Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1767

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cclxxxiv INDEX. Yosemite National Park, Cal., Page- I Z- P“g°· appropriation for protection, etc ... 745, 1420 Zafer, _ or examinations for sources of San' Fran- on free list .-.--·--------- 82 cisco water supply in .. 745 Zalinski, Major M. Gray, _ _ continued . ..,__,_.. 1420 deficiency appropriation for credit ln ac- Youghiogheny River, Pa., counts . . ...----·-· 778 approgriation for improvement of · 638 Zanzibar, _ Young actor, Malcah Indian, appropriation for interpreters and guards appropriation for urchasing improvements at consulate ... 346, 1035 of, on Waadla Island, Wash . 286 Zinc, Young, E. C'., duty on; block .. 3*2 deficiency appropriation for .. 1296 ‘ chloride of ... . . 15 Young Men’s Christian Association, dust ... . .. 32 secretaries and supplies for, may be mins-- manufactures of, not specially provided ported on Army transports .. 256, 1051 for . . .. 33 Youngstown, Ohzb, old and worn out . - . 32 deficiency appropriation for public building 779 ore; determination of ... 31 terms of court at . ... 1121 oxide of .. . 15 Ypsilanti, Mk};. pigs .. - 32 appropriation ior public building  : . 1385 sheets of. .. : ... 32 acquiring site and erecting public budding sheets of, coated, etc . . 32 at, authorized . 686 suliid of zinc white, or white sulphide Yuba River, Cal., of ,... . ..., · .,.., 7 .,. 1 5 sale of lands, etc., settling basin .. 663 sulphate of 15 Yukem River, Alaska, _ on free list, ore containing less than ten per preliminary examination to be made of cent ,__,,...,,__,_,,_,,,,,,_,_ 31 Apoon, mouth of ... 956 Zoologabal Park, D, C., National, Yuma, Ariz., appropriation for expenses; half from Disgrant of "quarry reserve" to 2 . . . . 583 trict revenues., - 719, 1396 strip from Fort Yuma Reservation .. 583 for roadways and walks 719 Yuma ndian Reservation, Ariz., _ for grading, etc., roads ad'acent to .. 978 deficiency appropriation for townsite ex- for printing and bind` ior . 768, 1447 penses; reimbursable ... _ ... 880 deiiciency appropriatioiilgmr opening highallotment of lands to Indians on, ways to .,__,,..,.,__,,_,_,,...,,,_ 784 increased ... . .·---- 1063 Zuni National Forest, N. Mm. ami Ariz., =ppr<>p¤¤twp for costs, ctc --------. 1063 appropriation fortmainteuance, em. ot. 430, 1252 advances a lien on allotment for charges. 1063 ` satisfaction, etc . 1063 religious organizations permitted to select irrigable lands on ... . .. 829_