Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/579

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 309. 1910. 555 of section Efteen of this Act shall forfeit to the United States the A”“· P- 551- sum of five thousand dollars for each offense. Eyery distinct viola.- ,,,f£““““i¤€ "i°“*‘ tion shall be a separate offense, and in case of a continuing violation i each day shall be deemed a separate offense. "The forfeiture Uprovided for in this Act shall be payable into the ,,,§,§°°'°" °‘ ‘°"°“’ Treasury of the nited States, and shall be recoverable in a civil suit in the name of the United States, brought in the district where the carrier has its principal operating omce, or in any district through which the road of the carrier runs. "It shall be the duty of the various district attorneys, under the m§$}§§g{cd*¤¤i°¤¤* direction of the Attorney—General of the United States, to prosecute ’ ` for the recovery of forfeitures. The costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out of the appropriation for the expenses of the courts of the United States. ‘ ‘The commission may employ such attorneys as it finds necessary w§§gg;°§;°¤gy*§0jD@ for proper legal aid and service of the commission or its members in missreui " the conduct of their work or for proper representation of the public interests in investigations made by it or cases or proceedings pending before it, whether at the commission’s own instance or upon complaint, or to appear for and represent the commission in any case pending in the commerce court; and the expenses of such employment sha ExP°¤¤°¤· be paid out of the a propriation for the commission. ‘ If any carrier fail; or neglects to obey any order of the commission eu‘}gg;“$_'§;8§.?“g‘,h;{_ other than for the payment of money, while the same is in effect, than money my- the Interstate Commerce Commission or any party injured thereby, mj$,,_53g_ or the United States, by its Attorney-General, may a ply to the commerce cour·t for the enforcement of such order. If, after he , P¤w¤r¤ of <=<>¤¤~ that court determines that the order was regularly made and d§y served, and that the carrier is in disobedience of the same, the court shall enforce obedience to such order by a writ of injunction or other proper process, mandatory or otherwise, to restrain such carrier, its officers, agents, or representatives, from further disobedience of such . order, or to enjoin u on it or them obedience to the same. "The copies of sdliedules and classifications and tariffs of rates, Btgwéfdfg ¤g%$gJ¤llé•:; fares, and charges, and of all contracts, agreements, and arrange- ord;. P ments between common carriers filed with the commission as herein provided, and the statistics, tables, and figures contained in the annual or other reports of carriers made to the commission as required under the provisions of this Act shall be preserved as public records in the custody of the secretary of the commission, and shall be received d€*},‘;f,f*'**b‘° °° °"*‘ as prima facie evidence of what they purport to be for the purpose of investigations by the commission and m all judicial proceedings; and copies of and extracts from any of said schedules, classifications, Certified copiestariffs, contracts, agreements, arrangements, or reports, made public records as aforesaid, certified by the secretary, under the commission’s seal, shall be received in evidence with like effect as the originals/’ EC. 14. That section twenty of said Act to regulate commerce, $g{*‘{,jl*;)'°‘3§’,§¥°{‘,f){ 95 heretofore amended, is hereby amended by striking out the follow- 34,P·é93,&€¤déd- ` mg paragraph: _ ‘ aid detailed reports shall contain all the required statistics for M°“°"“""k°“°“** the period of twelve months ending on the thirtieth day of June in each_ year, and shall be made out under oath and filed with the commission, at its office in Washington, on or before the thirtieth day of September then next following, unless additional time be granted ru any case by the commission; and if any carrier, person, or corporatron subject to the provisions of this Act shall fail to make and file said annual reports within the time above specified, or within the time extended by the commission for making and filing the same, or shall fail to make specific answer to any question authorized by the provi-