Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/234

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210 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 62. 1910. soiling, and sodding, seven hundred dollars; unveiling monument, ins tion, and so forth, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; in all, three theiisand five hundred dollars. ` mgjynw ¤¤·¤¤=¤·- MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Siem! www- 0F1·*IcE OF THE emma SIGNAL ormonn. <>¤¤¤¤i¤¤ <¥¤v¤¤· Reimbursement Canadian de artment of public works: To authormiz'2i¤i’ii>fi'f¤`ii¤iie:iirks` ize the officer in charge of the &ashington-Xlaska military cable and tel a h system to reimburse the Canadian department of_§ubl1c woiils §om receipts of the Washington-Alaska military cable an teleaph system on account of telegraphic transfer business with the gominion overnment telegra h system at International Boundary, Alaska, eiglity-two dollars andithirtymine cents. sm=;s1sTENcE DEPARTMENT. S“l’“‘”°°“°°· For subsistence of the army, including all objects mentioned under this head in the arm appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, inclliiding cost of actual subsistence of military con- §g*{Q’°·m mum victs, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Promkled, convicts. That no part of the last foregoing appro riation carried in this Act for subsistence of the army, including all olbjects mentioned under that head, shall be expended in payment for more than actual subsistence to military convicts serving sentence in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and in like prisons and in their several branches. For subsistence of the army, including all objects mentioned under this head in army appro riation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, two hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and ninety dollars. pa'Q3g;§A*{*¤“*€"¤D°· QUAnTEnMAsTnR’s nn1>AnTME1~:T. ,f;9,;°1r'§¤Yl°'·F‘¤· Purchase of wharf at Fort Taylor, Florida: For the purchase of ` ghliirf at the foot of Fort street, Key West, Florida, ten thousand V, dollars. S*;i*<>yv T¤¤¤· National cemetery, Shiloh, Tennessee: For re airin dama es {-eiiciirii to mmm] wrought by the severe cyclone of October fourteengi, nirieteen hrindred and nine, to the Shiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, for the construction of buildings destroyed, for replanting of trees blown down or ruined by the said storm, and for replacing broken headstones, and so forth, eighteen thousand dollars. M§;¥j;;¥¤P;‘;,§¤°*°¤¤’ Shiloh National Military Park: l·or replacing ro erty owned by the Government in the Shiloh National Military garik, destroyed by the cyclone of October fourteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, and removing debris from the park, including about ten thousand fallen trees and excluding repair of state monuments, nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. Military Academy. . C¤¤¤¤*€¤P€¤¤€¤· Current and ordinary expenses, Military Academy: For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and for ferria es, and for transportation of first class of cadets to and from Gettysliurg battlefield, lVatervliet Arsenal, and Sandy Hook proving grounds, and for expenses of officers detailed to accompany cadets on these trips, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and sixty-nine cents.