200 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 51-53. 1910. °°’**°¤¤1*¤¢ md Law for the District of Columbia, within ninety days after the assage £°ili> of this Act, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and · they are hereby, authorized and directed to mstitute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem to condemn the P I land that may be nece. for the extension of Park place along the Dumsés. cw-. ¤•- west line of the Soldiers? Kome lands, with a width of forty feet: Dro- '°"°°"°°“°°°` mkfed, Iaowever, That the entire amount found to be due and awarded by the jury in said proceeding as damages for, and in respect of, the land to be condemned for said extension, including the costs and gipegses of the proceeding hereunder, shall be assessed by the jury as ne ts. ,,{,.;",{,,",§,’_'Qi{‘§?°° t°' Sec. 2. That there is hereby appropriated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, an amount sufficient pay the necessary P. I { costs and e¤?.>euses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant "”°“ ° "'"°" hereto and or the payment of amounts awarded as damages, to be · repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessments for benefits and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, February 21, 1910. !’¢1>¤wr 21.1910- CHAP. 62.-An Act For the extension of Franklin street northeast from its [H· Brlmml _ present eastern terminus east of Twenty-fourth street to the Blndenshurg road. [Public, No.56.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ;>fR¥rreaentatives of the United D‘°"*°* °'°°"“""** States of America in 0'ongresc asaemb ed, hat under and in accord- Franklin street , , , uonhgan. _ I d ance with the fprov1sions of subchgiter one of chapter fifteen of the
- .,,°`Z{t§.§'$`}{.'§{‘ `"` Code of Law or the District of lumbia, within ninety days after
V°‘· “· P— 151- the passa e of this Act, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are herebv, authorized and directed to institute a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for the opening of Franklin street northeast from its present eastern terminus east of Twenty-fourth street to the Bladensburg road, according to the _ permanent system of highway Elans in and for the District of Columgfyiqjeggmtmdu ia: Prevvzded, however, That the entire amount found to be due and neuenn. awarded by the jury in said roceeding as damages for and in res ct of the land to be condemnedp for said extension shall be assessediiby mgQ{>*¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤•¢¤·· the jury as benefits: And Gprovided jltrtizer, That nothing in said ` subchapter one of chapter fteen of said code shall be construed to authorize the jury to assess less than the ag regate amount of the damages awarded for and in respect of the land to be condemned and the costs and expenses of the proceeding hereunder. - exggggzgéfw '°* Sec. 2, That there is_ hereby appropriated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, an amount sufficient to pay the necessary costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant 1’¤¥¤¤°¤*°*°"”°¤· hereto and for the payment of amounts awarded as damages, to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessments for benelits and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, February 21, 1910. F<·¤1>¤1¤·fY 21- 1910- CHAP. 53.-An Act To rovidef rthe ex i
New Hampshire avenue topGeorgiaoavenue,ti1li1sd0ilo0i:oId'ii1;rctt’llZl;i»$li§dx iiiriiggedi
[Pubuc, No. 57.] subdivision with Newton place in Whitney Close subdivision. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lfepresentatives o the United 1§;§,*§gIf;,‘§Q;“,{f,'§}g; States o f America in Congress assembled, That under and if accordance wghd i I nd with the provisions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the Code of mexgsgifiuzi 8 Law for the District of Columbia, within ninety days from the pas- V°'·"»*· P· 1¤r sage of this Act, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be,