Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/534

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510 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 297. 1910. hundred and twenty thousand dollars; a statement of the persons em loyed hereunder, their duties, and the compensation paid to · each shall be made to Congress each year in the annual estimates. B¤r¤¤¤ of ord- BrmEAU or ORnNANcE: Chief clerk, two thousand dollars; ord- °°°°°‘ nance e `neer, mechanical draftsman, and computer, three thousand dollars;n§i·aftsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant draftsman, one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars; three clerks of class one; clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three copyists; two copyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; assistant . messenger; two messenger be s, at six' hundred dollars each; two messenger boys, at four hundlfed dollars each; and laborer; m all, thirty-two thousand nine hundred and sixty doHars. B¤r¤¤¤ ¤f S¤r>r>¤¤¤ Brmnau or: SUPPLIES Arm Accomrrs: Civilian assistant, two thoumd Amuum sand five hundred dollars; two chief bookkeepers, at two thousand dollars each; four clerks of class four; seven clerks of class three; six clerks of class two; fifteen clerks of class one; ten clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; twenty-eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each (including four transferred from Bureau of Equipment); twelve clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two copy- ists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; five assistant messenrs; messenger boy, six hundred dollars; three messenger boys, at gdaur hundred dollars each; laborer; and two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, one hundred and ten thousand and forty dollars. !;¤é’¢¤¤¤f¥°•“¤i¤¤ Brmnmr or Mnmcmn AND SURGERY: Chief clerk, two thousand °° um"` dollars; clerk of class four; clerk of class three; clerk of class two; clerk of class one; two clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two copyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; assistant messenger; laborer; driver for naval dispensary, six hundred dollars; and laborer, for naval dispensar , four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, seventeen thousand three liundred and forty dollars. D£¤gS¤¤¤¤¤Y¤¤¤¤•¤¤ BUREAU or YARDS AND Docxs: Chief clerk, two thousand dollars; ' draftsman and clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk of class three; clerk of class two; clerk of class one; clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; assistant messenger; three messenger boys, at six hundred dollars each; and two laborers; in all, eighteen thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. T¢¢¤¤*¢¤l·¤***¤¤¤· The services of skilled draftsmen and such other technical services as the Secretary of the Navy may deem necessary may be employed only in the Bureau of Yards and Docks to carry into effect the various 4 a pro riations thereunder and be paid from such appropriations: {j;;;;*j°é,c_ 1£·mnd` ed, That the expenditures on this account for the fiscal ear l nineteen hundred and eleven shall not exceed forty thousand dolli1rs• a statement of the persons emplo ed hereunder, their duties, and the compensation paid to each shall be made to Congress each year in the annual estimates. C°¤“¤8°‘*‘°xP°’”°°· Corwrrrvenxr EXPENSES, NAVY DEPARTMENT: For professional and ‘ technical books and periodicals, law books, and necessary reference books, including city directories, railway guides, freight, passenger ang express tariff books for department library, two thousand dollars. ~ For stationery, furniture, news a ers, lans, drawi dr ' materials, horses and wagons to liielirsed iinly for officrigliipurglgensg freight, expressage, postage, t writers and computing machines and excharge of same, and otli-gf absolutely necessary expenses of the Naviy epartment and its various bureaus and offices fortv Rmmuau. thousan dollars; it shall not be lawful to expend, for any ’of th":