Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/258

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234 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 82, 86-88. 1910. C°“‘P°?°¥'*°“*°‘°° nature ndin in such court. For makin out said transcri t and wdby bmmswu forwa£g ting same, together with the original papers in said case, the clerk of the court shall have the usual compensation for making out transcripts and for Bling the petition and order and entering the order, and two dollars additional, all such compensation to be tag<ed and paid by the United States as other costs taxed against the United ' States are paid. Approved, March 5, 1910. · hh.rcnB,1910. CHAP. 86.-An Act Concerning tonnage duties on vessels entering otherwise P¤· 4639-1 than by sel. [Public, No. 78.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflfepresentatives of the United rcnmge aus;. States of America in Congress assembled, That vessels entering other- ,,,§‘$,'.§"‘£}',,,‘{:,,'?}*y wise than by sea from a foreign port at which tonnage or light-house ·°* dues or other equivalent tax or taxes are not imposed on vessels of the United States shall be exempt from the tonnage duty of two cents per ton, not to exceed in the aggregate ten cents per ton in ·""‘·*’·m· any one gear, prescribed by section thirty-six of the Act approved August fth, nineteen hundred and nine, entitled “An Act to provide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes." Approved, March 8, 1910. lamns,1910. CHAP. 87.-An Act To authorize the change of name of the steamers A. B. [B- 56**7-] Wolvin and Cambria, owned by the Port Huron and Duluth Steamship Company. Public, No. 79. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United __"A-BW9}vi¤"¤¤d State.; of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Cambria steamers. . . . . . . cinm 51 amen- Navigation IS hereby authorized and directed, upon application by th0¤ZBg.e • 1 the owner, the Port Huron and Duluth Steamship (lom an , of Port Huron, Michigan, to change the names of the steamer Wolvin, official number one hundred and seven thousand five hundred and sixty-three, and the steamer Cambria, official number one hundred and twenty-six thousand four hundred and twenty. Approved, March 8, 1910. NE'? 8§}?g°~ CHAP. 88.-An Act To modify the one hundred and twenty-second and one

 hundred and twenty-fourth articles of war, and to repeal the one hundred and

[Pubuc,No. 80.) twenty-third article of war. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 2¤A¤;g}é_Mwm States of America in Omgress assembled, That the one hundred and R. s.. ker-. im, p. twenty-second and one hundred and twenty-fourth articles of war be, “‘·""°“"°"· and hereby are, modilied to read as follows: d,§Q;‘g$§,’Q,‘Qg,h‘;;;,*;§ "AR·r, 122. lf, upon marches, guards, or in quarters, diifercnt wgggaon of ofgm corps ot the army happen to ]o1n or do duty together, the officer me mmm. hiv nest in rank of the line of the Army, Marine Corps, organized militia, or volunteers, by commission, there on duty or in quarters, shall command the whole. and give orders for what is needful in the service, unless otherwise specially directed by the President, according to the nature of the case/’ -¤· ·r it ·l· i- it * m§{‘,§',f °(f¤§’g§g“"f,§ "A1z·r. 124. Officers of the organized militia of the several States, gyrziswinh other when called into the service of the United States, shall on all detach- . _ ments, courts-martial, and other duty, wherein they may be em loyed in conjunction with the regular or volunteer forces of the United