Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/381

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-1. 230. 1910. 357 the ostal service, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the Escal year nineteen hundred and eleven. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service, office T““'°*·°“’· of the Postmaster-General, one thousand dollars. orrrcm or mn runsr Assrs*rANr POSTMASTER-GENERAL. m,§,'j}_g§,§g*:,§fP°¤* For compensation to postmasters, twenty-seven million nine hun- P°”°m”°°”‘ dred thousand dollars. For compensation to assistant postmasters at first and second class ,£; *¤°¤¤* P°•¤¤¤¤· post-oflices, four, at not exceeding four thousand dollars each; thirty- f three, at not exceeding three thousand dollars each; six, at not exceedi two thousand five hundred dollars each; six, at not exceed- . ing twontiousand dollars each; fifteen, at not exceeding one thousand nine hundred dollars each; forty, at not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars each; seventy-five, at not exceeding one thousand seven hundred dollars each; one hundred and fifteen, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each; one hundred and eighty, at not exceeding one thousand five hrmdred dollars each; one hundred and twenty, at not exceedindg one thousand four hundred dollars each; two hundred and seventy- ve, at not exceeding one thousand three hundred dollars each; four hundred and seventy-five, at not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars each; two hundred and twenty- five, at not exceeding onerthousand one hundred dollars each; one hundred and eighty-one, at not exceeding one thousand dollars each; two hundred, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each; one hundred and fift , at not exceeding eight hundred dollars each; and one hundred andy forty, at not exceeding seven hundred dollars each; in all, two million seven hundred thousand dollars. And the a intment and assignment of assistant postmasters ,,,${.’,‘f,‘{{,‘§"‘°“°'· °‘°‘• hereunder shaillilie so made during the fiscal year as not to involve a greater aggregate expenditure than this sum. _ Ftogiréompensation to clerks and employees at first and second class ,,.E§¥§_°f,{§‘°°°°“"· os ces: P Superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintend- M ”·2°°· ents of money order, and superintendents of registry, sixteen, at not exceeding three thousand two hundred dollars each; Auditors, two, at not exceeding three thousand dollars each; ’“”·°°°· Superintendents of delivery and superintendents of mails, nine- '“”·’°°· teen, at not exceeding two thousand seven hundred dollars each; Cashiers, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, '“”·°°°· twenty, at not exceeding two thousand six hundred dollars each; Superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and super- A°°"·5°°‘ intendents of stations, six, at not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars each; Assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant superintendents of M $1400- mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, bookkeepers, cashiers, Enance clerks, private secretaries, superintendents o delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, and superintendents of registry, thnity-three, at not exceeding two thousand four hundred dollars eac ; Assistant superintendents of mails, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief ·*‘”·“"°· mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, finance clerks, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, and su errntendents of stations, twenty- two, at not exceeding two thousand) two hundred dollars each; _ Cluef stamp clerks, night superintendents, superintendents of car- ·*‘”·“’°· rrers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of in uiry, superintendents of mails. superintendents of money order, and superintend- 88740°—-vor. 36, rrr 1-11--25