Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1759

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Washington Aqueduct, D. C.-Continued. appropriation for survey, etc., Patuxent River as a source of water supply 983 for remodeling Georgetown reservoir 983 for repairs, etc., Cabin John Bridge 983 Washington Asylum, D. C., appropriation for salaries and expenses. 406 for paying families of prisoners. 406 for Home for Aged and Infirm 407 deficiency appropriation for expenses. 785 for buildings. 785 for paying families of prisoners. 1297 Washington Asylum and Jail, D. C., appropriation for support of prisoners, etc. 996 for salaries and expenses 997 for payments to families of prisoners 997 for maintenance of prisoners, etc.. 1002 prisoners sentenced to jail confinement under District laws to be delivered to officers of 1002 employment of, on construction, etc. 1002 to perform work as at jail 1003 jail and asylum combined into. 1003 custody of prisoners, jail, etc., vested in District Commissioners.. 1003 confinement for United States offenses in.. 1003 superintendent to be appointed to supersede warden of jail and superintendent of asylum 1003 prisoners committed to jail or asylum to be confined in 1003 authority, etc., of District supreme court in relation to jail transferred to Commissioners 1003

sale of products of; division of proceeds 1004

Washington Bayou, Miss., appropriation for improvement of 647,942 Washington County, Wis.,

bridge authorized across Saint Croix River, between Saint Croix County and.. 235, 921

Washington County, Utah, appropriation for surveying public lands in 741

Washington, D. C. (see also District of Columbia), appropriation for naval gun factory, new machinery, etc. 611 for navy yard, public works 615 railroad siding to; right of way, construction, etc... 615 new foundry, etc. 1275 deficiency appropriation for expenses, meeting of Industrial Property Union at 119, 775, 1290 for city post office 780 city post-office, contracts for construction authorized 697 board to approve plans 698 limit of cost 698

expert services to prepare plans, etc.; compensation 698 supervision of construction. 698

Court of Customs Appeals to organize in 105

Washington, D. C., Navy- Yard,

appropriation for installing water meters 392

Washington Eastern Judicial District, counties composing northern division 1128 southern division 1128 terms of court 1128

Washington Home for Incurables, D. C., appropriation for care of indigent patients. 408, 999

Washington, Ind.,

appropriation for public building. 1384 acquiring site for public building at, authorized. 689

Page. Washington, Iowa, appropriation for public building 1384 acquiring site for public building at, authorized 689 Washington Market Company, D. C., authorized to lay switch into square No. 328 238 conduit under Water Stree into Potomac River.. 238 Washington Memorial Window, George, deficiency appropriation for purchase of 795 Washington Monument, D. C., appropriation for care, etc., of grounds. 726, 1402 for care and maintenance 728, 1404 for fuel, repairs, etc. 728, 1405 Washington, N. C., appropriation for public building 1384 limit of cost increased, public building 678 terms of court at; rooms required 1120 Washington National Forest, Wash., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 429, 1252 Washington Sanitary Housing Company, D. C., increased dividends permitted 887 Washington Sound, etc., Wash., appropriation for lighting 754 Washington, Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad Company, time extended for constructing road in District of Columbia 229 Washington Western Judicial District, additional judge allowed for 1087 counties composing northern division 1128 western division 1128 terms of court 1129 Waste, duty on, cotton, manufactured 42 not specially provided for 71 on free list, cotton 75 paper stock 78 silk 79 Waste, Wool, duty on, garnetted 53 ring 53 roving 53 slubbing 53 thread 53 top 53 yarn 53 Watch Cases, duty on 31 Watch Dials, on free list, white glass enamel for 76 Watch Movements, etc., duty on 31

Water Department, D. C., appropriation for Washington Aqueduct, etc. 391, 982 for filtration plant 392, 982 for emergency fund 392, 983 for coagulant plant 392 for meters in Government Printing Office, etc. 392 for extension of mains 412, 1005 for salaries 412, 1006 for general expenses 413, 1007 for extending high-service system; installing meters, etc. 413, 1007 temporary draftsmen, etc. 413, 1008 temporary laborers, etc. 413, 1008 deficiency appropriation for main to National Training School for Boys 122 for refund of water rent 787