Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/212

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188 six*rY.F1;Rsir CONGRESS. sm. II. ons. 9-11. 1910. coaporation organized under the laws of the State_of Minnesota, be, an it is here y, authorized te construct, maintain, and operate a _ bridge_ and approaches thereto across_ the Mississippi River from ¤>¢*¤°¤· Twentieth avenue south on the west side of said river to Eleventh avenue `southeast on thpi east side of said rgver, in uthehcity of Minnei a lis in the State of innesota, in acco nce wi the rovisions o V¤r M. an th:) Aet entitled “An Act to late the construction oflbrid es over 'E. · · i nagigable waters," approved ch twenty-third, mneteen undred an six. xmennmm. Sec. That glo right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserv . ‘ Approved, January 27, 1910. January 27,1910. CHAP. 10.-An Act Authorizing the construction of a railroad bridge across [H-B·1F>8¥5-1 §e ltio Grande River between hnredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Republic of [mane, No. 21.] °¤°°· Be itemwted the Senate andHouse¢%fReprese1ztat:}ves§ft}ze United memes. States g' America in Congress asaem led, That Los errocarriles ,§{f}‘{§,§‘mB{,‘},“{,' Nacion es de Mexico (National Railways of Mexico), a corporation c y ds . . . . . mtiwegraynnknfué. organized under the laws of the Republic of Mexico, its successors Sitges. W ’an assigns, be, and it is hereby, authorized to construct a bridge and approac es thereto across the Rio Grande at a point suitable to the interests of navigation in Laredo State of Texas, to a point in Nuevo Laredo _Republ1c of Mexico. Said bridge to be erected and convex. e4, p. sa. structed in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," alpproved gglgegoiumw March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six: Provided, hat the ` construction of the said bridge shall not be commenced until the consent of the proper authorities of the Republic of Mexico for the erection of the structure shall have been obtained. A¤=¤!¤d¤=¤¤*— Sec. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, January 27, 1910. January 21,1aw. CHAP. 11.-An Act To authorize the Monongahela Railroad Company to conl"~ R-l“38“·l itruct :.3 bridge across the Monongahela River between Fayette and Greene counties, [P¤bllc,No.22.] ennsy vama. Be it emwtedlvy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ¤;I¥'<;¤:l<;¥:1l;¤;l;•2l¤:\R}{*;S{;States of America. in Congress assemtled, That the Monongahela Railma Company my road Company, a corporation organized and existing un er the laws ‘,Z,{"‘,§§;°‘*"“’ G°‘“" of the State of Pennsylvania, 18 hereby authorize to construct 3. ' bridge across the Monongahela River from a point, suitable to the interests of navigation, on the east bank thereof just south of New geneva, in Faylette Coulpty}, gn tl? west banlg of said river in Greene

 . £§»’,§‘$£§,i'0.’?§’”£,‘} ih?. ’X3?2¤€¥tied“??A'ifii$€°$$‘.i§`g.§i‘2‘22"§3£§$m'Z2il$¤“*Z.?

t ridgles ogerdnavgigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineeen un re an six. Amendment. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend or re al this Act is hereb ress r se . exp ly e rved g l P6 y Approved, January 27, 1910.