Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/468

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444 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 258. 1910. ' to limit territorial indebtedness, and for other purposes,’ apipgpved July thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and the amen ents thereto, shall not apply to Hawaii/’ _ _ I*¥**‘”“'°· Sec. 2. That section twenty-six of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: m§,g;g’s°,Q§§;}_‘;’g °‘ ‘ ‘SEc. 26. That the members of the legislature shall receive for their Vol- 31- r- i·{6» services, in addition to mile e at the rate of ten cents a mile each °m°°d°d' way, the sum of six hundredudollars for each regular session,dpayable in three equal installments on and after the first, thirtieth, an ii tieth days of the session, `and the sum of two hundred dollars for each spe- Pr<»·i¤<>· . cial session: Provided, That they shall receive no compensation or .p%§i;°li¤ii;1(i>iii1S.f°r any extra session held under the provisions of section fifty-four of Vol. 31, p. 150. this Act-ir Ar>i>¤>Pfi¤¤<>¤¤- Sec. 3. That section fifty-two of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "°gi“*“"§'° ”°_"§“§‘§‘ "SEo. 52. That appropriations, except as herein otherwise pro- ¤¤¤Y¢(i¤k¢£ i P i vided, shall be madePli)y the legislaturefp ¥`;;g}¤l¤,)F§*° §°*i°gg· Sec. 4. That section fifty—i:ive of said Act is hereby amended so that amended. ’ ' the part thereof relating to public indebtedness and belginning with .JiE?eSP°°d”°°° ”` the words ‘ ‘nor shall any debt" shall read as follows; " or shall any debt be authorized to be contracted by or on behalf of the Territory, or any political or municipal corporation or_ subdivision thereof, except to pay the interest upon the existing indebtedness, to suppress insurrection, or to provide for the common defense, except that in addition to any indebtedness created for such purposes the legislature may authorize loans by the Territory, or any such subdivision thereof, for the erection of nal, charitable, and educational institutions, and for public buildiiigs, wharves, roads, harbor, and other ummm. public improvements, but the total of such indebtedness incurred in any one year by the Territory or any such subdivision shall not exceed one per centum of the assessed value of the property in the Territory or subdivision, respectively, as shown by the then last assessments for taxation, whether such assessments are made b the Territory or the subdivision or subdivisions, and the total indelitedness of the Territory shall not at any time be extended beyond seven per centum of such assessed value of roperty in the Territory and the total indebtedness of any such suqidivision shall not at any time be extended be ond three per centum of such assessed value of property in the subdivision, but nothing in this Act shall prevent the refunding of any indebtedness at any time; nor shall any such loan be made upon the ‘1‘¤¤¤¤f¤<>¤¤¤- credit of the public domain or any art thereof; nor shall any bond or other instrument of any such indhbtedness be issued unless made payable in not more than thirty years from the date of the issue _ thereof; nor shall any such bond or indebtedness be issued or incurred gggymlmuom ,0, until approved by the President of the United States: P1-mnkied, That public uses. the legislature may by general act provide for the condemnation of property for public uses, including the condemnation of rights of way _ or the transm1ssion_of water for irrigation and other purposes." ,*;*:,*]*}*2 ged;-_ H5, Sec. _5. That section seventy-three of said Act is hereby amended axpendidf. mmm t by adding thereto the following:

 QM ,,,§*§§§; "No person shall hereafter be entitled to receive any certificate of

m°¤'¤Um*“’d· occupation, right of purchase lease, cash freehold agreement, or special homestead agreement who or whose husband or wife shall previously have taken or held any land under an such certificate ease, or agreement hereafter made or issued, or undier any homestead lease or patent based thereon; or who or whose husband or wife or both of them, shall then own other land in the Territory the cdmbmed area of which and the land in question exceeds eighty acres· _ _ or who is an ahen, unless he has declared his intention to become d q£;£_=°¤¤hiP ¤*· citizen of the United States as_ provided b law; nor shall any person who, having so declared his intention, shall hereafter take or hold