Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1761

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cclxxviii INDEX. Weather Bureau—Continued. P¤G¤· West India Islands, _ P¤B°· transfer of part of appro riation for printing, tonnage duty on vessels from ports ID .. 111 to Government lginting Office .. 891 West Indres, etc., _ Weatherford, Tex., appropriation for weather service exconstrucgirn of public building author- 3 W P penslis in ... 418, 1237 iz t ... . . 68 est `nt iss., Mbb City, 11;;., _ _ _ apprsipriation for public building. ._ .. 1384 appropriation for (public building ..,... 1384 limit of cost increased, public building at. . 121 acquiring sitieilan er-ilrecting public building 686 gut goirtt, N. K (see Military Academy). at, au orrz ... . . est 'rgima Webb, Honorable Edwin Yates, ass` ted to iourth judicial circuit . 1131 deficiency appropriation for contested- West liiiryirua Nvrtfurm Judicial District, _ election expenses ... . .. 1317 counties composing. . 1129 Webbmg, terms of court . . 1129 duty can, cotton, flax, etc . Q ggarlrsbgrg . . . . . . woo en artms urg . 1 Webs, Parkersburg . ... Q 1014 duigxon, cotton, etc .. 50 Philippi .. 1014 . . . 49 Wheeling . 1014 ' silk 60 West Virgins}: Sautbem Judmhl Distnet, Webster, Mass., _ _ _ counties composing ...,., 1129 · deficiency agpropriatron for public build- terms of court ., , ,,... . ..,,,,,,,_,__ 1129 wd ing, a vertnsing . 1294 “West Virgimkr,’£°rU. S. 8,, yes a riation re?irs . 621 ”;lu1:1t,y’0n_, iron or steel 25 Weslglgller Creek; N. _, . appropriation orim ro ement of .. 636 936 duty on, drugs . ._ . :. .- 13 Westerly, R. I., P V ’ mangrfactures of, not specially provided 69 Wapproixiation {cg plrzblgc birigling .. . . 1384 or -·~-.-.. mem atwrur a , . on free list, crude, drugs not specially pro- deficiency appropriationmidr. fl., .. 778 _ Vldud fo1’ -·-·-·..·· - 75 Western Union gelegraph Com y, Weademarz Margagtha, Clarence C., and deficiency appropriation lg'. reimburse- ”·9“¢'¤¢¢ ·» ment to . . ... 790 commission to assess damages to property f r U ited States urts .,,,.. . 798 3, érlimination of grade crossings, 1344 Wuyi(;ld,lTMgss.,f b‘md_ 384 _ . .. a ropria on or pu 0 ________ 1 'Werghts and Measures, _ _ _ dggcrency appropriation for- plrliglic buildde£c1e;;<;Lg.ggpmtp)¤;it&on mollecting in- W t ting, site ,______________ _ __________ 207 ron rn dardramg, in es por , arm., _ trade .. 801 a ‘ti {r' t ;h,,b0,__ 633 Weights and .y6(LIu7‘£8, Intematrbrtal Brcreau of Mtllsorzwngmtgrabklllagoizzggggodg, aggroprratron for annual contnbutrqn. . 341, 1031 made a member of Lincoln Memorial Comd crency appropnation for contribution W miggign ________________ _ _________ 898 _ to .. . ... z .. 203 etumpka, Ala. Wnyhta zgcnvu, Inlmwmrwl Cam- Wuppmpri%t;g£3§>r rivsiand harbor plant sz. 644 eymouth wer, ., appmpglizgiggsfor expenses of Americggg 1231 Wsppmpzigtionéor impfrgivbmeut oi .. . . 632 ..»..·...-.. of ’|) , _, W¢i9l•¢·•, M¢vl=¢¢v» D· 0. Sv- ’ applgopriatioir fbrimprtgiergsnt or 934 title oflmseaggri of weights and meuures, Wmle &l, en mm 0 ’ whe nude" 672 c n to ... . 874 dnt n ____ _ ________ _ __________________ WMF? Nalrbqwl Forest, Idvlw, on ge: list, of American fisheries. ..,, W:g;;;o§?:anog*zt;>r maintenance, etc., of . 429, 1252 Wgaiebone, uh . . · · . . u t ° wgrcilrglugry exsiznmauem to be made 0g__ 555 ;;Q‘,£‘;‘f pro- 69 . · ·* . . . t .. . . wgagicgrnccy appropriation for wrdow of 1318 Wgagrgf, D. C.; lrlrnuda I 80 > · . ·#. . . . . lj - f . sppmpgtron for dnlling and mamtgmngg, 389 i _ tiff 382 """ ’ ""*"’••’*•••··•·-· C8 1 lWU¤b1¤9,_ V4-, _ _ _ l levied on shilpments ,___ ______ _ 174 appropr1at1pnior(§>ubhc_br1ild1ng . _ .. ._,,, 1384 Wkmu, I acqmrggg gxlliglxizggectrng public building 688 i duty gntigund timber fm. _____ _ __________ 33 » _ -·-·---- · --··-- · -·~-· l ts, 0 ., ’ Wenaba 1\{a¢¢9rwl Fam}, WM- and Or¢y·, P allowed in Lake Michigan, Lake County Wapgmhgcnajénagn fog etc., of. 430, 1252 ; [nd _______ _ ___________________ ’ 880 cna c uma or , ., Wrhga ‘ ‘ wappmpdaVt6_i;>:nh for maintenance, etc., of. 430, 1252 l dugg? nn ____________ ,_ _ _ _ 36 matches ,, l g ________ _ _ _ ` ‘ ``°° “ ‘ ‘ ‘ appropriation for public building ..,, 1384 I Wkulgylg, wg p;,_ ``'`` ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ ‘ 36 acquiring site for public building at, au- mms of coun Qt ____ _ __________ _ _ 1 setsmraset-ea··-I--s ~·~···-—·--· M *"~·*·· °“’”2” vp _ _ M er- d t r ‘1 nrpose, appropnatmnforuuprovsnlentoil 650,944 _______ 2