Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/30

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6 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sues. I. C11. 2. 1909. petent and trustworthy, or of such individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of infomation and all particulars required by this Act as of date April fifteenth of the year in which the enumeration shall be made; and in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a [family, competen; to hpsnsgver tllse inqulghesbcmindef ii? fcompliance with t e uirements o tct, then its aw u ort eenumerator trgbbtain the required infomation as nearly as may be plracticable F had filpki faixiilieipli ¤rst:nsdlivi1&in tgne nelighborhood of time plaeietlqf

  • = · a e. t s e ut o o eac enumerator orwar e

me original schedules, properlyyiilled out and duly certified, to the supervisor of his district as his returns under the provisions of this ct; and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies being discovered_ in _ these schedules he shall use all diligence in correcting or supplying

 0* °*¤’· the same. In case an enumeration istrict embraces all or any part

' of any incorporated borough, village, town, or city, and also other i territory not included within the limits of such incorporated borough, I village, town, or city, it shall be the duty of the enumerator to clearly and_plainly distinguish and separate, upon the population schedules, the inhabitants of such boron , village, town, or city from the inhab- Q“*·“¤°•¤°¤·. itants of the territory not inguded therein. No enumerator shall be deemed qualified to enter upon his duties until he has received from the silupervisor of the astrict to lyvhich he belongs la commission, signed y the supervisor an orizin im to rform the duties of an enumerator, and setting forth tlge boundaprlies of the subdivision within which such duties are to be performed. ¤_,{j:_*¢¤¤*¤¤* °* d*¤· _Smc, 13. That the territory assigned to each supervisor shall be divided IDU) as many enumeration districts as may be necessary to carry pla; g19<g>url;c:ngs0<;fl;:1h11sBAct, and, Ein thedéscrgsion ogghe Direqgor of us, o enumera on is r1c ma 'ven one emnnemtor, and the boundaries of all the enumeragion aglitricts shall me 22 $‘i2¥`2rL.Sfi$°5i§’3‘§g'€.’{ E?} 5:‘i.“"€’ "“""° S““’°’S* . _ s a e ines: a enumerators ma I“”‘“““°“”· assigned for the special enumeration of institutions, when desirable; mmm etc of w§houq;·cf%ri1e1;ce to the number of inmates. · ·· Ec. . a an su rvisor officensus ma , with the a rova °°um°m°”' the Director of the {jensliies, remove any ennméliator in his dligrict iulid mggj;§***¤¤*¤¢<>¤¢¢* ill the vacancy thus caused or otherwise occurring. Whenever it shall appear that any portion of the census prov_ided for in this Act has beep neglngently or nmprqperlytaken, and is by reason thereof 223%% 2.1i’L”23.i?§°£c€Z$y €L'S§f§§;‘€T0£”$.¤‘&°£§?u2"?5' b°““S° $$3 · · e amen e or m e anew.

  • °'°"P'°‘°”· S1·;c._15. That the Director of the Census may authorize and direct

supervisors of census to_employ interpreters to assist the enumerators · of their respective districts in the enumeration of persons not speaking She English language, but no authorization shall be given for such imp oyment in any district until due and proper eiiort has been made obseiupg anenumeratpr who can speak the language or languages for my- ¥héccOm e seryices p ap] interpreter would otherwise be required. of the C8[;:insa·1Ond0 suc interpreters shall be fixed by the Director sus in a vance, and shall not exceed Eve dollars per dav for Puyotenummwm each day actually and necessarily employed, “ Fixed mm - b $5;;. Ttgat tpe §om(pensation of enumerators shall_be determined y e u-ec r o the ensus as follows: In subdivisions where he shall deem such remuneration sufficient, an allowance of not less than two nor more than four cents for each inhabitant; not less than twent nor more than thirty cents for each farm reported' ten cents for each _ barn and inclosure containing live stock not on farms, and not less mm] me. thantwentv nor more than thirty cents for each establishment of pri)- _ dnctive industry reported. In other subdivisions the Director of the