Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/58

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34 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. S°'*”°‘”-' D- ture of the United States ex rted as ora e and lemon box shocks, ¤¤L°gi]$g¤m¤ai¤'fiiii° may be reimported in coxxipleiigd form, filleldg with oranges and lemons, by the payment of duty at one—half the rate imposed on similar boxes meaazy. 0 entire] foreign rowth and manufacture; but proof of the identity of such shocks shrill made under regulations to be prescribed by _ the Secretary of the Treasury. R°°""·"*"°"·°‘°· 212. Chair cane or reeds wrought or manufactured from_rattans or reeds, ten per centum ad valorem; osier or willow, including chip of and split willow, prepared for basket makers’ use, twentyfive per centum ad valorem ; manufactures of osier or willow and wil ow furniture, forty-five per centum ad valorem. _.,g°°“‘P'°*’· “°"' 213. Tcothpicks of wood or other vegetable substance, two cents per one thousand and fifteen per centum ad valcrem; butchers’ and packers’ skewers of wood, forty cents per thousand. P°¤‘°'¤*>“¤d¤·°*<=· 214. Porch and window blinds, baskets, curtains, shades, or screens of bamboo, wood, straw, or compositions of wood, not specially pro— vided for in this section, thirty·’dve per centum ad valorem; if · stained, dyed, painted, printed, polished, grained, or crecscted, forty ` per centum ad valorem. m§;:'g*¤*°· **0*** °* 215. House or cabinet furniture wholly or in chief value of wood, ' wholly or partly finished and manufactures of wood or bark, or of which wood or bark is the component material of chief value, not spaeicially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad v orem. S,,§_?'g§§§{_¥gF;,md Scnnnumn E.——SooAa, Momssms, nm Manuracroans or. manufactures oi. S°g°"’°t°' 216. Suga1s_ not above number sixteen Dutch standard in color, tank bottoms, sirups of cane juice, melada, concentrated melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by the polariscope not above seventy-five degrees, ninety-five one-hundredths of one cent per pound, and for every additional degree shown by the polariscopic test, thirty-five one-thousandths of one cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; and on sugar above number sixteen Dutch standard in color, and on all sugar which has gone through a process of refining, one cent and ninety one—hundredths of one cent per pound; molassestesting not above forty degrees, twenty per centum ad valorem; testing above forty degrees and not above ifty-six degrees, three cents per gallon; testing above fiftv—six degrees, six cents per gallon; sugar drainings and sugar sweepings shall be subject to duty as molasses or sugar, as the case may be, according to polariscopic test. coiiepgg susan aiu- 217, Map e sugar and maple sirup, four cents (per pound; glucose or grape sugar, one and one-half cents per poun ; sugar cane in its _ natura state, or unmanufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem. s·¤¤¢·pa¤¤e. 218, Saccharme, sixty-five cents per pound. ,,,§Q{‘g}jy§' °"‘* """‘°°‘ _ 219. Sugar candy and all confectionery not specially provided for 1n this section, valued at fifteen cents per pound or less, and on su ars after being refined, when tinctured, colored or in any way aduiier— ated, four cents per ound and fifteen per centum ad valoremvalued at more than fifteen cents per ound, fifty er centum atl valorem. The weight and the value olf the immediate coverings other than the outer packing case or other covering, shall be incluched in the dutiable weight and the value of the merchandise] mg ganw Scnnnvuz F.—·TOBACCO AND l`[ANU'FACTL'RES or. ,emg)r;§g;0e**¤r»¤¤¤ _220. Wrapper tobacco, and filler tobacco when mixed or packed with more than fifteen per centum of wrapper tobacco and all leaf tobacco the product of two or more countries or dependencies when mixed or packed together, if unstemmed, one dollar and eighty-five