Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/564

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540 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 309. l910. d§§’*°‘“°“°” °*°‘“‘ The jurisdiction of the commerce court over cases of the foregoing vim ¤o¢ inclusiod. classes shall be exclusive; but this Act shall not affect the j urisdictnon now possessed by any circuit or district court of the United States oyer cases or proceedings of a kind not within the above-enumerated c asses. S¤¢¤¤ of ww- The commerce court shall be a court of record, and shall have a seal Composition. oi form and sgyjie as tlée court lziafy prescribe. Thedsaid cours s com osed 0 ve `u 4es to rom time to time esignate and assi%1edpthereto by the Chief Justice of the United States, from among the circuit judges of the United States, for the jieriod of five years, except that in the first instance the court shall e composed _ of the five additional circuit judiges to be appointed as hereinafter ptggnhgwwn mum: providlidc, vngho shalldbg designate by the Fresidenit to lservel for onei ‘ two, the, our, an ve years respective y, in or er t at the perio of designation of one of the daid judges shall expire in each year rsmagvuancue thereafter. In case of the death, resigpation, or termination of assignment of any judie so designated, the Chief Justice shall designlpte a· circligti judge scf ll tl; ylaclancy so csluged and to serve during t e unexp` perio or w `c the origin esignation was made. tigjsbeequenroesisnn- After the year nineteen hundred and fourteen no circuit judge shall ' be redesrgnated to serve in the commerce court until the ex iration of at least one year after the expiration of the period of his llslst pre- Prenidinziudso. vious designation. _ The judge first designated for the five·year period shall be the presiding 'uadge of said court, and thereafter the judge serigiorhin peslignatéeén sl; be tlhe presiding jluélge. Exrmnoollownooo ac oteju es uringteperiodo `service' the — °°j°°°°°` merce court shall, on account of the regular sessions dll the ccdiilft being held in the city of Washington, receive in addition to his salary gs cipcuig juidgle lim expense allowance at the rate of one thousand ve un re dollars er annum. d igi; The President shall; by and with the advice and consent of the guages. Senate, appoint five additional circuit judges no two of whom shall ·”“*¥"m°"*· O be from the same jlpdrcral circuit, who shall hold office during good behavior and who s all be from time to time designated and assigned by the Chief Justice of the United States for service in the circuit courtépr any district, oxrt the circuit court of appeals for any circuit. or in e commerce cou . P’°°°°°¤°° •¤d¤¤°· The associate judges shall have re d T d hall °°°°i°°' the place and powers of the presilliingcejulimea vgliengver ii§`°E1°§§1 lt: Qummdwum absent or incapable of acting m the order og the date of their designations.}, Fopphof sardtjugges shall constétréte a quorum, and at least amajori y o e cour s a concur in ` . °“"“"* The court shall also have a clerk arid aefxiigslllial, with the same duties and powers, so far as they may be appropriate and are not altered by mle of the court, as are now possessed by the clerk and marshal, respectively, of the Supreme Court of the United States. °¤'*¢¢f· _ The offices of the clerk and marshal of the court shall be in the cit ci:,g{P°¤¤*¤¢¤¤0f 06- og V]Yash1rigtprr;,hin tg1ekDist5ict of Eolumbia. The judges of the couryt sa_appo1n ecer an mars a, d I ‘ find it necessary, a deputy clerk and dg;utyIil;iTa1;li(zil;llsirli(dLisl1iblifcl<ii(lry marshal, deputy clerk, and deput marshal shall hold office during ¤•**'*¤· ¢*¢~ the (pleasure of the court. The salary of the clerk shall be four thousan dollars per annum; the salag of the marshal three thousand dollars (per annum; the salary of the deputy clerk two thousand five hundre dollars per annum; and the salary of the deput marshal two glippsawxgd gig; hundred idlollgteppl per annum. 1The said clerk and marshal , e approv o e c rt, ll ' ‘ mum The was 1 fees in an court $$211 £t“2‘§€I.l.¤?.t£$°t1}S2l§’t°§.?.‘?ft”‘i‘¤°°‘ table thereof, appgoved by the Supreme Court of the United Statesa within four mon after the organization of the court; but such costs;