Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/238

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2]*1 . SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 62. 1910.

  • 1**** Trave expenses, district of Alaska: For the actual and necessary

mm °x°°°¤' expensesludé the judges and clerks in the district of Alaska. when traveling in the discharge of their official duties, one thousand dollars. Incidental expenses, district of Alaska: For furniture, fuel books, statione , and other incidental expenses, for the offices of the mar-. shals anldyattomeys, one thousand dollars. mmm. JUDICIAL. ““"°" 8**** °°““ United States Court of Customs A als: The salaries of the °fs(ii:rh°:°¤}¤$»T:iis€a. judges officers, and employees of the Unilldid States Court of Customs """·"·“”· Appeals authorized by the Act approved Auigust fifth, nmeteen hundred and nine, entitled "An Act to provide revenue, equahze duties and encourage the industries of the United States, and for other lpurposes, " shall hereafter be at the rates per annum as follows: For the presiding gudge and four associate judlges, seven thousand dollam each; mars al, three thousand dollars; c erk, three thousand five hundred dollars; assistant clerk, two thousand dollars; five stenographic clerks, one thousand six hundred dollars- each; stenographic reporter, two thousand five hundred dollars; messenger. amuse. eight hundred and forty dollars; and for the payment of the said _ compensation for the balance of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, at the rates herein fixed, there is appropriated the sum of twenty-seven thousand four hundred and forty ollars or so much thereof as may be necessary; ‘ _ _ G;_=¤¤¤p¤¢ A¤¤r¤¤r- The salary of the assistant attomey-general authorized in said iérlxisa. Act is hereby fixed at the rate of e%ht thousand dollars per annum; E"°““°“ °'°°‘“‘· For rent of necessary quarters in ashington, District o Columbia, and elsewhere, and furnishing same, for the United States Court of Customs Appeals; for necessary traveling expenses of the court, its officials, and employees; for books, periodicals, and stationery; for pay of bailiffs and all other necessary employees not otherwise specifically provided for; and for such other miscellaneous expenses as may be aplproved by the presiding judge, fifteen thousand dollars; e¤§_¤i·¤¤¤ 0* ¤¤¤¤¤· Un er the epartment of ustice: One ssistant Attorney—General, Am., P, mg, at the rate of eight thousand dollars r annum; one De uty Assist- . ant Attomey-General, at the rate olwseven thousand firire hundred dollars per annum; four attorneys, at the rate of five thousand dollars each per annum; for salaries of necessary employees, including employees at Washington,District of Columbia for furniture, supplies, traveling and other miscellaneous and incidental expenses, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, twenty-nine thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary; In all for United States Court of Customs Appeals, seventy-one thousand four hundred and forty dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary. U¤*=¤<1 S¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤- UNITED STATES COURTS. Miscellaneous ax- For pa ment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized

  • ’°“”°“· b§i the Xttomey-General, for the United States courts and their

o cers, including the fumishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a part in interest, and moving of pm-iw. records, on account of fiscal years as fbllowsz Prmnkled, That in so ‘““"‘· far as it may be deemed necessary by the Attorney—General, this gpprfgpriation shall be available for such expenses in the district of as a: d ger the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, one hundred thousand o ars.