Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/260

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236 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 91. 92. 1910. D€¤¤¤’iP*¤*¤¤· avenue, in the city of Detroit, Michigan, and described as follows: That certain parcel of land situate in the township of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the point where the easterly line of private claim numbered one hundred and twenty intersects the souther y line of J eilerson avenue, so called, thence westerly along said southerly line a distance of thirty-three feet, thence at right angles for a distance of twenty-seven chains and fift —live links to the rear line of private claim numbered six hundred andvninety-six, thence at right angles in an easterly course thirty-three · feet, thence at right angles in a northerly course to the place of beginning. Also, all that pprtion of private claim numbered five hundred and seventy, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point where the westerly line of tprivate claim numbered five hundred and seventy intersects the sou erly line of J eiferson avenue, so called, thence at right angles easterly along said southerly line thirty- . three feet, thence at right angles southerly a distance of twenty-seven chains and fifty-five linflxs to the rear line of private claim numbered six hundred and ninety-six, thence at right angles along said rear line in a westerly course to an iron post distant thirty-three feet, thence at right angles in a northerly course to the place of beginning. Also, a strip thirty-three feet in width off the westerly side of private claim numbered six hundred and ninety-six, and thirty-three feet off the easterly side of private claim numbered one hundred and twenty both said private claims one hundred and twenty and six hundred and ninety-sixbeinegi in said township of Grosse Pointe. The premises herein conve form a`strip of land sixty-six feet wide and with that width extending uniformly from Jefferson avenue to the shore of £¢:=%¤“c° u Lake Saint Clair: Provided, That the said highway shall be mainpublic maaway. tained by the city of Detroit forever as a public roadway or thoroughfare; that the course of the road, as at present existing, shall not be changed in any way without the prior written consent of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; that the officers and empldyees of the Government shall have a right at all times to pass and repass over the roadway and to transport all necessary materials thereon: And pro- R¤v¤¤¤i<>¤- vided Ifurther, That in the event of the discontinuance b the city of Detroit of the use or maintenance of the above-described, roperty as a highway, O1' of the violation by the city of the terms andp conditions preceding, the title herein ceded shall revert to the United States. »\¤¤¢¤d¤¤¤¤¤ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. . Approved, March 12, 1910. March 12,1910. CHAP. 92.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to effect an exchange of __ QH_fi·“*°‘*"·l a certain lparcel of land owned by the United States for another parcel owned by the [pumi(·,x¤.s4.] Cave Hil Cemetery Company, of Louisville, Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fRepresentatzTz~e.s of the United Ce<;:;5M_¤gi¤,{:§¤¢i¤m1 States 0_fAme¢·ica in Onzgress dssembled, That the Secretary of War is Exchialgsxii img, hereby authorized to convey to the Cave Hill Cemetery Company, of in. Louisville, Kentucky, a parcel of land twent feet in width, comprising aportion of section D of the Cave Hill, Kléutiicky, National Cemetery, containing aptproximately two thousand and ten square feet, and required by the said company for a cemetery roadway, in exchange for V a parcel of land containing approximately three thousand two hundred and forty square feet lying north of the said national cemetery plat Iizmgvimenm Bm and separated therefrom by an eight-foot pathway: Provided, That the ' said company will disinter and properly reinter in the plat to be conveyed to the United States all remains buried in the plat to be conveyed to the said company and will remove and properly reset the headstones at their respective graves. Approved, March 12, 1910.