Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/256

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232 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cas. 73, 74, 76. 1910. ¥¤’¢h2· 1910- CHAP. 78.—An Act uire land e ‘ 't of the Connecticut Avenue . [Htl]: mm'] Bridge for the extension lg? c::i·`tain streetsm th vmm y [Pu , No. 73.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentattves 0 the United

d(§l•?il4il°l§1i States of  in Congress assembled, Their); under and ifaccordance

wm ° "°“° ‘ with the provisionsof subchaptenone of chapter fifteen of the Code m_<¤;¤t;¤h¤zu*;s ¤¤¤¤ of Law for the District of Columbia, within six months after thepas- Vo1.84,p.151. sage of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for the extension of Belmont road to Calvert street, and to connect said extension of· _ Belmont road with Waterside drive, and to extend Waterside drive to the southerly line of the Zoological Park, as shown on plans on file in Appmmm for the office of the Engineer Commissioner. expenses, em. That there is here y appropriated, one—half from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount sufficient to pay the necessary costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedin taken pursuant

  • "’“‘°"‘°""“"’* hereto and or the Eyment of amounts awardefsiis damages, the

amounts assessed for nefits to be paid to the District of Columbia and covered into the Treasu to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia and thelCnited States in equal parts. Approved, March 2, 1910. March 2. 1910. CHAP. 74.-An Act To authorize the extension of Twenty-third and R streets

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, 0. 4. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repnesentatines of the United '2r§;igyfg;d¤¤l2jlQi States of America in. Congress That within six months after nggggggpxsgpégeéighd phe elf this Ang. the Couplpissioréers gfdthe tlgiistrict of Colum- ,0, extend, _ ia e, an ey are ere y, au orize an 1rec to institute in V<>¤·=’··1·P?f¤1- the suprtemle court of the ;)ist{£:l:s of Columbia,hunder and in accordance wit the revisions o su a ter one of c a ter fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of Cldlumbia, a prolizeeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for the extension of R street southeast from its present eastern terminus near '1`wenty-third street to Naylor street, and Twenty-third street southeast from its present southern terminus near Naylor street to R street, each with a uniform bmgmmdu width of ninety feet: I’rovided, That the total amount found to be beneurs duedand aviaaigd as danéages, lplus tlhe cost and expenses of the pro- _ cee ings, s a e assesse the said jury as benetits. ex’;{gg;);f"&Qf’¤ ’°' Sec. 2. That there is hereby apprgpriated from the revenues of the District of Columbia an amount su cientto pay the necessar costs Pavmemohnm and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto, · · and for the payment of amounts awarded as damages, to be repaid to the District ot Columbia from the assessments for benefits and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, March 2, 1910. rggrgi R g1g•AdPé;pil;SAn Act To amend in part section six hundred and fifty-eight of the Public, No. 75. . LW York mmhim Be et enacted the blenate andHm1ee of Repw·esentat¢S·ees of the United ,,,;,,0,8, dmm p States ofelmereea an Congress assembled, That so much of section six mgitrrnpzuogrgigpgzgi hundred and nfty-eight of the Itevised Statutes of the United States gaze?} me $8 D m grovides forcthe holding of circuit courts in the southern district mé¤&d_ · · · e ew lork _ exclusively for the tr1al and d1sposal of criminal cases, pm, p. 1119. and matters arising and pending in said court, on the second Wednes-