Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/182

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158 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1909. ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, and similar measuring x;pparatus, dry and wet batteries, and detached — parts or any of the foregomg, articles used exclusively in the installation thereof, insulators, and insulating compounds and materials exclusively {)<mbg1ect;·icalbBg>1uposes, capbon, dandl mcandescent an tu ten rcenuma va orem. . (b) Cooking and heating) aililfiaratiis and utensils, chandeliers, desk andhta le amps, flatérons, soldiering {and curling irons the1m0cauteries an cauterizingms ruments surgical dental and therapeutic appliances, ' cl so- '11 d eldct belts X ray machines m u ca e I'1C - vibratory apparatus, electroplating outHts,_ cigaii lighters, otlgnr instruments, imt£leEnents,l;1te1i1s1ls, mild articles use in connection wi or or y the ap `- cation or production of electrothehiiical, thermoeihotrio, galvanic or galvano-magnetic force, and de- _ tached parts for any of the foregoing, not otherwise _ provided for, twenty lpgr centum ad valorem. _ mgm ¤=·¤¤*¤· 191. Erhgmes, tenders, motors, steam ilers, pumps, and machmery; °"’ wing] suits; common tools, implements and apparatus; detac gd parts therefor; not otherwise provided for; shaft.- mg an ar1ng: _ (a) Ogiron, steel, or wood, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Of gthe materials; emory cloth; twenty per centum a v orem. . Be1¤¤¢· 192. Macsgine belting of whatever material, ten per centum ad v orem. ummm 193. Fine tools, implements, and instruments, of whatever material, used in the arts, trades, and professions, such as measuring instruments, micrometric_ gauges, mathematical and drawing mstruments, mamcure mstruments (not pocket cutlery), watch1nakers’, jewelers’, surgeons, dentists’, engravers’, carvers , glass cutting, and similar tools, instruments, and implements, any of the foregoing and detached parts therefor not otherwise provided for, twenty per centum ad valorem. G¤>¤1>$· G1z0UP 3.—VEHlCLES. W•¢¤¤¤· °•¤=·°°°· 194. Wagon}; apd (parts for (trangpeiting merchandise,} warehouse truc an carts an w ee arrows an of thef oin and delachedlparts therefor not otherwise p}i·ovided fogfliiliteei per centum a valorem. A¤*°°'¤°°“°*· 195. Automobiles: (a) For the transportation of merchandise, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, twenty per centum ad valorem. (c) Detached parts and accessories for automobiles, including tires, lamps, and horns, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Bicv¤1€¤·¤¤<=· 196, Bicycles, yelocipedes, and motor cycles, detached parts and accessorieg thprefor, including tires and lamps, twentv per centum a va orem. ` R¤**W¤Y *‘¢*=*¢*¢=· 197. Vehicles for use on railways and tramways, and detached parts P b I t thereof, ten per centum ad valorem. ,,,,f,{,’§,”,§’c,,}‘¤;,§,?§*f· 198. Other wheeler vehicles including perambulators, and aerial machines and balloons, any of the foregoing and detached parts therefor, not otherwise provided for, twenty per centum ad valorem.