Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/369

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D SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Srass. II. Ch. 199. 1910. 345 paid to the arbitrator and one-half of his expenses, compensation of the counsel on the part of the United States for the preparation of the statement of facts and the brief, and their disbursements in connection therewith, including printing and the reproduction of such charts as may be necessary, fteen thousand dollars. ANNUAL PAYMENT TO COLOMBIA UNDER TREATrEs. _ For the payment of theqnnual installment for the calendar year goivmaliisnmeteen hundred and ten, under the assignment and transfer made méiiiii oliaggiixiiriiii by the Republic of Panama to the Repub ic of Colombia, in manner C““’· and formas contained in the treaty between the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Panama of January ninth, nineteen hundred and mne, the recognition of which assignment and acceptance of notice thereof are given by the United States in Article of the treaty between the United States and the Republic of Colombia concluded January ninth, nineteen hundred and nine, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. INTERNATIONAL `EXPOSITIONS AT norm AND TURIN, ITALY. To enable the United States to participate in the International .¥¤*°m““°¤°l°¤P°· Exposition of Art and History, to be held at Rome, Italy, and the ¥iix?iI:ii'It§1i·lu B and International Exposition of Industry and Labor, to be held at Turin, Italy, during the calendar year_nineteen hundred and eleven, in commemoration of the iiftieth anniversary of the Kingdom of Italy, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. All expenditures necessary in the participation of said expositrons shall be made under the direction and contro of the Department of State and shall be reported to the first regular session of Congress after the close of said expositrons. BUREAU or THE INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNr0N For: THE PROMOTION or INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. For contribution by the United States toward the maintenance of mfg§,{f**“°”°‘ ”b*· the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Union for the Promotion of Ugnemrlimenww International Arbitration, two thousand five hundred dollars. °°° SALARIES, CONSULAR SERVICE. ¤¤i¤’*¤¤· - For salaries of consuls~general and consuls, as provided in the Act Q,<;j¤¤gé¤;¤g{)¥§¤g,0, approved Maiy eleventh, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled "An 34,p.·99.’ ’ ` · Act to amen an Act entitled ‘An Act to provide for the reorganization of the consular service of the United States} approved April fifth, nineteen hundred and six," and amendments thereto, as ollows: Consuls-general, three hundred and three thousand dollars; consuls, seven hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars; rn all, one million and thirty-seven thousand dollars. For salaries o five consular inspectors, at five thousand dollars C¤¤¤¤1¤i¤¤D¢¢¢¤¤¤- each, twenty—’rive thousand dollars. EXPENSES or c0NsULA12. INSPECTORS. For the actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses of pQ,,;§f’““8· °‘°·· °" consular inspectors while traveling and rnspecting under instructions from the Secretary of State, fifteen thousand dollars. sALAmEs or c0NsULAa ASSISTANTS. For twentg-·five consular assistants as provided for by law, thirty- °°°’“l“ "“"“°'·’· one thousan six hundred dollars.