Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/486

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462 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 268. 1910. J¤¤¤ 9- 1910- CHAP. 268.-An Act To amend laws for preventing collisions of vessels and to is- 7359-1 regulate equipment of certain motor boats on the navigablewaters of the United [mane, No.¤)1.] Sum- I Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢ZdRe¥resentat·i·ves of the United M¤*¤*l>$>¤¤ States 1y' America in Congress assemb ., hat the words "motor vmw mdum boat" where used in this Act shall include every_vessel plropelled by machinery and not more than sixty-five feet m lengt excep;. tug boats and tow boats propelled by steam. The_length shall mm. measured from end to end over the deck, excluding sheer: Pro- — ¥”P°°**¤· vided, That the engine, boiler, or other operating machmery shall be subject to ins ction b the local inspectors of steam vesse s, and_ to then approvallbf the thereof, on all sa1d motor boats, which are more than forty feet inlilblngth, and which are propelled by mach1n- ery driven by steam. _ _ _ msiamum. Sec. 2. That motor boats subject to the provisions of this Act shall be divided into classes as follows: Class one. Less than twenty-six feet in length. Class two. Twenty-six feet or over and ess than forty feet in le h. Igtass Forty feet or over and not more than sixty-Eve feet in le . ` ugmszequnea. Sm?3. That every motor boat in all weatheis from sunset to sunrise shall carry the following lights, and during such time no other lights which may be mistaken for. those prescribed shall be exhibited. cna:. (a) Every motor boat of class one shall car? the following lights: First. A white light aft to show all around the horizon. Second. A combined lantem in the fore part of the vessel and lower than the white light aft showing green to starboard and red to port so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on their respective sides. cunazmda. (b) Every motor boat of classes two and three shall carry the following lights: rm. First. A bright white light in the fore part of the vessel as near the stem as racticable, so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc oi) the horizon of twenty points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light ten points on each side of the vessel, namel , from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on either snde. Tlie glass or lens shall be of not less than the following dimensions: Class two. Nineteen square inches. Class three. Thirty-one square inches. mi Second. A white light aft to show all around the horizon. side. Third. On the starboard side a green light so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the comfpass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two oints aba t the beam on the starboard side. On the port side a red) light so constructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side. gfhe glasses or lenses in the said side lights shall be of not less than the following dimensions on motor boats of— Class two. Sixteen square inches. Class three. Twentg-five square inches. On and after July rst, nineteen hundred and eleven, all glasses or lenses prescribed by garagra h (b) of section three shall be fresnel or fluted. The sand ights sihall be Etted with inboard screens of sufficient height and so set as to prevent these l` hts from being seen across the bow and shall be of not less than thelfollowing dimensions on motor boats of- Class two. Eighteen inches long.