Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/361

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 196, 199. 1910. 337 of any appraisement or award of damages made in favor of the owner of said property is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, and fifty per centum thereof shall be refunded B¤f¤¤d· to said District of Columbia by the United States. Approved, April 29, 1910. CHAP. 199.—A A Mak' ' f th d` l d 1 M , · service for the fiscal yeili endihlglilrlrildntilrlifgtiiijlilfniliileteeeir higdiileiiiltfnxlirialexgialinldu ar [H?ll*(i1lg5?5·] r u ,N .1ss. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [ ub c 0 1 States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, Su}§$g;*;;gi;§,';{{,;S9f*· gud Eheyhafe hereby, geverally appropriaited, in Eull compensation or the omatio an consu ar service or the sca] year ending June thirtidth, nineteen hundred and eleven, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: snrrmms or Amnassanons AND MINISTERS. Salaries- Ambassadors extraordinary and glenipotentiary to Austria- Ambassadors. Hungary Brazil, France, Germany, reat Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, {Russia, and Turkey, at seventeen thousand five hundred dollars each, one hundred and seventy-fgve thousand dollars ;AIg E, t d Envoys extraordinary and ministers p enipotentia to the en- “"°g’s °¤ "‘°’ *· time Repabua, Baigiam, cmia, china, cuba, aa Nlitherlands andi•dE,ipii>¢g¤ii1¤ii1-isters gauxergburg, da1&dHSpain, at twelve thousand dollars each, eighty- our thousand dollars; ' Envoys extraordinaryj and ministers plenipotentiaiéy to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, enmark, Ecuador, Greece an Montenegro, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Morocco, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay and Uruguay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Siam, Swemigen, Switzergan , and Xenezuglai at ten thousand dollars each, two undred an twenty thousand dollars; Envo extraordin and minister leni otentiary to Roumania, rvia, an u garia, en thousand • ‘ _ . Se` ydBl th ddollarsp Minister rgzsident and consul-general to the Dominican Republic, m§,‘2)';; °‘ ten thousan dollars; Minister resident and consul—general to Liberia, five thousand , dollars; · Agent and conul-general at Cairo, six thousand five hundred AB¤¤°·°°*>·C°“'°~ dollars: Promkled That no salary herein a propriated shall be paid to any Prvviso. official recdiving any other salary iiom the United States Govern— S°1"y"°m°u°°' ment; Charges d’affaires ad interim, forty thousand dollars; 0h=>rgésd’¤1Y¤ir¤s- Tota , five hundred and fifty thousand five hundred dollars. sALAmas or snonnrxnms or Emnassins AND LEGATIONS. bagseyéeaggie ¤f me Secretaries of embassy to Austria—Hungarly, Brazil, Great Britain, E¤¤b=¤i¤¤· Fl;·lacncei1Germ£qn(yi,lgtaly, Jl;zpa.{]1irtMexlico, gsséail and Turkey, at t etousan oarseac t ytousan oars; Cb§ecretaries of legation to the A.?entine Iéepublic,dB§lgium, Chile, I·°%¤¤¤¤¤· °na Cuba the Netherlands an Luxem urg an pain at two thogsand hundred and twentjgfivei clpllars each, eighteen thousan t undre an sevent - ve dollars; Secretaries of legation to Boliiria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Demnark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Morocco, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Sweden,