¤r1=m<=>¤;t,¤¢c .. .----- 484,1186

for Southern Pacign Company .. 779 Trwill 0 {Ugg wh GNF? B{‘*¢¤m» _ for I?-iftor boats, ctc., for customs and 781 3ppr0pHr§11t1qnf<§arb1tmr:fi1;1,;;1N0rth Atlantic 765 i ing service - . @188 11 GY -----·-·--·-- for.§0h!?B01i1l¢{3s0uandR0bertE.Hinde. Tm} 4'vvfl RWM', IIE, ti mba d { 671 954 fg gm 1 _ 3rn_hgl-t____ _______ _____ PIB GXRIIIIIIB 011 R18 80. ig; $131;;;, Hawaii ,,__,_,,.,...,.,,,.. 782 Tree Plcmqing, _ _ , mr printing and binding 879 apprvpmywn for cxpermwnts, ctc., m for compensation in lieu of moieties . 889 112001111} forests -.·- · ---..·..- · . . 430, 1252 for stsmonery . - ... 889 T'¢¢8, for commission to investigate issue of @12 011, PUPSGFY 01' g1‘€€¤h0¤¤6 stock ·--·-- 37 milwad bonds, etc, . . . 1291 on cc hg, £>;iD&;;rdment of Agriculture 78 for b00kbi11d` materi is . - ... 1291 01‘ 0 C @11 ··-. - ··.--.- for Independlélxgt Tmwzy . - .., 1292 Trent Rivqr, {V. 0., _ fm- lgigpgr for chgclkg _________,_________ 1293 appropnatwn for unprovement of - - 641, 938 for bert Chgnmpgon Company . . 1293 Tfmivq, N- J-, _ _ _ _ for Idaho Umvemty ,,,,,...,. . ...,,... 1295 d9ECl€}1CY appgopmmon for public bmldfor Harald Berg ... 1295 mg, héatlllg apparatus . 1293 for Claudius M. Seaman ..., 1295 UGTIDB Z? CORE? Bt; trials of civil causes at for Willia.m C. Laugiitt 1295 QWRI - . . 1119 foxgxegrsff Charles F. Atwood and Ziba 12 Tm };°i•;g¤03 RWW, Tex., f be d 675 . n arson . . ... 96 Pl'? nary cxauunsmou 0 to ma c. . for Cooger Walker . 1296 TP'¢'vmQ, Ed'W1Td0, ’ for . Yongrglé .. ,1296 Tg<g_it2¢¤§_ygqZ?mpd$i0né0r ... 801 for hoebc G ... . ... 1296 — 6 e p tmcu Te graph Com y for New Hampshire . . .. 1296 may biz lead of wires across Miss1;1§> ,i chief céerk to be chief executive officer of; Eggr, Bgyrgans Point, Ark., to Ricguties . 1187 at 11, erm .. 586 certified checks receivable for customs and T wgmminga, 5 1 int»ernn1—rcvenue taxes .. 965 uty on axti cia silk or imitation h meclaims of Oreiux for volunteers, Indian . , ,.,.._ Q ...,__ (T _ , ,° 60 wars, to _0 readjusted, etc . 1295 bead or spangle, ,,,.,,...,,,,,,,,,,,___ 64 construction dnsbursements for public cotton, {lax, em ,_,,,,,___,,__ _ _____ 50 _ buildings to be made by; exception. 1387 _ made 011 Lever or Gothrough machine. 50 contmgent gzgenéesufg be under control of s1lk.i ,___________ _ ___________ 60 speci 0 c` ... 776 time wire ctc ,..,____ _ ________ 30 Engraying and Printing Bureau, new build- woolen ..., 2 ,.,,____ _ __________________ 54 mg, plans for electric, ctc., equip- Trinidad, Colo., ment, authorized .. 121 grant of lands to, for water gupply, etc ____ 1349 proceeds from_w0rk by, to be credited rights, em., reserved ______________ _ _____ 1350 to agpropnation for 121 Trinity National Forest, Cal., Fort 'I‘;·113g ClE:;;e(£0é1é¤r¥é;I3DSf9H€d to Rave- 906 Tgggrogxjiatiorév for maintenance, etc., of- 429, 1252 · . ... y wer, ex., gold certiicatcs authorized for §0ld coin, appropriation for improvement of -. 650, 944 foreign gold coin, and bu ion bars- 965 or im rovement of; open-channel ' payments to gmplpyggg on emergency cur- wor; __,___________________ _ 650 739 945 rcuc from mdetinibe appropriation, for im mvement of locks and dams , --·--------····--·— - -·---· U1 0- —--~-··----~-·-· legalized 204 iorLogk dDamN 7 650 permanent_ apgrolpyiatiou for and _ fpr hq}! and dam at White Rock Shoals . . gg rcfimng u hou repeal ; estimates, Tnmty Igwer, Tex., Oki, ctc .. A 1292 prehmmary examination cf, to be m3de_ _ , 675