Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1759

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CCIXXVI INDEX. Washingmn Aqueduct, D. C'.—Continucd. Page- Washington, _I0wa, _ _ _ Pmappropriation for survey, etc., Patuxent appropriationfor public bnnlqing .. 1384 - River as a source of water supply . . 983 écquiring site for public building at, author- Eor remodelintg Ggoggctgwainreigerfoir W h _ izedji . .t. . 689 orrc 1rs,e., amo n asa ton are ompany, . ., Washingtol;zaAs3;Zum, D. C., ge autligized to lay switch into square N0. . “"23,§»°""“-°‘°'¥.§3‘£ii’1‘§'.$§’““,i‘;3""’°““°“ ’‘‘‘ 232 ¤d33§}1hHé£ixfQ£ér'S£rk§"iHmKi>K¢biiiéé 238 1 ners . co for giayrnzgfor Aged a.n<?Infirm .. 407 River . . 238 deficienc appropriation for expenses . 785 Washington Memorial Windoug, George, for buifgf ‘ .. 785 deficiency Lippmpiiation for purchase of. . , 795 for payinlggmilies of prisoners . 1297 Washington onwmmt, D. C., . Washington Asylum and Jail, D. O., appropriation for care, etc., of grounds- 726, 1402 apgyropxiiation foasupport of prisoners, etc . . 996 §or car? and maintenance .._ 7 gg, or su aries an expenses ... 997 or fue , re airs, etc . . 7.. , for payments to families of prisoners 997 Washington, NPC'., for maintenance of prisoners, etc 1002 sippropriation for public building .. 1384 prisoners sentenced to jail confinement _ limit of cost increased, public building 678 ugider Di§trict laws to be delivered to uierms of court at; rooms rcquirzd .,,., 1120 0 com 0 .. 1002 askin ton Natikmal Forest, Wax ., cmplo ent of, on construction, cbc 1002 up rgpriation for maintenance, etc., of.- 429, 1252 to peri>o?n work as at jail .. J 1003 Waslgngtan Sanitary Housing Company, c11stod§ig: p1;i%oners,_ jzgil, ctc., vested in 1003 _ D. C3! d d mad 88 nc ommxssmncrs .. increased ivi en s rmi ... . 7 confinement for United States offenses in- - 1003 Washington Sound, ew.?, jail and asylum combined into` ... 1003 ap mpi-iation for lighting 754 superintendent vo bepppointed t0_ super- Waslgngum, Spa Springs and Grctta Railroad sado warden of jail and supenntend· Com , out of asylum .. I ... 1003 time exmm for constructing road in prisoners committed to jail or asylum to be 1003 W M of Cglumbifjj ...,. 229 cou 11112; - ‘ as ngam extern whcna` ietnbt, suthoritk etc. , of District supreme court in additional judge allowed for ,,,..,..,,,___ , 1087 rc_ tciou to jail transferred to Com- 1003 counties coimposing uortbem division . 1128 miasioneis ... . . western ivisiou . .. 1128 sale of products of; division of proceeds 1004 terms of court ,,,,,,,,__._ , _____,_________ 1129 Washington Bayou, Miss., ‘ Waste, . appropriation for improvement of ... 647, 942 duty ou, cotton, manuhmtm-gd ___,,______ 42 Washington County, Wis., _ _ _ not specially provided for ,,____,,__ _ _ _ _ 71 bridge authorized across Saint CIOIX Rurer, on free list, cotton ... 75 ' between Saint Croix County and. , 235, 921 pa r stock - ,.. ‘ 78 Washingtmz County, Utah, _ silg? .. . ,,.. 79 up ropriatiou for surveying public lands in 741 pyam Wool, Wulfingtgp, D. C'. (see also District of Golum- duty On, garnetted ___________________ _ 53 m v . — .. appropriagion for naval gun factory, new _____________ _ ____ ````` gg machinery, etc._ ,...,,, 611 slublnug _______________ ` `°```` ° ```` ° 53 _ for nshwgsrurd, public works . ,.. 615 thread ____ _ _ _ ```````````` ` 53 mi siding to; right of way, con- top __________ °``````'` `'`''°’ ' ‘ 53 struction, etc ...,... 615 yam _____ _ _ _ _ ``````°````````````````'` 53 new foundry, etc ... . . 1275 Watch Cam ‘ ````````````````` deficiency appropriation for · expenses, dm n ’ meeting 0 Industrial Property ‘ W y 0. '‘'`'‘’°'``'°‘'‘ ’ '‘’‘'‘ 31 Union at . . ...,. 119,775, 1290 mh D¤*€’· . fm. city post Omcc ___________ _ __________ 780 on free list, white glass enamel for 76 city pos;-gmccédcontmm for construction Wgtf? Mwmmk, dv-. authoriz . 697 11 Y 011 --··---·... . . . ,,,, 31 board to approve plans .. 698 Water Department, D. C., limit of cost, .. . 698 appropriation for Washington Aqugduct, expert wmv? to prepare plum, etc.; 698 f Eeitc ..,,,. _ ,__________ _ _ _ 39], 982 com DSB IOH .. or tration hmt _,_,_____ _ ______ _ _ _ B\1peTv‘imI§1 of construction .. . , , 698 for emergeucg fund _________ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ Court of Customs A peals to organize iu, , _ 105 fm- cmgulam; pkmt _____ _ ________ ’ 392 Wmhingmn, D. C., Ngvy- Yard, for meters in Government Printing appropriation for installinig water meters. . . 392 etc ..,.,, , ______ ° 302 Washington Eastern Judicia Dim-ict, for extension of mins ___________ _ ``'‘ 1005 counties composing northern division . 1128 im- mlm-ies ________ _ _____________ ` 412' 1006 HI`I1th€l’D diViSiOH--. . . . . . . . - .,.. for g9}]9]$]_ gxpguS€S_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · - - téfms of COHIYZ . . .. . . . . 1128 for extending highgervicc .° iu_ ’ Washington Hamefor Incumbles, D. C., ggalljug meters, ctc _______ ’ 413 1007 wmmprmdgigorcanreofindigentmdenw. 408, 999 temporary dmitsmen, gu; __,, IT ° 413, 1003 nom, ., mm uhm , ________ `° ’ appropriation for pubiic . 1384 d€£cieu§;m;5;>pmpdal·:io(;1tc for .111;,111. $3,3, 1008 (_ acquiring site tm public bmlding st, yuthon National Training School for Boys, _ 122 ized . . .. . . 689 for refund of water rent ,,_____ _ ______ 787