Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/354

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330 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHs.185, 187-189. 1910. e,§—1¢*1' °°°°¤¤'—11*r eneamped within its limits or in its vicinity: Provided further, That " except as herein specified the ripht to command during such joint am, p.2a4. encampments, maneuvers, and fie d instruction shall be governed by the ru es set out in Articles One hundred and twenty-two and One hundred and twent —four of the rules and articles for the vernment . Y . g° of the armies of the United States." Approved, April 21, 1910. April 22.1910- CHAP. 187 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to ascertain the [S·"6°·] amount due Tay·cum-e-ge-shi , otherwise known as William G. Johnson, and pay [Public, No. 149.] the same to his heirs out of the fund known as "For the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians, in the State of Minnesota (reimbursable)." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ughgvww Iudinns. States of America in Oongreas assembled, That the Secretary of thehymm to 5,,.;;, Interior is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain the value of ‘§h{)n}`°,,§¤*’,,';”°}_°‘€°°h’K the timber heretofore and during the years of eighteen hundred and ninety-six, eighteen hundred an ninety-seven, and eighteen hundred and ninety~eight cut upon the allotment of Tay-cum—e-ge-shig, otherwise known as William G. Johnson, an allottee of the White Earth Diminishid Reservgtion, covelring the;] so:l1rtl-bidhaltiof the southwest uarter 0 section ve towns ip one un an fort ·two ran e thirty-nipe, ang, aftergdeiluctingrfrom the vahie of said timber tbe amount ereto orepai the said ay-cum-e—ge-s ig, otherwise known as William G. Johnson, to pay over to the heirs of the said Tay·cum-· ege-shifg, otherwise known as William G. Johnson, the balance of the v ue o said timber, said payment to be made from the funds carried on the books of the office of the Secretary of the Interior under the V°l· 2**1****- head "For_the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of M1nnesota," (reimbursable) created by the Act of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. Approved, April 22, 1910. Apru22, 1810. CHAP. 188.-A A ,t To d te clth ‘ t A ’tled "A [$-7***-] Act to authorize the South r:hdMlVa2steih I¥ailro;grlSb]d1lSi);?i§ tbncoiltsgdgt bridgeld [Public,No.150.] across the Clinch River and the Holston River, in the tates of Virginia and Tennessee. _ Be it enacted by tbie Senate mul House of Representatives of the United ,,,$§,;{°{,‘,:’;,'},,§*‘{‘g},*Qf States of America m Omzgress assembled, That the Act entitled “An br'{$$geg=r§gg€gag{ Act to authorize the South_and Western Railroad Com any to con- Wggrgm {hm-0,,4 struct bridges across the Clinch River and the Holston Igiver, in the °°,}13{”g,;1,}’i,_,9,_ States of irginia and Tennessee," approved May twelfth, nineteen hundred and six, be, and the same is ereby. revived and reenacted, and the time for commencing and completing the bridges therein iiuthorgzed is lierehy extended one year and three vears respectively, rom B ay twe fth. nineteen hundred and ten. l ·'¤11°¤*l11*°¤*· Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, April 22, 1910. A¤r1122» 1910- cxnr. 189.-A A tr in ‘ in s r rd d E lad _ · .

 pany to construct arlid rlziaixllazirli 8   aEdr0;1t?1e ezgtern ggldgof   gs;l11(;>.C0m

Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Reym·esentati*ves 0 the U' 'ted SL;§g)f§*;gg **`};;m__ States géuglzneriea in Ozmgiess assembled, That the Sanfordland ShergL»`n;s;n8n?r;;?&•gec0m- gladcs lroad Company, a corporation created under and by virtue ‘ of the laws of the State of Florida, be, and is hereby. authorized to