Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/432

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408 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. ,0§Q},‘g;2*: K°'P“°‘ For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract I to be made with the Columbia Hospital for Women and Ly1ng—1n Asylum by the Board of Charities, not to exceed twenty thousand do lars. For repairs to Columbia Hos ital, three thousand dollars. For new boiler, one thousand) five hundred dollars. ¤hi1dr¤¤’¤ H¤¤x>i¤r For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract to be made with the Chi1dren’s Hospital by the Board of Charities, not to exceed fourteen thousand dollars. igg¤¤¤°¤•¤*¤i° H<>=· For the care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract P to be made with the National Homeopathic Hospital Association by the Board of Charities, not to exceed eight thousand dollars. §_1¤>¤¤‘K°¤¤Y HW For emergency care and treatment o , and free dispensary service pi to, indigent atients under a contract or eement to be made with the Central Il)ispensary and Emergency aHrospital by the Board of V Charities, fifteen thousand dollars. ‘*““°` E·¤¤¤'¤m¤P¢¤¤¤¤- For emergency care and treatment of, and free dispensary service to, indigent patients under a contract or eement to be made with téhgl Eastern Dispensary by the Board oaifgllharities, nine thousand o ars. ` H¤¤¤¤f¤¤I¤¤¤¤¤1¢==~ For the care and treatment of indigent patients under a contract to be made with the Washington Home for Incurables by the Board of Charities, five thousand dollars. wgigyggggm U¤i· For care and treatment of indigent patients, under a contract to be ` made with the Georgetown University Hospital by the Board of ¤¤<>¤=·= W¤¤¤*¤¤¤>¤ Chiiigifiiggietliiiiiii mi diiliailli t t' ts d t t t b · eno n en aren un eraconrac o e Ummm Hamm made with the George Washingtlcign Urfiversityy Hospital by the Board of Charities, three thousand dollars. p,§f’°"”“‘°’*“ H°“‘ Tunrzacurosrs HOSPITALS Superintendent, one thousand eight S¤1¤ri¤¤· hundred dollars ; resident physician, four hundred and eighty dollars; pharmacist and clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; superintendent_ of nurses, seven hundred and twent dollars; matron, six hundred dollars; pathologist, three hundred dbllars; seven graduate nurses, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; chief cook, five hundred and forty dollars; two assistant cooks, at one hundred and eighty dollars each ; engineer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; assistant engineer, six hundred dollars; assistant engineer, four hundred and eighty dollars; two firemen, at three hundred dollars each; elevator conductor, three hundred dollars; laundr man, four hundred and eighty dollars; two laundresses, at one hundbied and eight dollars each; laborer, three hundred and sixty dollars; night watclilman three hundred and sixty dollars; three orderlies, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; two ward maids, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; four servants, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, igurtegn thouseipd eight hundred and eighty dollars, or so much ereo as may e necessary; °°““”¥°“‘°‘*’°”·‘°’· For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dr goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, books and periodicals not to exceed fifty dollars, temporary services not to exceed one ghgfisand dollars, and other necessary items, twentv—nine thousand o ars: ° For neeessa r e ui ment for atholo ical labo a o Y - dizigely available, ghrdh hundredpdollars§ r t I`} i to be imma or repairs an 1m rovements to buildi ¤·· hundred and fifty dollziis; n°5 and gl-0u`HdS’ Seven “°"'·““"· ¥01' glregtioirg otfemoricuaryéltliree thousand dollars; I1 ii » or u rcu osis. os ital, fort -se ‘ _ dred and thirty dollars. P y Ven thousand mug hm