Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/435

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. 41]. certain cases, and for other purposes," approved January thirty-first, eigpteen hundred and ninety-nine, three thousand dollars. hat in expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the f·%*h*;¥i¤§<=S w 30*1*6 District of Co umbia is authorized to advance to the secretary of the ° u` Board of Charities, u on reeguisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of (golum ia, and upon such security as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may re uire of said secretary, sums of money not exceeding three hundred doiflars at one time, to be used only for deportation from the District of nonresident insane persons, an to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the accountin officers of the District of Columbia. §f.ELIEF OF THE Poonz For relief of the poor, includinglpayl of lphysi- Relief of the poorcians to the poor at not exceeding one dollar per day eac , w o s all be appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia on the recommendation of the health officer, twelve thousand dollars. Tnansronryrron or ravrnnsz For transportation of paupers, '{s¤¤¤¤r¤>¤·¤¤s i>¤¤· three thousand dollars. pe ' MILITIA OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. mama. For the following, to be expended under the authority and direction Expensesof the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and empowered to make necessary contracts and leases, namely: For expenses of camps, including hire of horses for officers required C¤¤¤P¤·°“=· to be mounted, and such hirenot to be deducted from their mounted pay, instruction, lpractice marches and practice cruises, drills, and parades, rent, fue , light, heat, care, and repair of armories, practice ships, boats, machinery, and dock, dredging alongside of dock, telephone service, and for gleneral incidental expenses of the service, orty-seven thousand dollars. For lockers, furniture, and mnastic ap aratus for armories, one ‘ thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight dollars. For printing, stationery, and postage, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and_ contingent expenses, two thousand dollars. For custodian in charge of United States property and storerooms, one thousand dollars. For clerk, office of the adjutant-general, one thousand dollars. For expenses of rifle plractiee and matches, one thousand dollars. For pay of troops, other than government employees, to be dis- my- bursed under the authoritly and direction of the commandinp general, twenty-four thousand dollars: Provided, That all moneys co lected on Qggbm for lm account of deductions made from the pay of any officer or enlisted orpmpmy. man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia on account of government property lost or destroyed by such individual shall be repaid into the nited States Treasury to the credit of the officer of the_ Militia of the District of Columbia who is accountable to the United States Government for such property lost or destro ed: Pro- U* °* °¤°¤ °*¤· vided further, That all moneys collected on account of diiductions made from the pay of any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard of the District of Columbia for or on account of any violation of the regulations governing said national giard shall be held by the pommandzugg general of the Militia of the istrict of Columbia, who IS authori to expend such moneys for necessary clerical and general expenses of the service, heretofore or hereafter incurred, including law books and books of reference, or for the pay of troops, other than government eniployees; and for all moneys so expended the commanding gener shall make an accounting in like manner as for the appropriation disbursed for pay of troops: Provided further, That any agi? °l °""°’°"